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Tag "- Institute process"

tag name: - Institute process type: Institute process; Practices
web link: -_Institute_process
referring tags: Capacity building; Childrens classes; Community building; Devotional gatherings; Empowerment; Encouragement; Grassroots; Protagonists (individuals, communities and institutions); Ruhi Institute; Social action; Study circles; Training Institutes; Youth empowerment program

"- Institute process" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (86 results; expand)

  1. Peter J. Khan. Address at Queen's Birthday Weekend Conference, Aukland (2000-06). — Addresses a variety of issues facing the Baha'i community, especially as pertains to New Zealand Ba...
  2. International Teaching Centre. Attaining the Dynamics of Growth: Glimpses from Five Continents (2008-04). — This World Centre publication was used for consultation at the 10th International Baha'i Convention....
  3. Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice, National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States. United States Bahá'í National Center, comp. Bahá'í Approach to Non-Involvement in Partisan Political Activity (2022-10). — Resource for individual and group study, in light of the current civil and political unrest in the U...
  4. Jack McLean. Baha'i Faith: The Basics by Christopher Buck: Review (2020-01).
  5. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá. Kate Lindsay, comp. Bahá'í Feast Book (2000). — Quotations for all 19 Feasts, nicely laid-out with graphics and suitable for printing.
  6. Neil McMillan, Brian Didier. Susan Gammage, ed. Baha'i Glossary, A (2016). — A glossary of Baha'i principles and concepts, as derived from hundreds of messages of the Universal ...
  7. Paul Hanley. Begin with the Village: The Bahá'í Approach to Rural Development (2019-05). — About the focus on rural areas, the role of farmers and villages in achieving sustainable developmen...
  8. Hooper Dunbar. Naysan Sahba, ed. Book of Certitude, The: An Interview with Hooper Dunbar (1998(?)). — Significance and themes of the Kitab-i-Íqan; its Islamic context; meaning of "certitude"; the impor...
  9. International Teaching Centre. Building Momentum: A Coherent Approach to Growth (2003-04). — Guidance for the Baha'i world in advancing the process of entry by troops. Part 3 of a series, follo...
  10. Moojan Momen. Change of Culture, A (2003/2011). — An overview of the process of cultural change in the Baha'i community.
  11. Moojan Momen. Changing Reality: The Bahá'í Community and the Creation of a New Reality (2005). — The Baha’i teachings criticize the socially created realities of warfare, environmental destruc...
  12. Gustavo Correa. Community and Collective Action (2015/2020-08). — On the hopeful efforts of groups of people around the world to build a new kind of community based o...
  13. Michael Karlberg. Constructive Imaginary, The (2020). — In a 2007 letter on the closing of the BIHE, the Universal House of Justice introduced the concept o...
  14. Universal House of Justice. Continental Boards of Counsellors, Letter to the Conference of (2010-12-28).
  15. Farzam Arbab. Core Activities of the Five Year Plan and the Movement of Clusters (2004).
  16. Paul Lample. Creating a New Mind: Reflections on the Individual, the Institutions, and the Community (1999). — On the influence of the human mind in shaping human reality, and three vehicles for changing reality...
  17. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. De l'action sociale (2020). — Concepts de développement dans les enseignements baha'is, dimensions matérielles et dimensions spi...
  18. Universal House of Justice. Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Nine Year Plan (2022-11-01). — Matters relating to the Nine Year Plan (2022-2031), ethnic and cultural diversity, humanity's crisis...
  19. Universal House of Justice. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. Devotional Gatherings, Selected Guidance concerning (n.d.). — Structure and character of devotional practices.
  20. Universal House of Justice. "Double Crusade (2018-08-10). — Comments on what the double crusade means, how it relates to the current series of Plans of the Fait...
  21. Universal House of Justice. Enrollments and limited growth of the Bahá'í community (2002-08-22). — The lack of significant numerical growth in certain Western Baha'i communities is related to the pre...
  22. Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. Entry by Troops, Promoting (2000).
  23. Jean-Marie Nau. Exploring Learning Processes within a Collaborative Study Circle: Cultural-historical activity theory perspective on individual and social transformation (2012-02). — Processes of learning in communities outside school-related education; Baha'i theories of how educat...
  24. Universal House of Justice. Falta de crecimiento y el cambio de cultura, La (2002-08-22).
  25. International Teaching Centre. Five Year Plan 2011-2016, The: Summary of Achievements and Learning (2017-05). — Advancing the process of entry by troops; programs of growth; the potential of youth; enhancing inst...
