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Tag "Scholarship"

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referring tags: Bahá'í scholars; Bahá'í scholarship; Bahá'í studies; Citations; Methodology

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1.   from the main catalog (103 results; expand)

  1. Donald T. Streets. A Way Out of No Way, by Hussein Ahdieh and Hillary Chapman: Review (2017).
  2. Ismael Velasco. Academic Irrelevance or Disciplinary Blind-Spot?: Middle Eastern Studies and the Baha'i Faith Today (2001 Winter). — Possible reasons for the lack of attention to the Baha'i religion in Middle Eastern academic studies...
  3. Universal House of Justice, Susan Maneck. Academic Methodologies (1997-09-21). — Two letters to the House on the relationship between "materialistic methodologies" and "doctrinal he...
  4. Graham Hassall. Asking Questions: A Challenge to Fundamentalism, by Bahíyyih Nakhjavání: Review (1991).
  5. Peter J. Khan. Aspects of Bahá'í Scholarship, Some (1999).
  6. Peter J. Khan. Aspects of Bahá'í Scholarship, Some (1999). — Four ideas that characterize Baha’i scholarship: the central position of the Word in the acquisiti...
  7. Moojan Momen. Bahá'í Faith, Scholarship on (1995). — This article is a survey of attempts to analyse and study the Babi and Baha'i Faith from a scholarly...
  8. Denis MacEoin. Bahá'í Fundamentalism and the Academic Study of the Babi Movement (1986). — A response to Afnan and Hatcher's "Western Islamic Scholarship and Bahá'í Origins," on the issue...
  9. Barney Leith. Bahá'í Review: Should the 'red flag' law be repealed? (1995). — Argument that the current provisions for review may be anachronistic and that the benefits of deregu...
  10. Seena Fazel, John Danesh. Bahá'í Scholarship: An examination using citation analysis (1995). — Examines references of articles in major Baha'i studies journals published during 1978-83 and 1988-9...
  11. Moojan Momen. Bahá'í Scholarship: Definitions and Perspectives (1993). — Reflections on strictly religious Baha'i scholarship vis-à-vis secular scholarship, and how one can...
  12. Seena Fazel, comp. Bahá'í Scholarship: Readings (1993).
  13. International Teaching Centre. Bahá'í scholarship: importance, nature, and promotion of (1984-08-09). — Information on Baha'i scholarship to devise ways to foster the development of Baha'i scholarship alo...
  14. Robert Stauffer, comp. Bahá'í Studies Bulletin: Index by volume (1998). — List of articles in all issues of Bahai Studies Bulletin, 1982-1992.
  15. Bijan Ma'sumian, Adib Masumian. Baha'i Studies in Iran: A Preliminary Survey (2014). — Overview of the cultivation and evolution of religious education in the Baha’i Faith in Iran in th...
  16. Universal House of Justice. Geoffrey W. Marks, comp. Bahá'í studies Seminar in Cambridge, 30 September - 1 October 1978: Message to Participants (1996). — Harmony of science and religion; faith and reason; spiritual scholarship; and the institution of rev...
  17. Koumarth Sulaymani. Adel Shafipour, trans. Brief Biography of 'Azizu'llah Sulaymani, A (2007). — Overview of the life and publications of a prominent Iranian scholar (1901-1985) who wrote on histor...
  18. Juan Cole. Browne, Edward Granville: Babism and Bahá'ísm (1990). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  19. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice. Challenge and Promise of Bahá'í Scholarship, The (1981). — Issues that face students of religion, and especially scholars coming from a Baha'i perspective.
  20. Vernon Elvin Johnson. Challenge of the Bahá'í Faith: A Non-Bahá'í Assessment of Reasons for Studying the Bahá'í Religion (1976 Spring). — Though small and young, the Bahá’í Faith is a subject of central importance not only for the s...
  21. Seena Fazel. Contemporary developments in Baha'i studies: An examination using citation analysis (2003-01). — Investigation of contemporary developments using the technique of citation analysis, a widely used m...
