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Tag "Tehran, Iran"

tag name: Tehran, Iran type: Geographic locations
web link: Tehran,_Iran
variations: Ṭihrán; Tihran
related tags: Iran
referring tags: Golestan Javid Cemetery; Misaghieh Hospital, Tehran; Sehat Hospital, Tehran; Síyáh-Chál (Black Pit, Tehran); Varamin, Iran

"Tehran, Iran" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (31 results; expand)

  1. Moojan Momen. Babi and Bahá'í Religions 1844-1944: Some Contemporary Western Accounts (1981). — A lengthy collection of first-hand reports and mentions of the Babi and Baha'i religions in contempo...
  2. John Walbridge. Babi Martyrs, Some (2002). — Includes bios of Shaykh Salih Karimi, Mulla Abd al-Karim Qazvini, the Farhadis of Qazvin, the Seven ...
  3. Moojan Momen. Badí' (Bahá'í) Calendar: An Introduction, The (2014-11). — Summary of the nature of Baha'i calendar, the way the Badi' calendar works, and the reason for the 2...
  4. John Walbridge. Bahá'í Shrines (1989).
  5. Peter Terry. Concealment and Burial of the Báb (2012). — This chapter from A.-L.-M. Nicolas' seminal biography Seyyed Ali Mohammed dit le Bab (1905) tells th...
  6. Jack McLean. Divine Simplicity: Remembering the last Hand of the Cause of God, 'Ali-Muhammad Varqa (2008-09-18). — Biography of Dr. Varqa, partly based on interviews with people who knew him in Iran.
  7. Ahang Rabbani. Efforts to preserve the remains of the Bab: Four historical accounts (2003). — Accounts by Mirza Hasan Adib Taliqani, Fadil Mazandarani, ‘Abdu’l-Husayn Avarih, and Aqa Husa...
  8. Encyclopaedia Iranica. Arjen Bolhuis, comp. Encyclopaedia Iranica: Selected articles related to Persian culture, religion, philosophy and history (1982-2023). — Sorted, categorized collection of links to over 170 articles.
  9. Asadu'llah Fadil Mazandarani, Avarih. Sepehr Manuchehri, trans. Further extracts concerning the remains of the Bab in Tehran (n.d.). — Two brief excerpts
  10. Robert Stauffer, ed. History of the House of Bahá'u'lláh in Tihran, Iran (1978). — Brief history of the birth-place of Baha'u'llah distributed to pilgrims to the site.
  11. Edith Sanderson. Peter Terry, trans. Interview with A.L.M. Nicolas of Paris: Translator of many important works of the Báb (1942). — Nicolas' life, his encounter with the Babi movement, his motivations and translation efforts.
  12. Moojan Momen. Iran: Province of Tehran (including Qumm, Simnán, and Dámghán) (1994).
  13. Abdu'l-Bahá. Light of the World: Selected Tablets of 'Abdu'l-Bahá (2021). — Tablets of ‘Abdul-Baha describing aspects of the life of Baha’u’llah including the tribulation...
  14. Stephen Lambden. Arjen Bolhuis, comp. List of Baha'i Studies and Translations. — A list of content available at Lambden's personal website, Hurqalya Publications, with select links ...
  15. A.L.M. Nicolas. Massacres de Babis en Perse (1936). — On events in 1903 in Rasht, Isfahan, Yazd, and Tehran, written by a French consul in Iran.
  16. Maneckji Nuserwanji Dhalla. Gool Sohrab H. J. Rustomji, trans, Behram Sohrab H. J. Rustomji, trans. Navjote of a Converted Zoroastrian Bahai, The: (Chapter 68) (1975). — Overview of the Faith, and the author's interactions with Baha'is in the early 1900s. (Navjote is th...
  17. Fred Richards. Persian Journey, Being an Etcher's Impressions of the Middle East, A (1932). — Passing mentions of the Citadel at Tabriz, and the 'City of Bast' near Tehran where the Shah was alm...
  18. Universal House of Justice. Regarding the Implementation of the Badi` Calendar (2014-07-10). — Message to the Baha’is of the world on the updated calendar of Baha'i holy days. Includes a table ...