  26. Universal House of Justice. Five Year Plan, The: 2006-2011: Messages of the Universal House of Justice (2006/2011). — Five Ridvan messages, one message to the Counsellors, and three other letters.
  27. Office of Social and Economic Development. For the Betterment of the World: The Worldwide Bahá'í Community's Approach to Social and Economic Development (2003/2008/2018/2023). — Essays, photographs, and overviews of local projects around the world, illustrating how Baha'i princ...
  28. Universal House of Justice. Framework for Action: 2006-2016, Selected Messages of the Universal House of Justice and Supplementary Material (2017). — 58 letters from the House; "Social Action," by the Office of Social and Economic Development; "Insig...
  29. Universal House of Justice, International Teaching Centre. Taraz Rawhani, comp. Handbook for Childrens' Class Coordinators (2016). — Guidance on the duties and responsibilities of children’s class coordinators.
  30. Harvard Pluralism Project: Baha'i (2023). — Six overview essays on Baha'i history, beliefs, and practices. (Offsite)
  31. Hoda Mahmoudi. Human Knowledge and the Advancement of Society (2012). — Knowledge is the means toward realizing a global civilization. The current Five Year Plan focuses th...
  32. International Teaching Centre. Institutos de Formación y el Crecimiento Sistemático, Los (2000-02).
  33. Farzam Arbab. Intensive Growth Programs (2001-04-28). — Talk delivered as part of a two-day seminar on the Five Year Plan, sponsored by the Youth Activities...
  34. International Teaching Centre. Intensive Growth: 2004 letter to all Continental Counsellors (2004-11-28).
  35. Universal House of Justice. Cortesía, trans. la Conferencia de los Cuerpos Continentales de Consejeros, A: 28 de diciembre de 2010 (2010-12-28).
  36. Farzam Arbab. Learning About Growth: The Story of the Ruhi Institute and Large-scale Expansion of the Bahá'í Faith in Colombia (1991). — On the formation and development of the Ruhi Institute in Colombia; difficulties Baha'is faced in de...
  37. Universal House of Justice. Learning to Respond to Emerging New Realities: Messages from the Universal House of Justice (2006). — Two letters to the US NSA dealing with expansion and administration, and a document prepared by the ...
  38. Ted Slavin. Materialism Wearing Away at Our Kids (2012-02-11). — The materialism of modern society and media is distracting many of our children. Adults must be awar...
  39. Armin J. Jezari. Measuring Success: An Exploratory Study of United States Bahá'í Local Spiritual Assemblies and the Five Year Plan (2010). — Applied research project on what degree a typical Local Spiritual Assembly in the United States is a...
  40. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi. Memorization (2006).
  41. International Teaching Centre. Message on clusters, institutes, and growth (2007-09-30). — Message from the Counsellors on growth and enrollments.
  42. Universal House of Justice. Message on World Peace (2019-01-18). — Letter about important steps the world made towards world peace, and the current situation, in relat...
  43. Universal House of Justice. Message to the Conference of the Continental Boards of Counsellors on the Nine Year Plan (2021-12-30). — Features of the new 9-Year Plan, "the first major undertaking in a sacred twenty-five-year venture, ...
  44. Douglas Martin. Next Stage, The (2013). — Baha'i scholars find themselves at a stage in the Faith’s development where they must construct a ...
  45. Universal House of Justice. Nine Year Plan, The: 2022-2031 (2021-2022). — 9 letters from November 2021 to January 2022, addressed to the Baha'i world, Continental Counsellors...
  46. Universal House of Justice. On the Betterment of the World and the Countering of Negative and Disunifying Forces (2020-11-24). — On how individuals can contribute to the betterment of society in view of the present state of the ...
  47. Universal House of Justice. On the Calamitous State of World Affairs and the Material Sustainability of Communities (2020-12-03). — On concerns about the affairs of the world and catastrophic events, and whether the global Baha’i ...
  48. Universal House of Justice. One Year Plan, The: 2021-2022 (2021-04). — Letter "To the Baha’is of the World" (5 November 2020), Ridvan message (20 April 2021), and a char...
  49. Moojan Momen. Power and the Bahá'í community (2018). — While Baha'i social teachings may have sounded new and exciting a century ago, that is no longer the...
  50. Báb, The, Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi. Universal House of Justice, comp. Prayer and Devotional Life (2019-02). — A compilation to assist Baha'is in a time when, as the House says in its cover letter, "devotional a...