  22. Universal House of Justice. Covenant-Breakers in Bahá'í Historiography (1991-06). — Baha'i scholars may, when needed, use books by Covenant Breakers.
  23. Denis MacEoin. Crisis in Babi and Bahá'í Studies, The: Part of a Wider Crisis in Academic Freedom? (1990). — Response to Cole's review of MacEoin's "Hierarchy, Authority, and Eschatology in Early Babi Thought"...
  24. Will C. van den Hoonaard. Dilemmas and Prospects of Writing a Bahá'í Encyclopedia (1989). — The need for a Baha’i encyclopedia and a description of the nature, organization, and editing of t...
  25. Stephen Lambden. Doing Bahá'í Scholarship in the 1990s: A Religious Studies Perspective (1993). — Argues that Baha'i studies must address contemporary world issues, dialogues in pluralism, the New A...
  26. Ismael Velasco. Doing Scholarship from a Faith Perspective: Reading the Sacred as Sacred Encounter (2006). — Problems with faith perspectives, and the dichotomy between faith and objectivity.
  27. Stephen Lambden. Dr. MacEoin's "Problems of Scholarship...": Some Thoughts (1982). — The nature of faith-based approaches to studying religion, authoritarianism, supernatural vs. human ...
  28. Will C. van den Hoonaard. Emergence from Obscurity: The Journey of Sociology in the Bahá'í Community (2008). — The field of sociology and the Baha’i Faith share important principles and both challenge widely-h...
  29. Vahid Rafati. Evolving Role of Bahá'í Scholarship, The (2015). — Lecture on the evolution of Baha’i scholarship; ulamas and the Faith; role of the ulamas in Islam;...
  30. John S. Hatcher. Exploring the Implications of a Conceptual Framework for Action for Bahá'í Scholarship (2018). — "From the Editor's Desk": How elements of the conceptual framework that encompasses the vision and a...
  31. Bahiyyih Nakhjavani. Fact and Fiction: Interrelationships between History and Imagination (2000). — On the tension between "fact" and "fiction," between objective history and our relative and subjecti...
  32. Moojan Momen. Fádl Mázandarání, Mírzá Asadu'lláh (1999). — Very brief article, short enough to qualify as "fair use."
  33. Wolfgang A. Klebel. Finding a Trace of the Traceless Friend: Reflection on Bahá'í Scholarship as a Journey in the Valley of Search (2014). — Prerequisites of search; independent investigation and the role of the heart, culture and tradition;...
  34. Boris Handal. Global Scholars as Ambassadors of Knowledge (2013). — Global scholars can face challenges interacting with peers and with the community of their destinati...
  35. Rick Harmsen. Holy Grail of Objectivity, The: Some Considerations for Balancing Sacred and Secular in Bahá'í Scholarship (1995/2004). — Discussion of an apologetic nature about an interpretive or hermeneutic principle relating to Baha'i...
  36. Michael W. Sours. Immanence and Transcendence in Theophanic Symbolism (1992). — Baha'u'llah uses symbols to depict theophanies — the appearance of God and the divine in the real...
  37. Ismael Velasco. Ineffability in Scripture: A Conversation with 6 Medieval Mystics (2006). — On how the experience of six 13th- and 14th-century Christian mystics was shaped by their language, ...
  38. Moojan Momen. Insider and Outsider Scholarship in Bahá'í Studies (2008). — 'Insider' and 'outsider' scholars can both use academic methodolology in the study of religion with ...
  39. Farzam Arbab. Intellectual Life of the Bahá'í Community, The (2016). — The 34th Hasan M. Balyuzi Memorial Lecture at the ABS conference in Montreal, on the need for us to ...
  40. Universal House of Justice. Internet Discussions, Character of (1995-05-19). — Internet courtesy, discipline, and the need for Baha'is online to be a "spiritual leaven."