  19. Ahang Rabbani. Remains of the Bab in Tehran, The (1997). — Brief bio of Aqa Husayn-'Ali Nur and an extract from Khatirat Muhajiri Az Isfahan, "Memoirs of a Ref...
  20. Shahrokh Monjazeb. Sijn-i-Akbar (The Great Prison): The Event of Bahá'u'lláh's Incarceration in the Síyáh Chál Prison of Tehran (2002). — Historical details of the period of Baha'u'lláh's 1852 imprisonment in the infamous dungeon of Teh...
  21. W. Morgan Shuster. Strangling of Persia, The (1912). — Anecdote from a diplomat in Persian about rumours of American travellers proselytizing the Baha'i fa...
  22. Christopher Buck. Symbol and Secret: Qur'an Commentary in Baha'u'llah's Kitab-i-Iqan (1995/2012/2021/2024). — Comparative study of tafsir, exegesis, and theology in the Qur'an and the Kitab-i-Iqan. Includes Per...
  23. Abdu'l-Bahá. Ahang Rabbani, trans. Tablet Concerning Covenant-Breakers: Excerpt (1998). — Translation, posted to email list, of a portion of a Tablet revealed on the occasion of the expulsio...
  24. Iraj Ayman. Tablets of Pilgrimage (Suriy-i-Hajj): Wilmette Institute faculty notes (1999). — In the Aqdas, Baha'i pilgrimage is enjoined to the House of Baha'u'llah in Baghdad and the House of ...
  25. Moojan Momen. Tehran, Iran (2009). — On the capital city of Iran and birthplace of Baha’u’llah, called by Him the "Land of Ta" (Ard-i...
  26. Gerald C. Keil. Textual Context and Literary Criticism: A Case Study based on a Letter from Shoghi Effendi (2010). — The importance of systematic analysis of the written word prior to the process of exegesis to achiev...
  27. Adib Masumian, trans. Translation List: Provisional Translations of Baháʼí Literature (2009-2023). — Index to talks, letters, and other items translated from Persian and Arabic to English by Adib Masum...
  28. Moojan Momen. Two Episodes from the Life of Bahá'u'lláh in Iran (2019). — Regarding the conference of Badasht and Baha'u'llah's arrival at the shrine of Shaykh Tabarsi, and o...
  29. Iraj Ayman. Varqá, Wali-Alláh (2017). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  30. Guy Murchie. Visit to Persia, A (1965 March/April). — Notes from travels to Baha'i holy places in Iran in 1964, on a trip made with special permission fro...
  31. یادگار جشن پنجاهمین سال تاسیس محفل مقدس بهائیان طهران 55-103: Commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Bahá'í Assembly of Tehran B.E. 55-103 (1947). — Booklet and collection of historical photographs published to commemorate the 50th anniversary of th...

2.   from the Chronology (217 results; expand)

  1. 1817-00-00 — Shaykh Ahmad traveled to Persia and visits Shiraz and Tihran. He was in Tihran when Baha'u'llah is b...
  2. 1817-11-12 — Birth of Mirza Husayn `Aliy-i-Núri (Baha'u'llah) in Tehran, called by Him the "Land of Ta" (Ard-i-T...
  3. 1844-05-23 — The birth of `Abdu'l-Baha in a rented house near the Shimran Gate in Tihran. He was born at midnight...
  4. 1844-07-02 — The intention of the Bab was to introduce the new Revelation slowly so as not to cause estrangement....
  5. 1845-06-28 — Prince Dolgorukov was appointed Russian ambassador to Tihran. He was previously first secretary of t...
  6. 1846-00-01 — The birth of Bahiyyih Khanum, the Greatest Holy Leaf, eldest daughter of Baha'u'llah and Navvab, and...
  7. 1846-12-03 — The Shah had already instructed the governor, Manúchihr Khan to send the Bab to Tihran. Seeking to ...
  8. 1847-03-04 — The passing of Manúchihr Khan. His death had been predicted by the Bab 87 days earlier. The governo...
  9. 1847-03-21 — En route to Tihran Haji Mirza Áqasi instructed the Bab to break His journey by stopping in the vill...
