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Tag "Sociology"

tag name: Sociology type: Science: natural, social, and applied
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referring tags: Anthropology; Constructionism; Us and them

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1.   from the main catalog (63 results; expand)

  1. Amin E. Egea (published as Amin E. Egea Farzannejad). Abdu'l‐Bahá y la cuestión racial (2022). — Pese a compartir objetivos comunes, la perspectiva sobre la armonia racial del lider de la religión...
  2. Jordi Vallverdu Segura, Josuke Nakano. Architectures of Thinking, The (2022). — Sacred architectures play a role in shaping cognition — which results from the relationships betw...
  3. Peter Smith, Moojan Momen. Babi Movement, The: A Resource Mobilization Perspective (1986). — Babism from a sociological standpoint, esp. the place of the Babis in their contemporary cultural an...
  4. Will C. van den Hoonaard. Bahá'í Community of Canada, The: A Case Study in the Transplantation of Non-Western Religious Movements to Western Societies (1996). — The origins and early life of the Baha'i community in Canada as a sociological case study in the tra...
  5. Dianne Bradford, Fiona Missaghian, Udo Schaefer, Robert Stockman. Jonah Winters, comp. Bahá'í Ethics: Answers to 55 Questions Submitted by Arthur Dobrin (2004). — Answers to questions submitted in preparation for a source book in religious ethics for a college co...
  6. Adam Berry. Bahá'í Faith and Its Relationship to Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, The: A Brief History (2004-09-22). — Baha'i history in Iran and America; relationship with Christian missionaries in Iran and Christian c...
  7. Shahla Mehrgani. Bahá'í Faith and the Construction of Social Reality: How do Bahá'ís Translate the Word of God into Practice? (2017). — This project takes a constructionist approach, using a case study of the Baha'is of Sheffield U.K. a...
  8. Peter Smith. Bahá'í Faith in the West, The: A Survey (2004). — General account of the development and expansion of the Faith in Europe and North America 1894-1994,...
  9. Robert Stauffer, comp. Bahá'í Studies Bulletin: Index by volume (1998). — List of articles in all issues of Bahai Studies Bulletin, 1982-1992.
  10. James J. Keene. Bahá'í World Faith: Redefinition of Religion (1967 Autumn). — Baha'is consistently differ from Jews and Christians in the structure of their religious behavior an...
  11. Albert Ross Vail. Bahá'ísm: A Study of a Contemporary Movement (1914-07). — Scholarly analysis of the influence of the Baha'i Faith and the psychology of its followers.
  12. Hutan Hejazi Martinez. Bahá'ísm: History, Transfiguration, Doxa (2010-05). — An outsider's view of the role of ideologies in a postmodern era, focusing on Baha'i history, conver...
  13. Juan Cole. Bahá'u'lláh and Liberation Theology (1997). — The idea of liberation and equality is central to Baha'i theology; the poor in the 19th century Midd...
  14. Will C. van den Hoonaard, comp. Bibliography of sociological or anthropological studies on the contemporary Baha'i Community (1998). — Current only through 1998.
  15. Yin Hong Shuen. Challenge of Change for the Chinese in Southeast Asia, The (2000). — Chinese Baha'is in some Asian countries are a microcosm of Chinese people in this region. An email s...
  16. Community Histories (1992). — Essay on the diversity of Western Baha'i communities, followed by six histories of selected local co...
  17. Todd Smith. Crisis and the Power of an Inclusive Historical Consciousness: Progressing from Delusional Habits to Dynamic Freedom (2020). — On delusional ways of thinking: the habits of totalizing reality vs. fragmenting reality. These lead...
  18. Shahrzad Sabet. Crisis of Identity, The (2023-01-17). — Exploring how the Baha’i principle of the oneness of humanity can resolve the seemingly intractabl...
  19. Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi. Deepening Our Knowledge and Understanding of the Faith, The Importance of (1991).
  20. Will C. van den Hoonaard. Emergence from Obscurity: The Journey of Sociology in the Bahá'í Community (2008). — The field of sociology and the Baha’i Faith share important principles and both challenge widely-h...
  21. Holly Hanson. Enacting Thought: Divine Will, Human Agency, and the Possibility of Justice (2009). — Societies evolve through generations of human decision making. Using the examples of 300 years of po...