  41. Vahid Rafati. Ishráq Khávarí (1998). — Very brief article, short enough to qualify as "fair use."
  42. Ian C. Semple. Knowledge and the Covenant of Bahá'u'lláh: Invited Commentary (1999). — On the apparent contradiction between following infallible divine guidance while pursuing an unfette...
  43. Joshua Lincoln. Law and International Order: Proceedings of the First European Bahá'í Conference on Law and International Order: Review (1997-10). — Review of conference proceedings, highlighting Baha'i law, governance, human rights, and future pers...
  44. Universal House of Justice. Laymen vs. Scholars in Bahá'í Studies (1996-03-14). — No distinction should be drawn between "laypeople" and "scholars" in Baha'i studies, and the pursuit...
  45. William P. Collins. Library and Archival Resources at the Bahá'í World Centre (1985:12). — Overview of the nature of the Baha'i World Centre; historical resources at the BWC; Centre for the S...
  46. Stephen Lambden. Arjen Bolhuis, comp. List of Baha'i Studies and Translations. — A list of content available at Lambden's personal website, Hurqalya Publications, with select links ...
  47. Universal House of Justice. Geoffrey W. Marks, comp. Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1963-1986: Third Epoch of the Formative Age (1996).
  48. John S. Hatcher. Methodology and Bahá'í Studies: The Bridge between Realities (2001). — The role of Baha'i academics to bring to light aspects of the dual physical and spiritual aspects of...
  49. Moojan Momen. Methodology in Bahá'í studies (2001). — How Baha'i scholars can interact with secular academia. Baha’i scholarship can develop in two ways...
  50. Moojan Momen. Mírzá Abu'l-Fadl Gulpáyegání (1985). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  51. Douglas Martin. Next Stage, The (2013). — Baha'i scholars find themselves at a stage in the Faith’s development where they must construct a ...
  52. Muhammad Afnan, William S. Hatcher, Denis MacEoin. Note on Maceoin's 'Bahá'í Fundamentalism' and 'Afnán, Hatcher and an old bone' (1986). — Two shorter follow-up essays, offering closing thoughts on a previously-published debate about issue...
  53. Universal House of Justice. Persian Manuscript of Nabíl's History (Táríkh-i-Nabíl), The (2009-03-08). — Answers to various questions, including: have any publications made use of the original manuscript u...
  54. Shahla Ali. Power of Reflection, The: Advancing Governance and Dispute Resolution Systems through Devolved Reflection and Shared Knowledge Generation (2018). — Reflection is the "source of crafts, sciences and arts," with the capacity to produce "pearls of wis...
  55. Universal House of Justice, Susan Maneck. Primary Source Texts, Access to (1998-12-30). — One scholar's query why the Baha'i World Centre's copies of primary sources in Babi and Baha'i histo...
  56. Jack McLean. Promises to Keep: Thoughts on an Emerging Bahá'í Theology (1995/2007). — A nascent Baha'i systemic theology must have certain parameters, including spirituality, the prophet...
  57. Michael W. Sours, Christopher Buck. Prophecies of Jesus, by Michael Sours: Commentary and Responses (1994). — Editorial statement about the nature of Baha'i scholarship and academic debate, followed by response...
  58. Jack McLean. Propositions on a More Comprehensive Theology (1995). — Implications of theology for science and creativity, religious language, proclamation, apologetics, ...
  59. Peter Terry. Purposes and Objectives of Bahá'í Scholarship, The: Compilation and commentary (2009). — Three essays on objectives of Baha'i Scholarship, attaining to the knowledge of God, and the study o...
  60. Thomas R. Wilson. Qualities and Attributes of the Spiritually Learned: Excerpts from The Secret of Divine Civilization (1987).
  61. K. P. Mohanan. Rationality in Academic Disciplines (2001). — For an academic community to construct knowledge through teamwork, its members must have a shared la...
  62. Ian Kluge. Reason and the Bahá'í Writings: The Use and Misuse of Logic and Persuasion (2001-09-02). — How to study the Baha'i Writings through the use of logic.
