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Tag "- Poetry"

tag name: - Poetry type: Arts
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related tags: * Arts and crafts; - Literature
referring tags: - Poets; Gazal; Mathnavi; Nightingales (metaphor); Poet Laureate; Roses and thorns (metaphor)

"- Poetry" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (157 results; expand)

  1. Elham Afnan. 'Abdu'l-Bahá and Ezra Pound's Circle (1994). — On the 1911 meeting between Ezra Pound, the famous American modernist poet, and 'Abdu'l-Baha; links ...
  2. Adelbert Mühlschlegel. Gisele Liedtke, trans, Harry Liedtke, trans. Adelbert Mühlschlegel: Seine Gedichte in zwei Sprachen: His Poetry in Two Languages (2010). — Overview of the life of this Hand of the Cause, written by his daughter and son-in-law, and a select...
  3. Suheil Badi Bushrui. Age of Anxiety and the Century of Light, The: Twentieth-Century Literature, the Poet's Mission, and the Vision of World Unity (2003). — W. B. Yeats, T. S. Eliot, W. H. Auden, and Kahlil Gibran were writers who recognized and confronted ...
  4. Julio Savi, Faezeh Mardani. Ancient Poems as Means of Revelation, in an Early Tablet by Bahá'u'lláh (2018). — On the importance of poetry in the history of the Faith and in its Writings, and absolute detachment...
  5. Albert Ouimet. Angel Ruckus, by B. K. Filson: Review (1999).
  6. Ann Boyles. "Angle of Ascent", The: Process and Achievement in the Work of Robert Hayden (1992). — Hayden's poetry explores the process of individual and collective social and spiritual transformatio...
  7. Roger White. Another Song, Another Season: Poems and Portrayals (1979). — A collection of poems and prose: sympathetic and sometimes satirical portraits of martyrs, pioneers,...
  8. Artist Biographies from Arts Dialogue (2001). — A list of artist profiles which can be found in the Baha'i Association for the Arts newsletter (offs...
  9. Bahiyyih Nakhjavani. Artist, Seeker and Seer: A vocabulary and a perspective for the appreciation and creation of art inspired by the Bahá'í Writings (1982). — Imagery and metaphors from the Baha'i Writings guide the appreciation and creation of art. They demo...
  10. John S. Hatcher. Ascent of Mount Carmel, The: Celebrating the Bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb (2019). — "From the Editor's Desk": Symbolism of the terraces on the shrine of the Bab; St. John's poem "Ascen...
  11. Julio Savi. "At Dawn the Friend came to my bed': An Early Fruit of the Supreme Pen (2015). — A quasidih, a dialogue between the Beloved and the Poet as a lover. One of eight Persian poems Baha'...
  12. Shirin Sabri. Author's Response to Commentaries on "The Purpose of Poetry" (1989-1990).
  13. Anthony Lee. Bábí Theology in Poetry, A: The Creative Imagination of Táhirih, Qurratu'l-'Ayn (2023). — Examination of Qurratu’l-Ayn's writings to discern her social, religious, and political beliefs, m...
  14. Kamran Ekbal. Bagdádi Family (2014). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  15. Juan Cole. Bahá'u'lláh and the Naqshbandi Sufis in Iraq, 1854-1856 (1984). — The interplay of Babi themes of messianism and the Sufi mystical emphasis on internal spirituality; ...
  16. John S. Hatcher, Amrollah Hemmat, Ehsanollah Hemmat. Bahá'u'lláh's "Ode of the Dove": A Provisional Translation (2019). — A lengthy dialogue between Baha'u'llah (as persona/narrator) and the Huriyyih — the Maid of Heaven...
  17. Daniel Azim Pschaida. Baha'u'llah's Long Healing Prayer: Parallel Translation and Notes on Iterations / Recensions (2019/2020). — Comparison of minor variations between two published versions of Baha'u'llah's Long Healing Prayer, ...
  18. Bahá'u'lláh. Juan Cole, trans. Baha'u'llah's Notes to His "Ode of the Dove" (1997).
  19. Julio Savi. Bahá'u'lláh's Persian Poems Written before 1863 (2012). — Overview of the mystical early writings of Baha'u'llah, 1852-1863. Includes extensive bibliography, ...