  22. Tony Michel. "Evolution of Reality,: Commentary (1991).
  23. Naghme Naseri Morlock. From Outsider to Outsider: A Study of Iranian Bahá'ís' Identity in Iran and the United States (2023). — The denial of a national identity of Baha'is in Iran; their experiences in the U.S.; cultural differ...
  24. Peter Ludwig Berger. From Sect to Church: A Sociological Interpretation of the Bahá'í Movement [excerpt] (1954-06). — Early notable thesis by an eminent sociologist; first chapter only (for an assessment of Berger's wo...
  25. Patricia de Luna Garcia, Rodrigo Vazquez Canales. Género y catolicismo: Concepciones y realidades de practicantes del catolicismo referente a la pluralidad del género (2022). — Relaciónes entre el ser un practicante del catolicismo y la apertura a la pluralidad de género. La...
  26. William S. Hatcher. Human Nature and Human Society: A Bahá'í Viewpoint (1987). — Introduction to the Baha'i understanding of human beings and social structures.
  27. Saul Palacios. Importancia de las Escrituras en la Ética Laboral Protestante (2022). — La ética laboral protestante (PWE) se fundamentaba en un fuerte componente. La PWE ya no esta únic...
  28. Kathleen Jenkins. Intimate Diversity: The Presentation of Multiculturalism and Multiracialism in a High-Boundary Religious Movement (2003). — On the construction and maintenance of multiracial/ethnic networks in religious movements, through a...
  29. Nader Saiedi. Introduction to Abdu'l-Baha's The Secret of Divine Civilization, An (2000). — 'Abdu'l-Baha's The Secret of Divine Civilization in the context of the Iranian social and political ...
  30. Helen Rose Fuchs Ebaugh, Kathe Richman, Janet Saltzman Chafetz. Life Crises among the Religiously Committed: Do Sectarian Differences Matter? (1984). — Study of Catholic Charismatics, Christian Scientists, and Baha'is, in terms of their perceptions of ...
  31. Laurie E. Adkin. Marxism, Human Nature, and Society (1987). — On Marxism, human nature, alienatation and emancipation, and feminism. No mention of the Baha'i Fait...
  32. Peter Smith. Membership, Joining and Leaving Religious Movements and Organizations (2020). — Reflections from the perspective of sociology of religion on belonging, joining, and leaving a faith...
  33. Benjamin Olshin. Mikhail Sergeev, Theory of Religious Cycles: Tradition, Modernity and the Bahá'í Faith: Review (2015).
  34. Juan Cole. Millennialism in Modern Iranian History (2002). — Religions in Iran have been volatile and evolving, from a tool of the establishment to representing ...
  35. Benjamin Schewel. Modernity as an Age of Transition (2023-01-16). — Modernity reconceptualized as a period of humanity’s collective adolescence; origins of the modern...
  36. Peter Beyer. New Religious System for Contemporary Society (2001-04). — On scholarship and categories of religions in the global society, religion as a function system, and...
  37. Lynn Echevarria-Howe (published as Lynn Echevarria). New Skin For An Old Drum, A: Changing Contexts of Yukon Aboriginal Bahá'í Storytelling (2008 Fall). — On the construction of the religious self through the storytelling processes of Yukon Aboriginal Bah...
  38. Will C. van den Hoonaard. Night as Frontier: Some Implications for the Bahá'í Community (1997). — Sociological effects of night-shift employment and the nocturnal populace.
  39. Universal House of Justice. One Common Faith (2005). — Review of relevant passages from both the writings of Baha'u'llah and the scriptures of other faiths...
  40. Hoda Mahmoudi. Permanence of Change, The: Contemporary Sociological and Bahá'í Perspectives (2008). — Sociohistorical changes of the Axial Age and the Renaissance, sociological views on modernity and it...
  41. John Huddleston. Phoenix and the Ashes: The Bahá'í Faith and the Modern Apocalypse, by Geoffrey Nash: Review (1988). — 19th-century optimism, disillusionment with contemporary society, philosophy of history, political t...
  42. Susan Maneck (published as Susan Stiles Maneck), Baharieh Rouhani Ma'ani, R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram, Anthony Lee. Question of Gender, A: A Forum on the Status of Men in Bahá'í Law (1987). — Six authors address issues of theology, sociology, law, inheritance, equality, the Kitab-i-Aqdas, ma...
