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Tag "Economics"

tag name: Economics type: General
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referring tags: Accounting; Business; Manufacturing; Profit; Taxation; Wealth and poverty; Work

"Economics" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (95 results; expand)

  1. Abdu'l-Bahá. Bahá'í World Centre, trans. Additional Tablets, Extracts and Talks (2018/2023). — 167 selections, updated August 2023.
  2. Rama Ayman. Addressing the Rising Tide of Globalization and Amorality in the Present World Order and Its Implications on Extremes of Wealth and Poverty (2016). — On inequality within most nations in the world at a time when wealth disparity between nations has b...
  3. Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity. Advancing Toward the Equality of Women and Men (2009-12-08). — Issues that lie at the heart of the struggle for the equality of women and men, via the Institute’...
  4. Christopher Buck. "And universal peace — in what Book is this written?": How and Why 'Abdu'l-Bahá Identified "New" and Distinctive Bahá'í Principles (2022-09). — Reflections on ‘Abdu’l-Baha's answer to the question "What has Baha’u’llah brought that we h...
  5. Bahá'í Inspiration. Báb's Business Etiquette, The. — Anecdote about how the Bab changed unseemly business practices while he was a merchant in Bushihr, a...
  6. Badi Shams. Bahá'í Essays in the Times Colonist (2017-2024). — 48 essays: spiritual cost of higher a standard of living; religious prejudice; spiritual principles ...
  7. Bryan Graham. Baha'i Faith and economics: a review and synthesis (2002). — Review of the secondary literature on the subject and some issues of methodology.
  8. Geeta Gandhi Kingdon. Bahá'í Faith and Economics, The by Bryan Graham: Commentary (1999).
  9. Farhad Rassekh. Bahá'í Faith and the Market Economy, The (2001). — Baha'i teachings relevant to the market system as described in classical economics and the roles...
  10. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi. Badi Shams, comp. Bahá'í Perspective on Economics of the Future: A Compilation from the Bahá'í Writings (1989/2000). — Collection of Writings originally organized for the author's research study into Baha'i teachings on...
  11. Hooshmand Badee. Bahá'í Teachings on Economics and Their Implications for the Bahá'í Community and the Wider Society (2015-08). — This research attempts to explore the extensive volume of Baha’i writings on economics and systema...
  12. Peter Calkins, Benoit Girard. Bahá'í Village Granary, The: Spiritual Underpinnings and Applications to North America (1998). — A village granary helps lay the systemic foundations of Baha’u’llah’s spiritualized new world ...
  13. Vargha Taefi (published as Vargha Bolodo-Taefi). Beyond Welfare: A Preliminary Bahá'í Normative Framework for Economic Rights and Responsibilities (2022). — The conceptual underpinnings of a Baha’i approach to economic growth and disparity, mapped onto an...
  14. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States, comp. Business, Development, and the Bahá'í Funds (1993-05). — Compilation by the Office of the Treasurer on the challenge for America, business ventures and devel...
  15. Augusto Lopez-Carlos. Challenges of Sustainable Development (2012). — Economic growth contributes to global prosperity, but it may conflict with environmental constraints...
  16. Arthur Lyon Dahl. Collective Consciousness, Human Maturity, and the Challenge of Sustainability: Response (2009-08-14). — Response to presentations "The Essential Role of Religion in Fostering a Sustainable World" by Peter...
  17. Kamran Ekbal. Colonialism, Nationalism and Jewish Immigration to Palestine: Abdu'l-Baha's Viewpoints Regarding the Middle East (2014). — Abdu'l-Baha was opposed to the cultural and political colonialism of foreign powers and their milita...
  18. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. De l'action sociale (2020). — Concepts de développement dans les enseignements baha'is, dimensions matérielles et dimensions spi...
  19. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi. Deepening Our Knowledge and Understanding of the Faith, The Importance of (1991).
  20. Universal House of Justice. Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Nine Year Plan (2022-11-01). — Matters relating to the Nine Year Plan (2022-2031), ethnic and cultural diversity, humanity's crisis...
  21. Universal House of Justice. Badi Shams, comp, Badi Shams, trans. Directrices para la Economía de la Vida: Mensajes de la Casa Universal de Justicia relacionados con la Economía. — Recopilación de mensajes de la Casa Universal de Justicia, recopilados por un autor de libros y tit...