  51. Farzam Arbab. Principles and Practices of Curriculum Design and Development (2004).
  52. Universal House of Justice. Progress of the Faith in the United States and South Carolina (2019-03-12). — While growth may not be always apparent in local regions, efforts of clusters country-wide are showi...
  53. Michael Karlberg. Pursuit of Social Justice, The (2022-08-03). — An interdisciplinary examination of prevailing conceptions of human nature, power, social organizati...
  54. June Manning Thomas. Race, Place, and Clusters: Current Vision and Possible Strategies (2017). — Division by place affects the possibilities for racial unity, especially in fragmented U.S. metropol...
  55. Universal House of Justice. Reflections on the First Century of the Formative Age (2023-11-28). — Overview of the Faith's developments and activities during the previous century, including the Guard...
  56. Paul Lample. Revelation and Social Reality: Learning to Translate What Is Written into Reality (2009). — The nature of change in social reality, Baha’i understanding and practice, learning and growth, pa...
  57. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 2012: Bahá'í Era 169 (2012-04). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  58. Universal House of Justice. Ridvan 2013: Bahá'í Era 170 (2013-04). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  59. Universal House of Justice. Ridvan 2014: Bahá'í Era 171 (2014-04-21). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  60. Universal House of Justice. Ridvan 2015: Bahá'í Era 172 (2015-04-21). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  61. Universal House of Justice. Ridvan 2016: Bahá'í Era 173 (2016-04-21). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  62. Universal House of Justice. Ridvan 2017: Bahá'í Era 174 (2017-04-21). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  63. Universal House of Justice. Ridvan 2018: Bahá'í Era 175 (2018-04-21). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  64. Universal House of Justice. Ridvan 2019: Bahá'í Era 176 (2019-04-21). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  65. Universal House of Justice. Ridvan 2020: Bahá'í Era 177 (2020-04-21). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  66. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 2021: Bahá'í Era 178 (2021-04-20). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  67. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 2022: Bahá'í Era 179 (2022-04-21). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  68. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 2023: Bahá'í Era 180 (2023-04-30). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  69. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 2024: Bahá'í Era 181 (2024-04-19). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  70. William S. Hatcher. Role and Function of Bahá'í Institutes in the Life of the Bahá'í Community (2008). — Baha'i training institutes are a wonderful new opportunity for self-development and for sharing our ...
  71. Universal House of Justice, International Teaching Centre, National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States. Role of the Local Assembly in Cluster Growth (2009-05-15). — Practical guidelines for LSAs to organize and teach more effectively.
  72. Ruhi Institute. Ruhi book series (1987-2024). — Published volumes of the Ruhi Institute books. (Links to documents, offsite.)
  73. Universal House of Justice. Ruhi Institutes and the Five-Year Plan (2011-12-12). — Letter to all National Spiritual Assemblies about the role of the Ruhi Institute, coordination of cl...
  74. Office of Social and Economic Development. Social Action (2012-11-26). — A paper sent to all LSAs, and the subject of the plenary talk by Valerie Dana at the 2012 SED confer...
  75. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. Social Action (2020). — Concepts of social and economic development in the Baha'i teachings; material vs spiritual dimension...
  76. Universal House of Justice. Social Action, Public Discourse, and Non-involvement in Political Affairs (2017-04-27). — Alternative courses of action to civil disobedience, circumscribed roles for protest, and the freed...
  77. Christopher G. Gourdine, Justin R. Edgren, Thomas L. Trice, Joseph N. Zlatic. Social Affinity Flow Theory: A New Understanding of Both Human Interaction and the Power of the Baha'i Training Institute Process (2019). — On a new explanation of social rifts prevalent in many societies today as well as constructive effor...
  78. June Manning Thomas. Spatial Strategies for Racial Unity (2020-09). — On the nature and approaches of Baha’i educational programs and community building efforts which s...
  79. Farzam Arbab. Training Institute and the Main Sequence of Courses, The (2004).
  80. Universal House of Justice. Training Institutes (1998-04). — Overview of the efforts thus far made by the worldwide Baha'i community to establish institutes; rev...
  81. International Teaching Centre. Training Institutes: Attaining a Higher Level of Functioning (2017-01). — Assistance to Baha'is managing institutes, to help better implement the main sequence of courses, th...
  82. Universal House of Justice. Training Institutes: Letter to an individual (2001-05-31). — Short letter to an individual on the importance of studying the Writings in group training institute...