  43. Matthew Hughey. Race and Racism: Perspectives from Bahá'í Theology and Critical Sociology (2017). — Review of the concepts of race and racism based on social scientific understanding, in order to bett...
  44. James J. Keene. Religious Behavior and Neuroticism, Spontaneity, and Worldmindedness (1967-06). — Baha'is were included in a broad survey of religious thoughts and actions, and their attitudes stati...
  45. Alkhaldy Ayman, Alhrahshehr Rakan. Religious Extremism in a Multifaceted Context (2022). — Deconstruction of the word "extreme" in religious perspectives; proposal for a complete framework en...
  46. Wendy M. Heller. Religious Foundations of Civil Society, The (2000). — A Baha'i perspective on the loss of a transcendent ethical basis as a central problem of modern soci...
  47. Nader Saiedi. Replacing the Sword with the Word: Bahá'u'lláh's Concept of Peace (2019-05). — The writings of Baha'u'llah reconstruct foundational concepts such as mysticism, religion, and socia...
  48. Lin Poyer. Role of Material Goods in Spiritual Development, The (1989). — On the challenge to develop creative, satisfying ways to live within a mass production/mass consumpt...
  49. Peter Smith. Routinization of Charisma?, The: Some Comments on “Motif Messianique et Processus Social dans le Bahá'ísme” (1998-11). — Discussion of sociologist Peter Berger and themes from his dissertation "From Sect to Church: A Soci...
  50. Elizabeth Kostina. Sacred spaces and secular visions in the Bahá'í Holy Gardens (2024-04-22). — Exploring the interplay between religious practice and heritage tourism at the Baha’i Holy Gardens...
  51. Deborah Clark Vance. Same Yet Different, The: Bahá'í Perspectives on Achieving Unity out of Difference (2002-05). — Based on in-depth interviews with members of the Baha’i Faith [in the USA] to uncover a descriptio...
  52. Deborah Clark Vance. Same Yet Different, The: Creating Unity Among the Diverse Members of the Bahá'í Faith (2002/2003 Winter). — A study of the process by which people form a unified community from diverse cultures based on inter...
  53. Jamar M. Wheeler. Seeking Light in the Darkness of "Race" (2017). — A historical sketch of how race concepts evolved, with analysis at macro and micro levels of society...
  54. Bryan F. Le Beau. Social Adaptation of Marginal Religious Movements in America, The (1993-06-22). — Processes of interaction between Marginal Religious Movements and their social environments; adaptiv...
  55. Christopher G. Gourdine, Justin R. Edgren, Thomas L. Trice, Joseph N. Zlatic. Social Affinity Flow Theory: A New Understanding of Both Human Interaction and the Power of the Baha'i Training Institute Process (2019). — On a new explanation of social rifts prevalent in many societies today as well as constructive effor...
  56. Moojan Momen. Social Basis of the Bábí Upheavals in Iran (1848-1953): A Preliminary Analysis (1983). — In the mid-19th century, Iran was shaken by unrest caused by the Babi movement, which set off a chai...
  57. Leslie William Kuzyk. Social Justice, Wealth Equity and Gender Equality: Bahá'ís and non-Bahá'ís of Alberta (2003-09). — Baha'i theology takes distinctive positions on wealth distribution and gender equality. These issues...
  58. Will C. van den Hoonaard. "The Role of Material Goods in Spiritual Development," by Lin Poyer: Commentary (1989).
  59. Graeme Were. Thinking Through Images: Kastom and the Coming of the Baha'is to Northern New Ireland, Papua New Guinea (2005). — Anthropological study on the Baha'i Faith in the Nalik area of New Ireland, New Guinea, especially t...
  60. Viva Rodwell. Three Ages of Man, The: Are They Integrated? (1996). — Childhood, adulthood, old age, and family integration in contemporary culture.
  61. Ismael Velasco. Unity in Diversity: Toward a Correlation of the Bahá'í Perspective with Current Empirical Findings in the Social Science Literature (2009). — The Baha'i community has much to learn from, and contribute to, the efforts of psychologists, sociol...
  62. James J. Keene. Unsuspected Effects of Religion on your Personality (1967). — Review of research reports in sociology and social psychology journals to analyse survey data from f...
  63. Oleg Kyselov. К вопросу о типологии и классификации веры бахаи: On Typology and Classification of the Bahá'í Faith (2011). — An attempt to classify the Baha'i Faith from a perspective of the sociology of religion and Marxism.
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