  10. 1847-03-28 — The Bab and His escort arrived at the fortress of Kinar-Gird, 28 miles from Tihran. Muhammad Big, th...
  11. 1847-04-01 — The Bab received a letter and gifts from Baha'u'llah in Tihran delivered to His Hands by Mulla Muham...
  12. 1847-04-01 — One night the Bab disappeared and was found the next morning on the road coming from the direction o...
  13. 1847-08-01 — Mulla Husayn was residing in Mashhad, in Khurasan, where he had been since returning from Shiraz in ...
  14. 1847-10-00 — Tahirih was accused of instigating the assassination of her uncle, Muhammad Taqi Baraghani, and was...
  15. 1847-11-00 — Baha'u'llah, who was living in Tihran, visited the detainees from Qazvin and gave them money. [BKG41...
  16. 1848-00-00 — The birth of Mirza Mihdi, `the Purest Branch', the son of Baha'u'llah and His wife Ásiyih Khanum (N...
  17. 1848-00-02 — Baha'u'llah planed Tahirih's escape, giving the task to Mirza Hadiy-i-Farhadi, the nephew of Haji As...
  18. 1848-04-09 — The Bab was removed from Mah-Kú. Prior to this He had communicated His higher claims to His followe...
  19. 1848-07-01 — Quddús was arrested and taken to Sari where he was placed under house arrest in the home of Mirza M...
  20. 1848-10-19 — Entry of Nasiri'd-Din Shah into Tihran. [BBR482] MH240 says it took him 45 days to travel to Tih...
  21. 1848-12-00 — Baha'u'llah set out from Tihran with 11 companions to reinforce the Babis at Shaykh Tabarsi. Nine mi...
  22. 1850-02-19 — The Babi group in Tehran had been infiltrated by an informer who betrayed about fifty of its members...
  23. 1850-02-20 — Martyrdom of the Seven Martyrs of Tihran. Seven of the Babis were executed in Tihran on the false ch...
  24. 1850-05-19 — The Governor sent a mob against Hujjat, (Mulla Muhammad-Ali) which was dispersed by Mir Salah. The G...
  25. 1850-06-00 — The Amir-Nizam, Mirza Taqi Khan was determined to execute the Bab to halt the progress of His religi...
  26. 1851-03-02 — Four Babis brought from Zanjan were executed in Tihran. [BW18:382]...
  27. 1851-05-00 — It was sometime when 'Abdu'l-Baha was seven years old that he contracted tuberculosis and all indica...
  28. 1851-06-00 — Mirza Taqi Khan met with Baha'u'llah and told Him that it would be advisable for Baha'u'llah to leav...
  29. 1852-06-00 — Baha'u'llah stayed at the summer residence of Ja'far-Quli Khan, the brother of the Grand Vizier, in ...
  30. 1852-08-16 — The martyrdom of Tahirih (Qurratu'l-'Ayn) in Tihran. [BBR172–3; BBRSM:30; BW18:382; BKG87; MF203] ...
  31. 1852-08-17 — Baha'u'llah was then taken on foot and in chains, with bared head and bare feet' to Tihran, a distan...
  32. 1852-08-18 — A large number of Babis were arrested in Tihran and its environs following the attempt on the life o...
  33. 1852-08-26 — An account of the punishment meted out to those who participated in the attempt on the life of the S...
  34. 1852-08-30 — In Milan, Iran, 15 Babis were arrested and imprisoned. [BW18:382] Many Babis were tortured and k...
  35. 1852-08-31 — Baha'u'llah's imprisonment in the Siyah-Chal See AB10–11, BBD211–12, BKG79–83, CH41–2, ...
  36. 1852-10-00 — Baha'u'llah had a vision of the Maiden, who announced to Him that He was the Manifestation of God fo...
  37. 1852-10-01 — The revelation of Rashh-i-Ama (The Clouds of the Realms Above) while in the Siyah-Chal in Tehran. Th...
  38. 1852-12-00 — Baha'u'llah was released from the Siyah-Chal. This was owing to: the efforts of the Russian Minist...
  39. 1853-01-12 — Baha'u'llah and His family departed for Baghdad after a one month respite in the home of his half-br...