  20. Bijan Ma'sumian. Baha'u'llah's Seclusion in Kurdistan (1993 Fall). — Reconstruction of parts of this mostly undocumented period in Baha'u'llah's life.
  21. John S. Hatcher, Amrollah Hemmat, Ehsanollah Hemmat. Bahá'u'lláh's Symbolic Use of the Veiled Ḥúríyyih (2019). — Analyzing some of the meanings behind the appearance of the Veiled Maiden, as alluded to by Baha'u'l...
  22. Hussein Ahdieh, Hillary Chapman. Calling, The: Tahirih of Persia and Her American Contemporaries (2017). — Simultaneous, powerful spiritual movements swept across both Iran and the U.S in the mid-1800s. On t...
  23. Geoffrey Nash. Can There Be a Bahá'í Poetry? (1981). — The poetic vision; poetry in the 1800s; themes of Baha'i poetry; the use of profane imagery.
  24. Jalal Sunstrum. Chase's Chaste Chase: Poems (2023). — Twelve poems on the theme of facing reality on our way to the promised land of world peace and joy. ...
  25. Weimar Port. Chicago the Pagan (1953). — 2-page description of the Baha'i Temple in Wilmette, with a poem about it by Charles Collins publish...
  26. Todd Lawson. Coherent Chaos and Chaotic Cosmos: The Qur'ān and the Symmetry of Truth (2010). — While at first glance the Qur'an appears to be chaotic in form and structure, on closer examination ...
  27. Harryette Mullen. Collected Poems of Robert Hayden, by Robert Hayden: Review (1997-03-22).
  28. Bahá'u'lláh. Juan Cole, trans. Commentary on a Verse of Sa'di (Tafsir-i Bayti az Sa'di) (1996).
  29. Phyllis K. Peterson. Creating Intimacy: In the Community and With the Seeker (1998). — On how intimacy in the Baha'i community can be created, using Baha’i scriptures as guideline. We h...
  30. Michael Fitzgerald, ed. Creative Circle, The: Art, Literature, and Music in Baha'i Perspective (1989). — Essays on the arts including poetry, music, film, etc. and their role in the Baha'i community.
  31. Jack McLean. Crucible, The: Poems (1995-1996). — 53 poems, some written after the passing of the author's father, Allan James McLean (d. 1995).
  32. Marzieh Gail. Dawn over Mount Hira and Other Essays (1976). — A collection of essays on various topics of interest to Baha'i studies and history. Most of these we...
  33. Bahá'u'lláh. Days of Remembrance: Selections from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh for Bahá'í Holy Days (2017). — Forty-five selections revealed for, or relating to, nine Baha’i Holy Days.
  34. David Merrick. Declaration of the Bab (Poetic) (2008). — A poetic meditation on Mulla Husayn's transformation at the Declaration of the Bab.
  35. Roger White. Deft Adjustment, The: English-language poetry in present-day Israel (1988). — Discussion of Israeli and Jewish poems, and reviews of the books Voices within the Ark, Modern Hebre...
  36. Jack McLean. Dimensions of Spirituality: Reflections on the Meaning of Spiritual Life and Transformation in Light of the Bahá'í Faith (1994). — The search for truth; models and profiles of spiritual transformation; the mystical sense — prayer...
  37. Horace Holley. Divinations and Creation (1916). — A collection of poetry. Does not mention the Baha'i Faith.
  38. Julie Badiee. Drawings, Verse, and Belief, by Bernard Leach: Review (1989).
  39. Helen Cheng, Catherine Nash. Emblems of Faithfulness: Pluralism in Meaning and Beauty in the Ordinary (2015). — Memorials of the Faithful is notable for the diversity of personalities described, and the sheer ord...
  40. Ron Price. Emergence of a Bahá'í Consciousness in World Literature: The Poetry of Roger White (2002). — A study of White's verse with a short biography and an analysis of the Baha'i Faith.
  41. Encyclopaedia Iranica. Arjen Bolhuis, comp. Encyclopaedia Iranica: Selected articles related to Persian culture, religion, philosophy and history (1982-2023). — Sorted, categorized collection of links to over 170 articles.
  42. James B. Thomas. Exposition on the Fire Tablet by Bahá'u'lláh, An (2002). — A description of Baha'u'llah's Fire Tablet, a dialogue between himself and God on suffering and sacr...