  22. Brad Pokorny. Eco Principle, The: Ecology and Economics in Symbiosis, by Arthur Dahl: Review (1996-10-05).
  23. Stephen Vickers. Eco Principle, The: Ecology and Economics in Symbiosis, by Arthur Dahl: Review (1997).
  24. Keith Suter. Economic Justice and the Creation of a New International Economic Order (1996). — The "New Right," history of economic philosophy and the role of the Church in Europe, challenges of ...
  25. Mary Fish. Economic Prosperity: A Global Imperative (1997). — Economic growth does not necessarily enhance human welfare. The Prosperity of Humankind recognizes t...
  26. Hooshmand Badee. Economic Significance of the Law of Huququ'llah (2022-09). — Wilmette Institute webinar on the "Right of God": the Institution of Ḥuqúqu’llah; sustainable d...
  27. Badi Shams. Economics and Spirituality from a Baha'i Perspective (2021). — The role of morality in economics; on developing a humane economy; definition of economics and its h...
  28. Badi Shams. Economics of the Future Begins Today (2016/2019). — This book presents a lesson in economics in simple terms and puts forward the Baha’i view of the c...
  29. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Economics, A Bahá'í Approach: Warwick Leaflets (1994-04-27).
  30. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. Economics, Agriculture, and Related Subjects (2000).
  31. Giuseppe Robiati. Economy for a New World Order (2005). — A new vision of economics inspired by unity in diversity, respect of nature and other humans, and th...
  32. Bahá'í International Community. Employment and Beyond: Drawing on the Capacities of All to Contribute to Society (2023-02-12). — A statement to the 61st session of the Commission for Social Development inspired by the changing na...
  33. Bahá'í International Community. Eradicating Poverty: Moving Forward as One (2008). — BIC statement on poverty.
  34. James J. Keene. Essays on Bahá'í Topics (2010/2021). — Three sample chapters from a collection of essays: Universal Currency is Now, Baha'i Election Primer...
  35. Oliver Giscard d'Estaing. Ethics of Profit, The (2001). — Clarifies the economic, social, and spiritual functions of profit and the distinction between ethica...
  36. Gregory C. Dahl. Evolving toward a Bahá'í Economic System (1991). — Ideals are fruitless if not implemented. There needs to be a balance and an interplay between goals ...
  37. Bahiyyih Nakhjavani. Fact and Fiction: Interrelationships between History and Imagination (2000). — On the tension between "fact" and "fiction," between objective history and our relative and subjecti...
  38. Sen McGlinn. Faith and World Economy: A Joint Venture, a Bahá'í Perspective, by Giuseppe Robiati: Review (1998).
  39. Mary Fish. Faith and World Economy: A Joint Venture, Bahá'í Perspective, by Guiseppe Robiati: Review (1991).
  40. Edward Rappaport. Faith and World Economy: A Joint Venture, Bahá'í Perspective, by Guiseppe Robiati: Review (1991).
  41. Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Food and Farming: Warwick Leaflets (2001).
  42. Office of Social and Economic Development. For the Betterment of the World: The Worldwide Bahá'í Community's Approach to Social and Economic Development (2003/2008/2018/2023). — Essays, photographs, and overviews of local projects around the world, illustrating how Baha'i princ...
  43. Justin Scoggin. Forging the Divine Economy (2002-12). — Advancing the establishment of Baha'u'llah's divine economy through the operation of community curre...
  44. Universal House of Justice. Badi Shams, comp. Guidelines for Economic Living: Messages from the Universal House of Justice Related to Economics (2017). — Compilation of messages from the Universal House of Justice, collected by an author of books on, and...
  45. Badi Shams. Hacia un nuevo orden económico-espiritual desde una perspectiva Baha'i (2021). — Una colección de trabajos acerca del concepto de economia Baha’i. Mi objetivo siempre ha sido sim...
  46. Juan Cole. 'Indian Money' and the Shi'i Shrine Cities of Iraq, 1786-1850 (1986-10). — On the political economy of the Shi'i shrine cities of Iraq, theological and pilgrimage centers whic...
  47. Hooshmand Badee. Inquiry on the Role of Religion in Wealth and Poverty, An (2017). — There are areas where religion has contributed to the debate on wealth creation and poverty eradicat...
  48. Gad Gilbar. Interest (riba) in Islam and the Bahá'í Faith (2004-01-20). — Baha'i scripture permits charging interest (riba) on loans, in contrast to Islamic law which forbids...
  49. Mary Hanford Ford. Interview with 'Abdu'l-Bahá, An (1933-07). — Discussing spiritual insights, martyrdom, and labor-saving machines' role in societal advancement.