  40. 1853-11-24 — The prisoners from Nayriz and the heads of the martyrs arrived in Shiraz. More Babis were executed a...
  41. 1853-12-30 — The birth of Áqa Mirza Muhammad-Taqi Abhari, (b. 1853-1854 in Abhar, d. 30 January 1919 in Tehran),...
  42. 1855-00-00 — At some point during the retirement of Baha'u'llah, Mirza 'Aqa Jan was engaged in the service of Mir...
  43. 1860-00-00 — Mirza Mihdi, the son of Baha'u'llah, was taken from Tihran to join his family in Baghdad. He was abo...
  44. 1861-01-00 — Baha'u'llah revealed the Kitab-i-Íqan (The Book of Certitude), 'a comprehensive exposition of the n...
  45. 1862-00-01 — Baha'u'llah sent a ring and cashmere shawl to His niece, Shahr-Banú, the daughter of Mirza Muhammad...
  46. 1864-04-00 — Upheaval at Najafabad Several hundred Baha'is were arrested by Shaykh Muhammad-Baqir (later stig...
  47. 1865-11-00 — Nabil Zarandi arrived in Tehran where he remained for four months. At that time the proclamation of ...
  48. 1866-02-22 — Nabil Zarandi received a letter from Baha'u'llah giving him permission to proclaim the new religion ...
  49. 1867-01-31 — Mirza Muhammad-'Ali, a Baha'i physician, was executed in Zanjan. [BBR253; BKG238; BW18:383]Áqa Naja...
  50. 1867-09-01 — Baha'u'llah addressed a Tablet to to Mulla-'Ali Akbar-i-Shahmirzadi and Jamal-i-Burújirdi in Tehra...
  51. 1867-09-05 — Persecutions began anew in Ádharbayjan, Zanjan, Nishapúr and Tihran. [GPB178]...
  52. 1868-00-00 — Haji Mulla `Ali-i-Akbar-i-Shahmirzadi (later Hand of the Cause Haji Ákhúnd) was imprisoned in Tihr...
  53. 1869-00-00 — The 17-year-old Áqa Buzurg-i-Nishapúri, Badi`, arrived in `Akka having walked from Mosul. He was a...
  54. 1873-00-00 — Ibn-i-Abhar was arrested in Tihran and imprisoned for 14 months and 15 days. [BW18:383]...
  55. 1876-00-01 — Six Baha'is were arrested in Tihran and imprisoned for three months and 17 days. [BW18:383]...
  56. 1878-00-00 — The law of the Huqúqu'llah was put into practice because the work of teaching the Cause began to ex...
  57. 1878-00-00 — It was not until 1878 that the Baha'is of Tehran received copies of the Kitab-i Aqdas and began to i...
  58. 1879-00-01 — Sarih Khanum, the faithful sister of Baha'u'llah, passed away in Tihran. She was buried a short dist...
  59. 1880-00-00 — Martyrdom of seven Baha'is in Sultanabad. [BW18:383] Three Baha'is were killed on the orders of S...
  60. 1882-12-31 — The Tihran Upheaval. A number of leading members of the Tihran Baha'i community were arrested and...
  61. 1889-08-00 — Baha'is of Sidih and Najafabad, after having received no help or protection, went to Tihran to petit...
  62. 1889-11-19 — Birth of General Shu`a`u'llah `Ala'i, Hand of the Cause of God, in Tihran....
  63. 1890-00-02 — Haji Ákhúnd, Haji Amin and Ibn-i-Abhar were arrested. Haji Ákhúnd was imprisoned in Tihran for t...
  64. 1890-02-25 — Seven Baha'is from Sidih who had gone to Tihran to petition the Shah for protection, secured a decre...
  65. 1891-05-25 — Two believers were arrested during the same period of intense persecution. Haji Amin was sent to th...
  66. 1892-00-01 — Mu'tuminu's-Saltanih was poisoned in Tihran on the orders of Nasiri'd-Din Shah. [BW18:384]...
  67. 1896-05-02 — The martyrdom of Hand of the Cause of God Varqa ('Dove'), Mirza 'Ali-Muhammad. (b.1856 in Yazd, d. i...
