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Tag "- Persecution, Arrests"

tag name: - Persecution, Arrests type: Persecution
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"- Persecution, Arrests" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (3 results; expand)

  1. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States, Amnesty International, United States Department of State, Alan Dershowitz. Cases of Dhabihu'llah Mahrami and Musa Talibi, The (1998-04). — In June 1994 and January 1996, two Baha'is in Iran were arrested and later sentenced to death for th...
  2. Universal House of Justice. Geoffrey W. Marks, comp. Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1963-1986: Third Epoch of the Formative Age (1996).
  3. Foad Seddigh. Significance of some Sites Mentioned in Memorials of the Faithful (2016). — Abdu'l-Baha cited many villages and cities: the Most Great House in Baghdád; the ruins of Madaen w...

2.   from the Chronology (117 results; expand)

  1. 1844-08-11 — The Bab sent Mulla `Aliy-i-Bastami to Najaf and Karbala to proclaim His Cause among the Shaykhis. In...
  2. 1845-04-16 — Mulla `Aliy-i-Bastami was removed from his prison cell in Baghdad and taken to Istanbul, where he wa...
  3. 1845-06-24 — After expelling Mulla Husayn and Mulla Sadiq the governor of Fars, Hasayn Khan-i-Irvani ordered that...
  4. 1845-06-30 — At Dalaki, some 40 miles northeast of the Búshihr, the Bab met the soldiers of the governor of Fars...
  5. 1845-12-30 — The Bab's birthday fell on the first day of the mourning observance for the Imam Husayn. Tahirih, wh...
  6. 1846-06-23 — Quddús met Mulla Sadiq-i-Muqaddas in Shiraz to whom he entrusted a copy of Khasa'il-i-Sab`ih (`the ...
  7. 1846-07-00 — The Chief Constable, 'Abdu'l-Hamid Khan, was instructed by order of the governor, Hasayn Khan, to br...
  8. 1847-10-00 — Tahirih was accused of instigating the assassination of her uncle, Muhammad Taqi Baraghani, and was...
  9. 1847-11-00 — Baha'u'llah, who was living in Tihran, visited the detainees from Qazvin and gave them money. [BKG41...
  10. 1848-09-04 — The death of the chronically ill Muhammad Shah whom Shoghi Effendi described as bigoted, sickly and ...
  11. 1850-02-19 — The Babi group in Tehran had been infiltrated by an informer who betrayed about fifty of its members...
  12. 1852-08-18 — A large number of Babis were arrested in Tihran and its environs following the attempt on the life o...
  13. 1852-08-30 — In Milan, Iran, 15 Babis were arrested and imprisoned. [BW18:382] Many Babis were tortured and k...
  14. 1853-10-00 — Second Nayriz upheaval. [BBR147–51; BBRSM:217; BW18:382; DB642–5;] The new governor of Nayri...
  15. 1853-10-31 — Some 600 female and 80 to 180 male Babis are taken prisoner at Nayriz and marched to Shiraz, along w...
  16. 1862-00-03 — Haji Mirza Haydar-`Ali and six other prominent Baha'is were arrested in Cairo for being Baha'is at t...
  17. 1866-12-00 — About a hundred Baha'is were arrested in Tabriz following a disturbance in which a Babi is killed. [...
  18. 1867-01-11 — Three Baha'is were executed in Tabriz. Their arrest was precipitated by conflict and rivalry between...
  19. 1868-04-00 — Seven Baha'is in Constantinople were arrested and interrogated by a commission of inquiry whose mand...
  20. 1868-07-00 — Principal Baha'is in Baghdad were arrested by the Turkish authorities and exiled to Mosul and other ...
  21. 1868-07-21 — Mirza Abu'l-Qasim-i-Shirazi was arrested in Egypt and money extorted from him. [BBR257–8; BKG243; ...
  22. 1870-00-00 — Nasiri'd-Din Shah maded a pilgrimage to the shrines in Iraq. In preparation for his visit the Baha'i...
  23. 1870-00-00 — In Zanjan, Áqa Siyyid Ashraf was arrested, condemned to death as a Babi and executed. [BWG470] H...