  43. Sheila Banani. Eyes of the Children, The (1986). — One poem inspired by female infanticide in China.
  44. Andalib. Ahang Rabbani, trans. Eyewitness Account of Bahá'u'lláh's Ascension, An (2005). — An eyewitness account of Baha’u’llah’s passing.
  45. Duane L. Herrmann. Family Plowing and other Prairie Poems (2019). — Nine poems selected by the author, from a collection celebrating the prairie and life on and under i...
  46. Charles Wolcott. Foreword (1989). — Essay on the meaning of music, and the dynamics of artistic endeavor in the context of the pull towa...
  47. Jack McLean. Gathering Traces: Selected Poems 1975-2002 (2002). — 95 poems written during phases of life including marriage and child-rearing in Quebec, a teaching ca...
  48. Christopher Buck, Derik Smith. Hayden, Robert (2019). — In his poetics of history and his nuanced representations of black life, Hayden's art showed that th...
  49. Duane L. Herrmann. Hidden Meanings in the Poetry of Robert Hayden (2012). — The Baha'i Faith influenced Hayden's work on multiple levels, beyond his obvious allusions to the Ba...
  50. Julio Savi. Homage to Memorials of the Faithful, An (2016). — Poems inspired by eight of the personages of "Memorials": Shaykh Salman, Nabil-i-Zarandi, Darvish-i-...
  51. Julio Savi. Hymn to Love (Sáqí, bi-dih ábí), A (2015). — A ghazal, a mystical song of love about The Beloved, meaning God or a Manifestation. One of eight Pe...
  52. Juan Cole. I am all the Prophets": The Poetics of Pluralism in Bahá'í Texts (1993 Fall). — Literary analysis of a passage from Tablet of Blood (Súriy-i-Damm) in which Baha'u'llah identifies ...
  53. Duane L. Herrmann. Ichnographical: 173 (2016). — Poems of life, experience, and transcendence. Sample of poetry from the published book, selected by ...
  54. Jack McLean. Impressions from the Rock of Gibraltar: The Journal of a Travelling Teacher (2010/2020). — Book-length compilation of essays and poetry, written while travel-teaching in Spain and Morocco, Au...
  55. Patricia Paccassi, comp, Frank Paccassi, comp. Indexes to Bahá'í World volumes: Obituaries, chronologies, contents, illustrations (2013). — Seven separate indexes for Baha'i World, in PDF, Word, and Excel versions.
  56. Julio Savi. Inebriation of His Enrapturing Call (mast-and bulbulán), The (2014). — Translation of the early mystical Tablet "Nightingales Are Inebriated" and an analysis of its themes...
  57. Ismael Velasco. Ineffability in Scripture: A Conversation with 6 Medieval Mystics (2006). — On how the experience of six 13th- and 14th-century Christian mystics was shaped by their language, ...
  58. Annemarie Schimmel. Iqbál and the Bábí-Bahá'í Faith (1990). — One of the more influential Muslim thinkers of the first half of the 20th century, Iqbal expressed v...
  59. Chris Jones Kavelin. Journey of Broken Hearts (2005). — Three poems on meeting or loving the Beloved, and one inspired by the music of Henryk Górecki.
  60. Suheil Badi Bushrui. Kitáb-i-Aqdas (Most Holy Book): Notes on the Style of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas (1995). — The near-similarity between the style of the Qur'an and that of the Aqdas.
  61. Pierre Daoust. La poésie du Kitáb-i-Aqdas: Aspects de l'esthétique (2018). — Les concepts philosophiques qui éclairent sur le sens de la vie et la nature spirituelle de l'être...
  62. Belinda Belton, comp. Letters inscribed upon His sacred scroll: An anthology of poetry by Australian Bahá'ís 1999 (2000). — A collection of 16 poems.
  63. Ann Boyles. Life and Poetry of Robert Hayden, The: A Baha'i Perspective (2004-11-16).
  64. Christopher Buck. Arjen Bolhuis, comp. List of Articles on (2020). — List of online essays and articles by Christopher Buck since 2014.
  65. Sahba Shayani. Literary Imitation in Three Poems Attributed to Tahirih Qurrat al-ʿAyn (2023-12). — The poetry of Tahirih has largely been ignored by historians, partly from politico-religious intoler...
  66. E. G. Browne. Literature of Persia, The: A Lecture delivered to the Persia Society (1912-04-26). — A selection of Persian poetry, featuring poems by Nabil, Tahirih, and Babi martyrs.