  50. Navid Sabet. Is Economic Justice Possible?: Toward a New Conception of the Equitable Distribution of Wealth and Income (2020-09). — Survey of the world's current economic condition, and on the implications of Baha'i principles on th...
  51. Robert W. McGee. Is It Unethical to Evade Taxes in an Evil or Corrupt State?: A Look at Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Mormon and Bahá'í Perspectives (1999 Winter). — The ethics of tax evasion has been a neglected topic in both the accounting and ethical literature. ...
  52. Betsy Omidvaran. Kitáb-i-Aqdas as a Lens with which to Examine some of the Dilemmas of Modernity, The (2002). — Contrast between the Aqdas - the source of laws of future society - and issues of the modern world a...
  53. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi. Badi Shams, comp. La Economia del Futuro: Una Recopilacion de los Escritos Baha'is (1995). — Una colección de cincuenta temas sobre las enseñanzas baha'is en materia de economia.
  54. Jordan van Rijn. Learning to Sift: Reflections on Ten Years of Engaging with the Economics Discourse (2023-10). — Collaborators explored diverse approaches how to examine economic discourse from a Baha’i perspect...
  55. William S. Hatcher. Les Valeurs economiques et les valeurs morales (1989).
  56. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Helen Bassett Hornby, comp. Lights of Guidance: A Bahá'í Reference File (1988). — The classic Baha'i reference book. This is its first online edition.
  57. Suresh Sahadevan. Missing Moral Dimension, The (1999). — Today's social and economic policies are materially efficient and technically sound, but something v...
  58. Gregory C. Dahl. New Directions for Economics (2018). — How spiritual principles can be applied to economic life; Baha'is are called to concern themselves w...
  59. Bahá'í International Community. New Framework for Global Prosperity, A (2006-01). — Baha'i International Community's submission to the 2006 Commission on Social Development on the revi...
  60. Bahá'í International Community. One Planet, One Habitation: A Bahá'í Perspective on Recasting Humanity's Relationship with the Natural World (2022-06-01). — A pictorial magazine-style overview of Baha'i views on the environment, trusteeship, development, pr...
  61. Badi Shams. Pensamientos varios de un economista místico (2016-2021). — Colección de 59 articulos publicados en
  62. Eamonn Moane. Perspectives on the Global Economy at the Dawn of the 21st Century: An Irish Bahá'í View (2001). — The state and issues of the global economy, including Ireland, at the start of the 21st century. Tho...
  63. Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Potential Calamities and Ensuring Sustainability of Communities (2020). — Guidance on calamitous events and our response to them.
  64. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. Professions (n.d.).
  65. Badi Shams. Random Thoughts of a Mystic Economist (2016-2023). — Collection of 61 articles published on
  66. Bahá'í International Community. Reflections of Our Values: Digital Technologies and a Just Transition (2021-02). — A statement to the 59th session of the Commission for Social Development on technological innovation...
  67. Universal House of Justice. Regarding Economic Life (2017-03-01). — Themes of Baha'u'llah's teachings include the reorganization of human society, how to participate in...
  68. Roger K Doost. Religion, the Bahá'í Faith, and Accounting: Is There a Link? (1997). — Summary of discussions in an accounting class about spirituality. As a system that seeks to create b...
  69. Badi Shams. Removing Poverty Through Virtues (2021-09). — If humanity has more than enough food and resources for everyone, why do so many live in poverty? Hu...
  70. Bahá'í International Community. Rethinking Prosperity: Forging Alternatives to a Culture of Consumerism (2010-05-03). — The BIC's contribution to the 18th Session of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Developme...
  71. Peter Brown. Right Relationship: Building a Whole Earth Economy (2009-08-14).
  72. Roshan Danesh, Douglas White III. Rising to the Challenge of Reconciliation (2023-01-08). — Analyzing the legacy of colonialism and racism in Canada and examining the profound, multifaceted pr...
  73. Wendi Momen. Shared Prosperity: How Does That Work? (2015). — The goal of shared prosperity includes two key elements: economic growth and equity. Without sustain...
  74. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. Social Action (2020). — Concepts of social and economic development in the Baha'i teachings; material vs spiritual dimension...
  75. Leslie William Kuzyk. Social Justice, Wealth Equity and Gender Equality: Bahá'ís and non-Bahá'ís of Alberta (2003-09). — Baha'i theology takes distinctive positions on wealth distribution and gender equality. These issues...