  24. 1875-00-01 — The `ulama arouse the rabble against the Baha'is in Sidih, Isfahan. Several Baha'is were imprisoned,...
  25. 1876-00-01 — Six Baha'is were arrested in Tihran and imprisoned for three months and 17 days. [BW18:383]...
  26. 1880-00-00 — Martyrdom of seven Baha'is in Sultanabad. [BW18:383] Three Baha'is were killed on the orders of S...
  27. 1882-00-00 — Mirza `Ali-Muhammad Varqa was arrested in Yazd. He is sent to Isfahan where he was imprisoned for a ...
  28. 1882-12-31 — The Tihran Upheaval. A number of leading members of the Tihran Baha'i community were arrested and...
  29. 1883-00-00 — Six Baha'is were arrested in Yazd and sent to Isfahan in chains. BW18:383] Four Baha'is were arre...
  30. 1883-03-19 — Sixteen Baha'i traders of the bazaar were arrested in Rasht; three others are brought from Lahijan. ...
  31. 1885-03-27 — Martyrdom of Mulla `Aliy-i-Namiqi in Namiq, Turbat-i-Haydari, Khurasan. [BW18:383]...
  32. 1887-00-00 — Karbala'i Hasan Khan and Karbala'i Sadiq were arrested in Sarvistan, Fars, and imprisoned for two ye...
  33. 1888-07 — Two Baha'is were arrested in Sarvistan, Fars, and were sent to Shiraz, where one was imprisoned. [BW...
  34. 1890-08-00 — Mulla Hasan and his two brothers were arrested and beaten in Sarchah, Birjand. [BW18:383]...
  35. 1896-00-03 — Baha'is in Hisar, Khurasan were persecuted and imprisoned. [BW18:384]...
  36. 1896-00-05 — Mulla Hasan Khaza'i was arrested in Khúzistan. [BW18:384]...
  37. 1896-06-00 — Several Baha'is were beaten and four were imprisoned in Turbat-i-Haydari when two mujtahids stirred ...
  38. 1897-00-00 — Fifteen Baha'is were arrested in Saysan, Ádharbayjan. They were taken to Tabriz, imprisoned and fin...
  39. 1897-02-00 — Six Baha'is were arrested in Mamaqan, Ádharbayjan. Three were bastinadoed and three were imprisoned...
  40. 1898-00-04 — Several Baha'is were arrested and imprisoned in Qazvin. [BW18:384]Haji Muhammad was set upon and kil...
  41. 1898-04-00 — Nine Baha'is attending a Ridvan meeting were arrested, beaten and imprisoned in Hamadan. [BW18:384]...
  42. 1903-06-08 — Baha'is in Malayir, Hamadan, are attacked, beaten and imprisoned. Two are killed. [BW18:385]...
  43. 1906-10-00 — Several Baha'is in Sangsar and Shahmirzad were killed or injured by bullets; six Baha'is were arrest...
  44. 1917-02-17 — A mob in Najafabad disintered the bodies from two Baha'i graves. A general agitation against Baha'is...
  45. 1920-10-02 — Mirza Mustafa was killed at Farúgh, Fars, and other Baha'is were imprisoned. [BW18:387] He was a...
  46. 1924-03-09 — Two Baha'is were imprisoned for several months in Maraghih, Iran, after two mullas stirred up troubl...
  47. 1924-04-02 — Baha'is in Turbat-i-Haydari, Iran, were attacked; some were arrested and imprisoned and others were ...
  48. 1928-10-00 — A newspaper campaign of opposition to the Baha'is began in Turkey. [BBR474] Several Baha'is were ...
  49. 1932-11-00 — A number of Baha'is were arrested in Adana, Turkey. [BBR474]...
  50. 1932-12-02 — By this time there were 15 Baha'is under arrest in Adana, Turkey. [BBR474]...
  51. 1933-02-06 — By this date there were about 50 Baha'is under arrest in Adana, Turkey. [BBR475; PP317]...
  52. 1933-03-31 — The 50 Baha'is imprisoned in Adana were released. [BBR475]...
  53. 1935-00-02 — The persecution against the Baha'is in Iran continued. [...
  54. 1937-00-00 — The persecution of the Baha'is in Iran continued throughout the country. [...