  83. International Teaching Centre. Training Institutes and Systematic Growth (2000-02).
  84. Universal House of Justice. Turning Point: Selected Messages of the Universal House of Justice and Supplementary Material 1996—2006 (2006). — Forty-three letters, plans, and documents covering the Four-Year Plan of 1996-2000.
  85. Gustavo Correa. Working for Betterment of Society (2008?).
  86. Ted Slavin. Younger Generation Has Always Had the Power to Reshape Our World, The (2010). — Young people have a great potential to shape society. Youth trained to lead junior youth groups are...

2.   from the Chronology (34 results; expand)

  1. 1995-12-26 — Start of the Institute Process In its message of 26 December 1...
  2. 1995-12-31 — In a message from the Universal House of Justice addressed – To the Baha'is of the World dated ...
  3. 1996-04-21 — The Universal House of Justice made further clarifications on the subject of Training Institutes in ...
  4. 1997-04-21 — The Universal House of Justice announced in its Ridvan Message that nearly 200 Training Institutes h...
  5. 1998-04-01 — The publication of the booklet Training Institutes by the Universal House of Justice. [TP323342]...
  6. 1998-04-21 — The Universal House of Justice announced in its Ridvan Message the "ten of thousands of individuals ...
  7. 1999-04-21 — The Universal House of Justice announced in its Ridvan Message that ....."(t)he further creati...
  8. 2000-03-23 — The publication of the document entitled Training Institutes and Systematic Growth by the Internatio...
  9. 2001-01-09 — In its message to the Conference of the Continental Board of Counselors to launch the 1st Five Year ...
  10. 2001-01-12 — The Administrative Order was further developed by the Universal House of Justice in its message to t...
  11. 2001-04-21 — The launch of the First Five Year Plan (2001-2006). See The Five Year Plan...
  12. 2003-04-27 — The publication of Building Momentum: A Coherent Approach to Growth by the International Teaching Ce...
  13. 2005-07-00 — The publication of Impact of Growth on Administration Processes by the International Teaching Centre...
  14. 2005-12-28 — In its message to all National Spiritual Assemblies the Universal House of Justice said "we have rea...
  15. 2006-04-21 — The launch of the Second Five Year Plan (2006-2011). For the achievements of Plan see The Five Ye...
  16. 2008-04-00 — The publication of Attaining the Dynamics of Growth: Glimpses from Five Continents by International ...
  17. 2008-04-29 — The publication of For the Betterment of the World: The Worldwide Baha'i Community's Approach to Soc...
  18. 2009-11-02 — A new initiative of the UN Development Programme and the Alliance of Religions and Conservation laun...
  19. 2011-04-09 — The debut of the film A Deeper Calling: Reflections on the transformative power of Prayer. This film...
  20. 2011-04-21 — The launch of the Third Five Year Plan (2011-2016). The main goals of the Plan were:   - To r...
  21. 2011-12-11 — The announcement by the Universal House of Justice of the creation of "an International Advisory Boa...
  22. 2012-11-26 — The Universal House of Justice shared, in a message to all National Assemblies, a statement prepared...
  23. 2016-04-21 — The launch of the Fourth Five Year Plan (2016-2021). The principal goals of the Plan were to "seek...
  24. 2017-01-00 — The publication of Training Institutes: Attaining a Higher Level of Functioning by the International...
  25. 2017-10-17 — The release of the film Light to the World. The 51 minute film recounted the story of Baha'u'llah's...
  26. 2018-04-27 — The publication of the booklet entitled For the Betterment of the World by the Office of Social and ...
  27. 2018-04-30 — The announcement of the election of the 12th Universal House of Justice. Those elected were Paul Lam...
  28. 2018-04-31 — Some 80 members of the Continental Boards of Counsellors met for a conference at the Baha'i World Ce...
  29. 2018-09-21 — The Baha'i World Centre announced the release of three short films that highlighted aspects of the c...
  30. 2021-04 21 — Core Activities: 2016 100,000          2021 300,000 Participants in Core Activities: ...
  31. 2021-04-20 — The end of the Five Year Plan marked the conclusion of a series of plans that began in 1996 with the...
  32. 2022-01-01 — The Universal House of Justice announced that the courses of the Ruhi Institute would continue to be...
  33. 2022-04-21 — In a letter dated 25 November 2020 the Universal House of Justice annou...
  34. 2023-04-30 — The film, An Expansive Prospect, commissioned by the Universal House of Justice, was screened at the...
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