  76. Michel P. Zahrai. Spiritual Approach to Microcredit Projects, A (1998). — Spiritual considerations that should guide the elaboration and implementation of microcredit schemes...
  77. Barbara J. Rodey. Spiritual Dimensions of Microfinance, The: Towards a Just Civilization and Sustainable Economy (2001). — Prepared for the Microcredit Summit to emphasize the importance of universal spiritual principles to...
  78. Badi Shams. Study of the Bahá'í Writings on Economics (2021). — Annotated compilation on: divine economy, Baha'i economic system, station of humankind, material civ...
  79. Universal House of Justice. To the Believers in the Cradle of the Faith (2010-04-02). — Regarding subjects such as family life, wealth, materialism, and justice.
  80. Rick Schaut. Toward a Bahá'í Economic Model (1995-10). — Summary of three positive statements which might form the basis for a Baha'i economic model.
  81. George Starcher. Toward a New Paradigm of Management (1991/1997). — The fundamental changes taking place in management and organization in reaction to globalization and...
  82. Badi Shams. Towards a New Spiritual Economic System (2021). — Collection of some of work on the concept of Baha’i economics. The goal is to simplify economics a...
  83. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Hooshmand Badee, comp. True Foundation of All Economics, The (2000/2013). — Book-length compilation ordered by chapters covering 26 themes on the economy, welfare, development,...
  84. Bijan Samali. Universality of the Laws of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, The (1996). — The laws of the Aqdas focus on the individual; are applicable to everyone; facilitate the realisatio...
  85. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States. Vision of Race Unity: America's Most Challenging Issue (1991). — A formal statement from the US NSA on "the most challenging issue confronting America."
  86. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. Wealth, Redistribution of (n.d.). — Extract from "Jurisprudence and the Distribution of Wealth" followed by compilation "The Redistribut...
  87. Sathia Varqa. Why freedom matters: Adding spirituality to Amartya Sen's interpretation on freedom (2006). — The aim of this paper is to argue why freedom matters to individual being. This is done with referen...
  88. Sathia Varqa. Why only Baha'is can contribute to the Baha'i funds: The political economy perspective (2006). — An exploration of why only Baha'is have the right and privilege of giving to the Baha'i fund, demons...
  89. Sohrab Abizadeh. Will Globalization Lead to a World Commonwealth? (2005). — How emerging international crises, such as global epidemics, when combined with the fundamental prin...
  90. Badi Shams. Workshop Material for The Baha'i Writings on Economics (2021). — Structured outlines, study questions, and compilation for use in workshop sessions on the nature of ...
  91. Gregory C. Dahl. Vladimir Chupin, trans. Шаги в сторону экономической модели бахаи (1991). — Светлые идеалы бесплодны, если их обладатели сидят, сл...
  92. Hooshmand Badee. به سوی یک جامعه مشترک المنافع در اتحادیه جهانی بهائی از دیدگاه حضرت ولی امرالله (Bih Súy-i-Yik Jámi'iy-i-Mushtaraku'l-Manáfi' dar Ittiḥádíyyiy-i-Jaháníy-i-Bahá'í az Dídgáh-i-Ḥaḍrat-i-Valíyy-i-Amru'lláh): "Towards a Bahá'í World Commonwealth from the Guardian's Perspective" (2013).
  93. Hooshmand Badee. حضرت عبدالبهاء - پیشگام اقتصاد اخلاقی (Ḥaḍrat-i-'Abdu'l-Bahá: Píshgám-i-Iqtiṣád-i-Akhláqí): "'Abdu'l-Bahá - A Pioneer of Moral Economics" (2021 October/November).
  94. Hooshmand Badee. نظری اجمالی بر تعدادی از آموزه های اقتصادی رساله مدنیه - اثر حضرت عبدالبهاء (Naẓarí Ijmálí bar Ti'dádí az Ámúzih-háy-i-Iqtiṣádíy-i-Risáliy-i-Madaníyyih, Athar-i-Ḥaḍrat-i-'Abdu'l-Bahá): "Selected Economic Doctrines of 'Abdu'l-Bahá in The Secret of Divine Civilisation" (2023).
  95. Hooshmand Badee. نظری اجمالی به زیانهای ناشی از تبعیضات اقتصادی بر ضد جامعه بهائی در ایران (Naẓarí Ijmálí bih Zíyán-háy-i-Náshí az Tab'íḍát-i-Iqtiṣádí bar Ḍidd-i-Jámi'iy-i-Bahá'í dar Írán): "A brief overview of economic apartheid against the Bahá'ís in Iran and its impact on the economy of Iran" (2015-07).

2.   from the Chronology (2 results; expand)

  1. 2012-00-00 — The Office of Temples and Sites was established at the Baha'i World Centre. The purpose of the offi...
  2. 2018-03-12 — The Baha'i International Community in New York released the statement "Beyond Mere Economics: A Mora...

3.   from the Chronology of Canada (1 result)

  1. 1983-11-21 — A brief entitled The Future of Canada: A Baha'i Perspective was presented to The Royal Commission on...
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