  68. 1897-00-00 — The passing of Hand of the Cause of God Shaykh Muhammad-Riday-i-Yazdi (Mulla Rida) while incarcerate...
  69. 1897-00-00 — The Hands of the Cause appointed by Baha'u'llah were instructed by `Abdu'l-Baha to gather to begin t...
  70. 1897-02-24 — Birth of Jalal Khazeh (Jalal Khadih), Hand of the Cause of God, in Tihran....
  71. 1898-00-01 — `Abdu'l-Baha instructed that the remains of the Bab be brought from their hiding place in Tihran to ...
  72. 1898-00-03 — The Tarbiyat School for boys was established in Tihran by the Baha'is. [BBD221]...
  73. 1899-00-03 — A local spiritual assembly called "The Consulting Assembly of Tihran", a forerunner of the National ...
  74. 1903-12-00 — Lua Getsinger made a second petition to the Shah. It was presented through usual official channels....
  75. 1904-00-02 — The birth of Zikrullah Khadem, Hand of the Cause of God, in Tihran. [ZK3]...
  76. 1904-00-03 — At this point there were separate Spiritual Assemblies for the Jewish and Zoroastrian Baha'is in Ham...
  77. 1905-00-00 — The passing of Ahmad (of "Tablet of Ahmad" fame) in Tehran at the age of 100. He was born in Yazd in...
  78. 1907-00-00 — The first Baha'i fund (Šerkat-e ḵayrīya) was established in Tehran to financially support Baha'
  79. 1908-04-25 — Charles Mason Remey and Sydney Sprague sailed from New York for Iran and Russia. [BFA2:289] For d...
  80. 1909-11-25 — Dr Susan Moody, a famed American homeopathist, arrived in Tihran. She and four Persian Baha'i docto...
  81. 1909-11-26 — Within a year of her arrival in Persia, Dr. Susan Moody opened the Tarbiyat School for Girls in Tihr...
  82. 1910-03-04 — The passing of Hand of the Cause of God Haji Mulla 'Ali-Akbar-i-Shahmirzadi, (Haji Akhund). He was...
  83. 1911-06-03 — Ghodsea Khanoum Ashraf (Qudsiyyih Ashraf) (b. 22 November 1889 in Majidābād, d. 16 April 1976 in T...
  84. 1912-00-00 — Birth of `Ali Muhammad Varqa, Hand of the Cause of God, in Tihran....
  85. 1913-08-01 — With his final year of high school over, Shoghi Effendi hastened from Beirut to Ramleh to join the M...
  86. 1913-12-00 — "Tamaddunu'l-Mulk (Mirza 'Abdu'l-Husayn Khan Qalati Shirazi) caused mischief amongst the friends and
  87. 1914-00-04 — 'Abdu'l-Baha was forced to expel Tammaddun'ul-Mulk for corrupt behaviour. He was from Shiraz and ha
  88. 1916-02-11 — In 1915 Ahmad Yazdani and two other Baha'is had written a paper on Baha'i principles in French and s...
  89. 1917-00-00 — The passing of Hand of the Cause of God Haji Mirza Muhammad-Taqiy-i-Abhari (Ibn-i-Abhar). He was bo...
  90. 1917-11-00 — `Abdu'l-Baha sent a message to the Baha'is of the world assuring them of His safety. [AB412] Th...
  91. 1919-08-13 — The passing of Mirza Muhammad-Hasan Taliqani, Hand of the Cause of God, entitled Adibu'l-'Ulama, kno...
  92. 1920-04-03 — The founders of Teheran branch of Societé Nonahalan 'Children's Savings Fund' were Mirza Mohammed T...
  93. 1920-12-01 — Lillian Frances Kappes,(b. 1878 in Hoboken, New Jersey), died of typhus fever in Tihran. [BFA2:361; ...
  94. 1921-04-00 — Dr Genevieve Coy was chosen as the director of the Tarbiyat School for Girls in Tihran to replace Li...
  95. 1922-01-24 — Dr Sarah A. Clock passed away in Tihran. She had gone there in 1911 to assist Dr Moody at the Tarbiy...