  55. 1937-05-01 — Several prominent Baha'is were arrested in Yazd. [BW18:389] They were imprisoned in Tihran for fo...
  56. 1937-05-21 — All Baha'i activities and institutions were banned in Germany by a special order of the Reichsführe...
  57. 1937-07-00 — Nine Baha'is were imprisoned in Sangsar, Khurasan, Iran, for closing their shops on Baha'i holy days...
  58. 1938-00-00 — Persecution of the Baha'is of Iran continued throughout the country. [...
  59. 1938-02-05 — Baha'is in the Soviet Union were persecuted by the authorities. [BBR473, BW8p87-90, 179-81, BW14p479...
  60. 1941-01-00 — Nine Baha'is were arrested in Sangsar, Khurasan, Iran, and banished to other towns for closing their...
  61. 1950-09-00 — Four Baha'is in Iran were arrested on trumped-up charges. The trial lasted until 1954, when the accu...
  62. 1953-03-25 — Enayat Sohaili, an Iranian, arrived in Mozambique from India, the first Baha'i pioneer to the countr...
  63. 1955-01-18 — Five Baha'is were arrested and beaten in Hisar, Khurasan, Iran; four of these are dragged around the...
  64. 1957-00-00 — Baha'i activity in Czechoslovakia was banned by the authorities, several members of the Prague commu...
  65. 1959-03-01 — A number of Baha'is, members of the local spiritual assembly, were arrested in Ankara, Turkey. [MC30...
  66. 1960-08-01 — All Baha'i activity in Egypt was prohibited by Presidential Decree No 263 issued by President Nasser...
  67. 1961-01-17 — Following the arrest of Baha'is in Turkey in March 1959 and the subsequent court case, the Turkish c...
  68. 1961-07-15 — The Turkish court declared the Baha'i Faith to be a 'Tarighat', a sect forbidden by the law of the l...
  69. 1962-04-10 — Four Baha'is were arrested in Nador, Morocco. [BW13:289; BW14:97] Eventually 14 Baha'is in total ...
  70. 1963-00-02 — In Angola, Antonio Francesco Ebo and seven other Baha'is were arrested and imprisoned in a penal col...
  71. 1964-00-01 — Four new believers in Cambodia were arrested and imprisoned as the Baha'i Faith was not formally rec...
  72. 1966-03-11 — Eduardo Duarte Vieira was arrested in Portuguese Guinea on a charge of subversive political activity...
  73. 1968-01-26 — A Moroccan Baha'i was arrested, tried and convicted on the charges of having abused the sacredness o...
  74. 1968-10-10 — The widowed mother of seven children was sentenced to six months' imprisonment in Morocco for refusi...
  75. 1970-11-12 — Baha'is in the Central African Republic were arrested at a meeting to commemorate the anniversary of...
  76. 1973-12-16 — A teenage Muslim girl learned of the Faith from one of her Baha’i school classmates and, together ...
  77. 1974-03-04 — Following the arrest of more than 50 Baha'is in Iraq, their trial opened and the Baha'is were exoner...
  78. 1975-00-00 — In Indonesia several Baha'is were arrested, given light sentences and released for violating the 196...
  79. 1975-01-03 — A Baha'i was arrested in Iraq and sentenced to ten years' imprisonment. [...
  80. 1975-09-01 — In Iraq, a young Baha'i was detained, interrogated, beaten and asked to recant his faith when he spe...
  81. 1979-03-01 — Yúsif Subhani, a well-known Baha'i businessman, was imprisoned in Tihran. [BW18:278]...
  82. 1979-05-24 — Shaykh Muhammad Muvahhid, a well-known Baha'i, was kidnapped in Tihran. [BW18:254, 294]...
  83. 1979-09-01 — Revolutionary committees in Shahsavar, 'Ábadan and Tabriz, Iran, ordered the arrest of Baha'is. [BW...
  84. 1980-02-00 — The persecution of the Baha'is in Iran entered a new, more dangerous phase. [BW18:255] Prominent ...
  85. 1980-04-00 — Eight Baha'is were arrested in Tabriz; five were released after signing an agreement not to take par...
  86. 1980-08-21 — The members of the National Spiritual Assembly of Iran were arrested along with two colleagues. They...