  63. Graham Hassall, ed. Reference Desk, The: Projects that Support Bahá'í Scholarship in the Digital Age (2022). — 13 presentations on how digital technologies are supporting Baha’i scholarship. Webmasters, biblio...
  64. Moojan Momen, Denis MacEoin. Response to MacEoin's "Problems of Scholarship" and "A Critique of Moojan Momen's Response," A (1983). — A discussion touching on many topics, including scientific objectivity in the study of religion, fai...
  65. Eric Hadley-Ives. Results of Talisman Attitudes Survey (2000). — Detailed analysis of the beliefs and community interactions of participants in the listserver Talism...
  66. John S. Hatcher, Abdu'l-Missagh Ghadirian. Mark Towfiq, comp. Role of the Scholar: Scholarship and the Covenant (1996-03-31). — Essays "The New Role of the Scholar in Baha'i Society" and "Scholarship and the Covenant."
  67. Christopher Buck, Youli A. Ioannesyan. Scholar Meets Prophet: Edward Granville Browne and Bahá'u'lláh (Acre, 1890) (2018). — Details of E.G. Browne's handwritten notes about his meeting with Baha'u'llah, his stay in Akka in A...
  68. Universal House of Justice. Scholarly Activities, Development of (2009).
  69. Universal House of Justice. Scholars and the Administrative Order (1997-07-20). — Letter to the House requesting guidance concerning a possible "atmosphere of distrust" among some ac...
  70. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. Scholarship (2000).
  71. William S. Hatcher. Scholarship: A Bahá'í Perspective (1988). — Baha’i scholarship seeks to understand and/or apply truths contained in the writings of the Baha...
  72. Moojan Momen. Scholarship and the Bahá'í Community (1988). — The place of scholarship in the Baha’i community and the value of Baha’i studies to that communi...
  73. Robert Stockman. Scholarship and the Bahá'í Institutions, Comments on (2001 Winter/Spring). — The terms "scholarship" vs "scholar"; relationship between scholarship and faith; relationship with ...
  74. John S. Hatcher. Scholarship and the Bahá'í Vision of Reality (2018). — "From the Editor's Desk": Understanding the various aspects of reality in contemporary fields of stu...
  75. Diana Rose Yoka. Scholarship from an Aboriginal Perspective (1996). — Scholarship can be demonstrated in our daily lives, through how we interact with each other and put ...
  76. Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice. Peter J. Khan, comp. Scholarship, Bahá'í (1993).
  77. Universal House of Justice. Scholarship, Bahá'í: Statements from the World Centre (1993).
  78. Fariba Moghadam. Secret of Divine Civilization, The (2021-05). — Overview of the history Abdu'l-Baha's treatise, and its themes presented through a compilation of qu...
  79. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi. Universal House of Justice, comp. Selected Extracts from Letters on Scholarship (1979/1983). — Two compilations on scholarship.
  80. Benjamin Schewel. Seven Narratives of Religion: A Framework for Engaging Contemporary Research (2015). — Academic discourse on religion is beginning to resonate with the broader Baha'i vision. Seven narrat...
  81. Robert Sarracino. Seven Valleys and the Scientific Method, The (2002). — The Seven Valleys is both Baha'u'llah's "greatest mystical composition" and a practical and inspirat...
  82. Will C. van den Hoonaard. Social Organization of Mentorship in Bahá'í Studies, The (1998). — Mentorship in contemporary Baha’i Studies is influenced by gender inequality, generational differe...
  83. Jack McLean. Spiritual Self in Bahá'í Studies, The (2003). — Being philosophically informed is particularly important for Baha'is who are in dialogue with person...
  84. Moojan Momen. Study of Religion, The: Some Comments on Methodology of Studying Religion (1991). — Reasons for the broad variety of different theoretical frameworks from which to view religious pheno...
  85. Universal House of Justice. Study of the Bahá'í Faith, Comment on Issues Related to the (2008). — A follow-up to the "Issues Related to the Study of the Baha'i Faith" letter.