  96. 1924-07-18 — American Vice-Consul Major Robert Imbrie was murdered in Tihran for being a Baha'i, which he was not...
  97. 1927-00-00 — Abu'l-Qasim Faizi, a 19-year-old student who had attended the Tarbiyat School in Tehran but was now ...
  98. 1928-00-00 — The third Trustee of the Huqúqu'llah was Haji Ghulam-Rida (entitled Amin-i-Amin) (Trustee of the Tr...
  99. 1928-04-02 — The passing of Hand of the Cause of God Mirza 'Ali-Muhammad, known as Ibn-i-Asdaq. He was born in M...
  100. 1928-05-27 — Haji Amin, Abu'l-Hasan-i-Ardikani, Hand of the Cause of God and Apostle of Baha'u'llah, passed away ...
  101. 1929-00-02 — The passing of Gulsurkh Bagum, given name Fatimih-Sultan Bagum (b. 1855 Isfahan) [ARG171-186]...
  102. 1932-00-00 — Land for a Mashriqu'l-Adhkar was purchased at Ḥadiqa, northeast of Tehran, and a design for this b...
  103. 1934-00-04 — The government of Iran took several measures against the Baha'is throughout the country. [...
  104. 1934-04-26 — The first national convention of the Baha'is of Iran was held in Tehran over a period of eight days....
  105. 1934-10-23 — Dr Susan Moody (b. Amsterdam, NY 20 November 1851) passed away in Iran. She had become a Baha'i in M...
  106. 1934-12-06 — The Tarbiyat Baha'i Schools in Tihran and all other Baha'i schools across the country were closed by...
  107. 1935-00-02 — The persecution against the Baha'is in Iran continued. [...
  108. 1935-09-20 — The passing of Jinab-i-Fadil-i-Shirazi (Shaykh Muhammad Ibrahim) (b.1863) in Tehran. [ARG109, M9YA4...
  109. 1935-11-24 — The passing of Dr. Howard Luxmoore Carpenter (b. 1906, d. 24 November 1935). He was buried at the Su...
  110. 1937-05-01 — Several prominent Baha'is were arrested in Yazd. [BW18:389] They were imprisoned in Tihran for fo...
  111. 1938-00-00 — Persecution of the Baha'is of Iran continued throughout the country. [...
  112. 1940-00-00 — ʿAbd-al-Mīṯāq Mīṯāqīya, ( 'Abdu'l-Missagh Missaghiyeh) a well-known Baha'i of Tehran, bui
  113. 1940-04-21 — Annual Report National Spiritual Assembly of the Bah...
  114. 1944-00-00 — A Baha'i committee in Tihran identified the House of Baha'u'llah in the city and purchased it....
  115. 1946-00-00 — The restoration of the House of Baha'u'llah in Tihran was completed....
  116. 1947-00-00 — The Haziratu'l-Quds of Tihran was completed. [BW11:588]...
  117. 1948-00-05 — The Baha'i centre in Tihran was attacked by a mob incited by Áyatu'llah Kashani. [...
  118. 1949-00-00 — The Misaghieh Hospital was gifted to the Baha'i community in 1949 by a Baha'i named Abdolmisagh Misa...
  119. 1949-02-04 — There was an attempt on the life of the Shah during a ceremony commemorating the founding of Tehran ...
  120. 1951-03-07 — The Prime Minister of Iran, Haj 'Ali Razmara was assassinated during a memorial service in a mosque ...
  121. 1952-08-26 — The martyrdom of Nuri'd-Din Fath-'Azam near Tehran. [BW12p690-692]...
  122. 1954-03-00 — The Siyah-Chal and some surrounding property was acquired by the Baha'is. [BW12:64–5; SE153; SS45]...
  123. 1955-04-23 — Ramadan began. Shaykh Muhammad-Taqi known as "Falsafi" made an inflammatory speech against the Baha'...
  124. 1955-05-02 — The police locked the doors of the National Baha'i Centre in Tihran thus preventing the holding of t...
  125. 1955-05-07 — The Iranian army occupied the National Baha'i Centre in Tihran. [BW18:390]...
  126. 1955-05-22 — The dome of the National Baha'i Centre in Tihran was demolished with the personal participation of s...