  67. Edwin McCloughan. Long, Withdrawing Roar, The: The Crisis of Faith and Nineteenth-Century English Poetry (2002). — A Baha'i response to the argument that the crisis of faith in the late 19th century was conditioned ...
  68. Báb, The, Bahá'u'lláh, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Anonymous, comp. Maid of Heaven, The: A Personal Compilation (2020). — Compilation of texts related to the Maid of Heaven, a personification of the “Most Great Spirit."
  69. Julio Savi, Faezeh Mardani. Mathnaví by Rúhu'lláh Varqá, the Martyr, The: A Few Notes on Its Historical Context and Poetical Content (2018). — On the motifs of the cup-bearer and the cup, springtime, and love. Includes translation of "The Math...
  70. Bahá'u'lláh. Kay Lynn Morton, trans. Mathnaví-yi Mubárak (2024). — Provisional translation of a mathnavi (poem) written in Constantinople in 1863 following His initial...
  71. Bahá'u'lláh. Frank Lewis, trans. Mathnaviyí-i Mubárak (1999). — Provisional translation
  72. Ross Woodman. Metaphor and the Language of Revelation (1997). — To enter the realm of metaphor as the language of the soul is to come into direct contact with the W...
  73. George Townshend. Mission of Bahá'u'lláh, The: And Other Literary Pieces (1952). — Poems, meditations, and essays, including "Nabil’s history of the Bab," "Abdu’l-Baha: A study of...
  74. Badi Shams. Mystic Ramblings and Daydreamings (2022/2023). — Poems, meditations, and quotes from Baha'i Writings and other sacred scriptures.
  75. Jack McLean. Mystic's Flight, The: The Parable of Majnún and Laylí (2001-07). — This classic love tale of the Middle East, quoted by Baha'u'llah in the Seven Valleys, is prized by ...
  76. Annemarie Schimmel. Mystical Dimensions of Islam (1975). — Detailed history of Sufism and its thought, Islamic theosophy, and Persian and Turkish mystical poet...
  77. Roy P. Mottahedeh. Ná'ím: A Bahá'í Poet (1967 Winter). — Biography of and selection of poems by a Persian Baha'i in the time of Baha'u'llah and Abdu'l-Baha.
  78. Hussein Ahdieh. Nayriz Heroes: 22 Biographies of Bábís and Bahá'ís from Nayriz, Calligraphy of Ahmad Nayrizi, and Poetry of Vafá (2013). — Bios of Muhammad Shafi, Nayrizi Vahidi, Abu Turab, Imam Jumih Shirazi, Ahmad Khoshnevis Nayrizi, Muh...
  79. Necati Alkan. Nazif, Suleyman (2021). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  80. Stanwood Cobb. New Horizons for the Child (1934). — Understanding the child; character training; home life; the child as an individual; limitations of a...
  81. Larry Rowdon. Night Songs and New Seeds, by Michael Fitzgerald: Review (1993).
  82. Duane L. Herrmann. No Known Address (2020). — Nine poems selected by the author, from a collection of Holocaust poetry.
  83. Marzieh Gail. Notes on Persian Love Poems (1968 Spring). — A short history of Persian poetry. Includes a selection of poems by Hafiz, Rumi, Ali-Kuli Khan, and ...
  84. Larry Rowdon. "Notes Postmarked The Mountain of God," by Roger White: Review (1997).
  85. Alex Aronson. Occasions of Grace, by Roger White: Review (1991).
  86. Bahá'u'lláh. Juan Cole, trans. Ode of the Dove (1997). — Translation of Qasidiy-i- Varqa'iyyih.
  87. Roger White. One Bird, One Cage, One Flight: Homage to Emily Dickinson (1983). — In over 100 poems, inspired by themes and images from Dickinson's letters and poetry, White narrates...
  88. Sandra Lynn Hutchison. Path of Beauty, The: The Literary Life of Amatu'l-Bahá Rúhíyyih Khánum (1999-2000). — An extensive review of the varied literary works of Ruhiyyih Khanum – poems, plays, ethical guidan...
  89. Peter Nazareth. Pattern of Dust, A: Selected Poems 1965-1990, by Timothy Wangusa: Reviews (1996-03-01).
  90. Moojan Momen. Perfection and Refinement: Towards an Aesthetics of the Bab (2011). — The writings of the Bab have implications for the "plastic" arts; significance for native traditions...