  86. Universal House of Justice. Study of the Bahá'í Faith, Issues Related to the (1998-05). — Letters from the House and the International Teaching Center, and compilation on the nature of oppos...
  87. Todd Lawson. Styles of piety: Notes on the relationship between Bahá'í scholars and the Bahá'í institutions with reference to academic methodology (2003). — On the role of the scholar in the community, the phenomenon of the internet, and the institution of ...
  88. Juan Cole, Denis MacEoin. "'The Objectivity Question' and Bahá'í Studies: A Reply to MacEoin" and "A Few Words in Response to Cole's 'Reply to MacEoin'" (1991). — Two responses to MacEoin's article "Crisis in Babi and Baha'i Studies."
  89. Christopher Buck. The Prophecies of Jesus, by Michael Sours: Review (1992).
  90. Stephen Birkland. Thoughts about Scholarship and Learning in a Far-from-Equilibrium State, Some (2003-08-29).
  91. Stephen Lambden. Thoughts on the Establishment of a Permanent Bahá'í Studies Center and Research Institute, Some (1988). — Present state and future possibilities of Baha'i studies and academic curricula, and answers to vari...
  92. Paul Lample. Toward a Framework for Action (2018). — On defining and encouraging scholarship, especially as it relates to the major objectives of the Bah...
  93. Chris Jones Kavelin. Towards a Spiritual Methodology of Scholarship (2003). — Attempt to offer youth a vision of their sacred duty to pursue scholarship and a confidence in their...
  94. Joan Barstow Hernandez. Transformative Leadership: Its Evolution and Impact (2018). — The ideas behind the conceptual framework and capabilities of Núr University’s "Transformative Le...
  95. Universal House of Justice. Translation and Review (1991-09-08). — Whether certain scholars were authorized as translators, and that the institution of review is not b...
  96. John S. Hatcher. Unveiling the Huri of Love (2005). — Three versions of this paper: Powerpoint presentation, audio file, and published article.
  97. Muhammad Afnan, William S. Hatcher. Western Islamic Scholarship and Bahá'í Origins (1985). — A critique of articles by Denis MacEoin, and a defense of Baha'i interpretations of history vis-à-v...
  98. Ismael Velasco. "What I Want to Say is Wordless": Mystical Language, Revelation and Scholarship (2001). — If the Word of God transcends words and letters, what point is there to Scripture, let alone to scho...
  99. Geoffrey Nash. What is Bahá'í Orientalism? (2021). — Postcolonial theory can help analyze religious writing; Edward Said and the concept of mutual otheri...
  100. Jack McLean. Why We Need Bahá'í Theology (1995). — A short definition of theology, its relationship with scholarship in general, and the role of apolog...
  101. Graham Hassall. Yerrinbool Report on Scholarship: 1997 (1998-04-10). — Overview of worldwide Baha'i scholarship projects, publications, and events - 1997.
  102. Graham Hassall. Yerrinbool Report on Scholarship: 1998 (1999-04-02). — Overview of worldwide Baha'i scholarship projects, publications, and events - 1998.
  103. Graham Hassall. Yerrinbool Report on Scholarship: 1999 (2000). — Overview of worldwide Baha'i scholarship projects, publications, and events - 1999; includes a prog...

2.   from the Chronology (5 results; expand)

  1. 1942-00-00 — Baha'i Scholarship The publication in 1865 of the Comte de Gobineau's (1816-1882),Les Religions et ...
  2. 1978-09-30 — The Baha'i Studies Seminar on Ethics and Methodology was held in Cambridge, UK. See the ...
  3. 1979-01-03 — In a message from the Department of the Secretariat of the Uni...
  4. 1979-09-15 — The second Baha'i Studies Seminar on Ethics and Methodology was held at St. John's College in Cambri...
  5. 2015-02-12 — The official opening of the new location of the Afnan Library Trust at Sandy, close to Cambridge. Th...

3.   from the Chronology of Canada (1 result)

  1. 1951-08-00 — An anonymous believer provided for a one year scholarship at the University of Saskatchewan for a Ba...
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