  87. 1981-12-05 — The Baha'i cemetery in Tehran was seized "by order of the Revolutionary Court". Five caretakers and ...
  88. 1982-10-23 — Authorities arrested 45 Baha'is in Shiraz on the order of the prosecutor. On October 30th another 40...
  89. 1983-03-02 — Five local and two pioneer Baha'is were arrested, interrogated and held briefly in prison in Maurita...
  90. 1983-12-00 — Baha'is were arrested in Mohammadieh and Casablanca, Morocco. [BW19:49] The Baha'is in Mohammadie...
  91. 1984-00-00 — Four Baha'is, one of whom had already spent five years in prison, were imprisoned in Indonesia, conv...
  92. 1984-06-00 — A Baha'i in Tetuan, Morocco, was arrested and sentenced to three years imprisonment for violating th...
  93. 1985-02-23 — Forty–one Baha'is from various parts of Egypt were arrested, charged with offences against laws in...
  94. 1985-05-07 — The court hearings open on the cases of the Baha'is arrested in Egypt in February on charges of disr...
  95. 1987-09-23 — Three members of the Yaran-e Iran, Mr. Jamaluddin Khanjani, Mr. Hasan Mahboobi and Mr. Changeez Fan...
  96. 1995-09-00 — The arrest and imprisonment of Mr. Zabihullah Mahrami in Yazd because of his adherence to the Baha'i...
  97. 1997-07-04 — Masha'llah Enayati, a 63-year-old man, died in custody while in prison in Isfahan after being severe...
  98. 1998-07-21 — Mr. Ruhu'llah Rawhani, a 52-year-old medical supplies salesman was hanged in Mashhad solely for reli...
  99. 2001-01-14 — Sixteen Baha'is were arrested in the southern Egyptian city of Sohag. The charges brought against th...
  100. 2006-05-19 — Iranian security officials arrested 54 Baha'is in the city of Shiraz who were involved in a communit...
  101. 2008-03-05 — Mahvash Sabet – a schoolteacher and mother of two and a member of the national-level administrativ...
  102. 2008-05-14 — The six men and a women, Mr. Jamaloddin Khanjani, Mr. Afif Naeimi, Mr. Saeid Rezaie, Mr. Behrouz Tav...
  103. 2008-05-15 — The arrest of the Baha'i leadership took place in the context of a severely and rapidly escalating s...
  104. 2008-06-03 — Mrs. Mahvash Sabet and Mrs. Fariba Kamalabadi were permitted to make short phone calls to their fami...
  105. 2008-06-20 — Four Baha'is were arrested in Sana'a on the accusation of proselytizing. The three Baha'is of Irania...
  106. 2013-03-00 — The publication of the report entitled Violence with Impunity: Acts of Aggression Against Iran's Bah...
  107. 2013-10-28 — The release of the video Violence with Impunity: Acts of Aggression Against Iran's Baha'i Community ...
  108. 2013-12-03 — Mr. Hamed Kamal Muhammad bin Haydara (sometimes referred to in the media as "Hamed Merza Kamali Sero...
  109. 2014-10-03 — Hamed bin Haydara had been held at an undisclosed location since his arrest by National Security For...
  110. 2016-08-10 — Armed officers, masked in balaclavas from Yemen's National Security Bureau (NSB) intelligence agency...
  111. 2016-11-27 — In Yemen, Nadim al-Sakkaf and his brother Nader, who were detained from August 10th, were unexpected...
  112. 2017-04-19 — Houthi-Saleh political security officers arrested Walid Ayyash, Mahmood Humaid, and Badi'u'llah Sana...
  113. 2017-09-29 — Arrests of Baha'is in Yemen drew international censure which led to a United Nations resolution, tit...
  114. 2017-10-18 — The Iranian Baha'i community was targeted during the bicentenary period. Between 18 and 21 October, ...
  115. 2017-10-23 — Yemeni security forces raided a Baha'i gathering in Sana'a opening fire on the small group of people...
  116. 2018-03-19 — The release of Mr. Vahid Tizfahm from the Rajaee Shahr Prison in Karaj after having completed his 10...
  117. 2018-12-20 — The last imprisoned member of the former leadership body of the Baha'i community in Iran was release...
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