  91. Heshmat Moayyad. Persian Bahá'í Poets and Poetry: A General Overview (2008-06-03).
  92. Ron Price. Pioneering Over Four Epochs: The Heroic Age: The First Epoch: 1844-1853: Section VII Poetry (2007). — Autobiographical musings, unedited, as uploaded by the author.
  93. Robert E. Hayden, Douglas Ruhe, John S. Hatcher. Place of Poetry in Religion and Society, The: An Interview of Robert E. Hayden with Douglas Ruhe (2014). — Introduction by Hatcher to the life of Hayden (2014); transcript of a talk between Hayden and Dougla...
  94. Leslie Garrett. Poems (2016-2019).
  95. Jack McLean. Poems from a Misty Island (1997-1999). — Poetry written while on a two-year stay on Salt Spring Island, British Columbia.
  96. Jack McLean. Poems in Latter Days, Some (2022). — Poems written 2009-2022 on themes from incidents in everyday life, eulogies to friends who have pass...
  97. Betty Eskuche. Poems Often Enrich My Spirit (2005). — A collection of a dozen poems and the Baha'i quotes that inspired them.
  98. Roger White. Poetry and Self-Transformation (1989). — Poetry is no longer very accessible to the average reader or widely read; serious poets are often in...
  99. Duane L. Herrmann. Poetry and the Arts in Rebuilding Society (1989). — The status of poetry is exalted in the Baha’i Revelation, starting from the writings of the Bab to...
  100. Peter E. Murphy. Poetry and Transformation (2014). — A personal story of how the evolving attraction to and love of poetry transformed the author's life....
  101. Frank Lewis (published as Franklin Lewis). Poetry as Revelation: Introduction to Bahá'u'lláh's 'Mathnavíy-i Mubárak' (1999). — On Baha'u'llah and the poetic tradition, Sufism, Sufi poetry, and Rumi; rhetorical orientation; date...
  102. Gretchen Sousa, L. B. Chase, Ahmad Shamlu, Susan Pershing. Poetry from dialogue magazine (1986-1988). — Nine poems by six authors, published in various volumes of Dialogue.
  103. Julio Savi, Faezeh Mardani. Poetry in 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Writings and Utterances (2017). — 'Abdu'l-Baha mentions at least seven aspects of poetry: inspiration, beauty, eloquence, versified la...
  104. Universal House of Justice. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. Poets, Guidance to (1988-03-13). — Guidance on the responsibilities of poets; includes an overview of Tablets addressed to poets.
  105. Duane L. Herrmann. Prairies of Possibilities (2005). — Sample of poems from the published book, selected by the author — whom Midwest Quarterly celebrate...
  106. Duane L. Herrmann. Praise the King of Glory: New and Selected Poems (2017). — 9 poems, selected by the author, from a collection published to celebrate the bicentennial of the bi...
  107. Rúhíyyih Khánum. Prayers of Bahá'u'lláh, The (1945). — Essay about various prayers and meditations of Baha'u'llah.
  108. Shirin Sabri. Purpose of Poetry, The (1988). — Justifications for the work of contemporary artists; now is the time for Baha’is to work towards t...
  109. David L. Erickson. "Purpose of Poetry," by Shirin Sabri: Commentary (1989).
  110. John S. Hatcher. Racial Identity and the Patterns of Consolation in the Poetry of Robert Hayden (1990). — The dramatic tension in Robert Hayden’s poetry has often been mistaken for personal ambivalence an...
  111. John S. Hatcher, ed. Reflections on the Art of My Poetry: An Interview of Roger White (1929-1993) (2016). — A glimpse into the mind of a gifted poet and the struggles that he, like many Baha'i artists, encoun...
  112. Duane L. Herrmann. Remnants of a Life (2019). — Poems that reflect on a childhood that was survived in spite of events and conditions; a message of ...
  113. Julio Savi. Remoteness: Selected Poems (2002). — A lengthy collection of poems, some originally written in Italian and translated to English by the a...
  114. John S. Hatcher, ed, Amrollah Hemmat, ed. Reunion with the Beloved: Poetry and Martyrdom (2004-06). — Poetry by or in honor of early Babi and Baha'i martyrs. Includes foreword by Hushmand Fatheazam, and...
  115. Ann Boyles. Rhapsody, God's Whimsy, and Planet Dreams, by Michael Fitzgerald: Reviews (1991).
  116. Christopher Buck. Robert Hayden (2004-01-29). — The first African American poet-laureate of the United States (as Library of Congress "Consultant in...
  117. Christopher Buck. Robert Hayden's 'American Journal': A Multidimensional Analysis (2008). — A study of an often neglected poem which combines an informal cultural analysis of the USA with a so...
  118. Benjamin Friedlander. Robert Hayden's Epic of Community (1998). — A study of Hayden's poetry in the context of the American experience.
  119. Robert Weinberg. Roger White: An Obituary: Writer and editor, "poet laureate" of the Bahá'í community (1929-1993) (1997). — Brief biography, written as an obituary, of a famous Baha'i poet.
  120. William P. Collins. Sacred Mythology and the Bahá'í Faith (1990). — The mythological universe created by Baha’u’llah employs three significant spiritual verities: t...
  121. Tahirih Qurratu'l-Ayn, Nabil-i-A'zam. E. G. Browne, trans. Selected Poems by Qurratu'l-`Ayn, Nabil, and other Babis (1918).
  122. Roger White. Settling the Score With Mr. Ogden Nash for the Seven Spiritual Ages of Mrs. Marmaduke Moore and Thereby Achieving if Not a Better Verse at Least a Longer Title (1979). — A dialogue for two readers, adapted from a poem.
  123. Bahá'u'lláh. Adib Masumian, comp, Daniel Azim Pschaida, comp. Seven Valleys and Four Valleys: Interlinear Translation Comparison (2019). — New 2019 translation, side-by-side with the 1945 translation and the Persian original.
  124. George Townshend. Seven Valleys of Baha'u'llah: A Meditation (1938).
  125. Julio Savi. Shedding Light in the Hearts: Reflections on Poetry (2001). — Limitations and merits of poetry as an emotional stimulus, as truth, and as a privileged form of lin...
  126. Frank Lewis. Short Poem by "Darvísh" Muhammad, Bahá'u'lláh: Sáqí az ghayb-i baqá burqa' bar afkan az 'idhár, A: An Introduction and Three Versions of Provisional English Translations (2001). — Three alternative renderings of a translation of one of Baha’u’llah’s early poems, writing dur...
  127. Bahiyyih Nakhjavani. Silences of God, The: A Meditation (2014). — While the Word of God dominated the history of religion, contemporaries question the orthodoxy of la...
  128. Peter Mputle. Solace of the Heart: selected poems (2015/2020). — 30 contemporary poems on spirituality, inspired by the Seven Valleys and "troubles of the affairs of...
  129. Bahiyyih Nakhjavani. Some Themes and Images in the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh (1976-04-21). — Exploring the relationship between the Creative Word, particularly its expression in language, and t...
  130. Howard Colby Ives. Song Celestial, The (1938). — Book-length poem about the search for God, in which a seeker asks God various questions, and God res...
  131. Dawn Staudt. Songs of the Spirit: A Collection of Poems Written during the Fast 2003 and 2004 (2004).
  132. Duane L. Herrmann. Sweet Scented Dreams: Poems for Devotion (2011). — Selection of twelve poems of a devotional nature from a Baha'i perspective, some previously publishe...
  133. Bahá'u'lláh. Juan Cole, trans. Tablet of Nightingale of Separation (Lawh-i-Bulbulu'l-Firáq) (1998).
  134. Shoghi Effendi. Khazeh Fananapazir, trans. Tablet of the Centennial (1998). — Partial translation of an epistle to the Persian-speaking Baha'is, written shortly after "God Passes...
  135. Bahá'u'lláh. Shoghi Effendi, trans, Mehran Ghasempour, trans. Tablet of the Holy Mariner (1924/2002). — Complete tablet, both the Arabic (official translation) and the Persian (provisional translation) se...
  136. Bahá'u'lláh. Necati Alkan, trans. Tablet on the Daystar of Divine Beauty (2003-07). — Poetic Tablet of Baha’u’llah dating from the Baghdad, Istanbul, or Edirne periods.
  137. Báb, The. Stephen Lambden, trans. Tablet to Mullá Muhammad Báqir-i Tabrízí: Extracts (1998). — Extract from a Tablet of the Bab to the 13th Letter of the Living, in reply to his question about Ma...
  138. Todd Lawson. Tafsir and the Meaning of the Qur'an: The Crucifixion in Muslim Thought (2010-10-23). — Using Qur'an 4:156-7 as an example, classical tafsīr, “scholastic" exegesis, has not always taken...
  139. Amin Banani. Táhirih: A Portrait in Poetry (2000). — An account of Tahirih allowing her own voice, through her poems, to speak for herself, her time, and...
  140. Martha L. Root. Táhirih's Message to the Modern World (1941). — Transcript of a radio address from Sunday April 21, 1940, telling the story of Ṭahirih, describing...
  141. Jack McLean. "The Purpose of Poetry," by Shirin Sabri: Commentary (1989).
  142. Shahbaz Fatheazam. The Quickening: Unknown Poetry of Tahirih, by John S. Hatcher and Amrollah Hemmat: Review (2015).
  143. Rúhíyyih Khánum. This is Faith (1954). — One poem.
  144. Horace Holley. Three Books of Poetry (1913-1914). — Collections Creation: Post-Impressionist Poems, The Inner Garden: A Book of Verse, and The Stricken ...
  145. Adib Masumian, trans. Translation List: Provisional Translations of Baháʼí Literature (2009-2023). — Index to talks, letters, and other items translated from Persian and Arabic to English by Adib Masum...
  146. Todd Lawson. Translator of Desires: Poems by Muhyiddin Ibn ʿArabí, trans. by Michael Sells: Review (2022). — Book review includes a brief discussion of the word tarjuman, "translation" (and the name of a Baha'...
  147. Vahid Chittleborough. Two poems: "A Portrait of Time" and "Surrender" (1995).
  148. Sheila Banani. Two Poems: The Muse, Don Quixote (2003).
  149. Hugh McKinley. Two Poems: Threnody, Mystery of Life (2003).
  150. Jack McLean. Under the Divine Lote Tree: Essays and Reflections (1999). — 85 literary and theological existential essays on topics such as poetry, scripture, philosophy, spir...
  151. Frank Lewis. Unveiling the Hidden Words, by Diana Malouf: An Extended Review (1998). — Book review, and a commentary on the need for Baha'i academia aimed at a secular audience, and the p...
  152. Verse (1986). — Poems by Ruhiyyih Khanum, Giuseppe de Marco, Gilbert Robert, Martyn Burke, Audrey Marcus, Anneke Buy...
  153. Stanwood Cobb. What Is God? (1955). — Poetic meditations on the nature of God and our search for the divine, "an attempt to open up vistas...
  154. Nabil-i-A'zam. Sepehr Manuchehri, trans. Whilst He Was in Suleymaniah: Extracts and poems from the memoirs of Nabil Zarandi (2002). — Handful of short extracts and poems from the memoirs of Nabil-i-A`zam [aka Mulla Muḥammad-i-Zaran...
  155. Jack McLean. Whispers of Angels: Poems (1990). — A collection of 89 poems dedicated to the author's father.
  156. Marzieh Gail, Hilda Phillips. Wisdom and Wit of Roger White, The: Two Reviews (1987). — Reviews of White's books One Bird One Cage One Flight and A Sudden Music.
  157. Hussein Ahdieh. طاهره پیشتار آزادی زنان شرق (Táhirih Písh-tár Ázádí-yi Zanán-i Sharq): Tahirih: Forerunner of Women's Liberation in the East (2019). — A biographical work on the life of Tahirih detailing significant moments including her early years, ...

2.   from the Chronology (5 results; expand)

  1. 1852-10-01 — The revelation of Rashh-i-Ama (The Clouds of the Realms Above) while in the Siyah-Chal in Tehran. Th...
  2. 1854-04-10 — Baha'u'llah in Sulaymaniyyih Baha'u'llah suddenly left Baghdad and went to the mountainous wilder...
  3. 1980-02-25 — Robert Hayden, much-honoured American poet, passed away in Ann Arbor, Michigan. [BW18:717] For hi...
  4. 1993-04-10 — The passing of Roger White, writer, editor and "poet laureate" of the Baha'i community, in Richmond,...
  5. 2017-09-19 — Mahvash Sabet, one of the seven members of the former leadership group of the Baha'is in Iran known ...
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