  127. 1955-08-23 — Shoghi Effendi announced plans to begin construction on the House of Worship in Kampala, Uganda in l...
  128. 1957-12-26 — The passing of Mirzā Asad-Allāh, known as Fāżel Māzandarāni (b. Babol, Persia 1881). He bec...
  129. 1970-00-00 — The House of Baha'u'llah in Tihran underwent major repair and a fundamental restoration of both exte...
  130. 1971-10-16 — The inauguration of Shahyad Tower ("King's Memorial Tower") in Tehran. The tower was built in honou...
  131. 1972-08-06 — 'Abdu'l-Hamid Ishraq-Khavari, Iranian scholar, author, translator and promoter of the Baha'i Faith,
  132. 1973-00-00 — The House of Baha'u'llah in Tihran and its adjacent birúni (reception area) were completely restore...
  133. 1976-10-05 — The passing of Adelaide Sharp (b. Texas, 1896) in Tehran. In 1929 she accompanied Dr Susan Mood...
  134. 1977-07-05 — The passing of Mirza Ahmad Khan Yazdani Kasrawi (b. April 24, 1891) in Tehran. Born into a Muslim fa...
  135. 1978-11-07 — The murder of Major-General Ali Mohammad Khademi (b. 16 December, 1913 in Jahrom, Fars.) After a bri...
  136. 1979-00-00 — The Siyah-Chal in Tihran and the houses of Quddús and Hujjat were seized and occupied by members of...
  137. 1979-00-00 — The House of Baha'u'llah in Tihran was confiscated by the revolutionary government of Iran. [BW17:79...
  138. 1979-01-17 — Mohammad Rezā Pahlavi‎, known as Mohammad Reza Shah, entitled Shāhanshāh ("Emperor" or "King of...
  139. 1979-02-01 — Ayatollah Khomeini returned to Iran from exile in France. On the 11th of February, the revolutionar...
  140. 1979-03-01 — Yúsif Subhani, a well-known Baha'i businessman, was imprisoned in Tihran. [BW18:278]...
  141. 1979-05-24 — Shaykh Muhammad Muvahhid, a well-known Baha'i, was kidnapped in Tihran. [BW18:254, 294]...
  142. 1979-08-21 — The arrest of the nine members of the National Spiritual Assembly of Iran by an unknown armed group ...
  143. 1979-11-11 — Dr 'Alimurad Davúdi, a member of the National Spiritual Assembly of Iran, was kidnapped in Tihran a...
  144. 1979-11-11 — Starting just months after the revolution, seven members of the National Spiritual Assembly of the B...
  145. 1979-12-02 — 'Azamatu'llah Fahandizh was executed in Tihran. [BW18:255]
  146. 1980-06-10 — The martyrdom of Yúsuf Subhani in Ivin Prison in Tehran. For an account of his execution and the ev...
  147. 1980-12-00 — Professor Manouchehr Hakim, who, at one time was the head of the Misaghieh Hospital, was shot and ki...
  148. 1981-06-11 — All the title deeds, deeds of ownership and the plans [buildings] in various cities which were avail...
  149. 1981-06-23 — Dr. Masih Farhangi had spent 502 days in the Evin Prison before his martyrdom by firing squad. For h...
  150. 1981-11-21 — The passing of 'Abdu'l-Missagh Missaghiyeh (b.1880 in Kashan) in Tehran. [BW18p779-781] He made ...
  151. 1981-12-05 — The Baha'i cemetery in Tehran was seized "by order of the Revolutionary Court". Five caretakers and ...
  152. 1982-00-00 — Soon after the Islamic Revolution's victory in 1979, Baha'i cemeteries in various cities and village...
  153. 1982-01-04 — Seven members of the Local Spiritual Assembly of the Tehran were executed. They had been arrested o...
  154. 1982-01-20 — Ayatollah Mohammadi Gilani, who at the time was lead religious judge and head of the Central Islamic...
  155. 1982-09-07 — The Revolutionary Prosecutor General, Seyyed Hossein Mousavi Tabrizi, banned all Baha'i community ac...
  156. 1983-09-04 — All property and endowments owed by the Baha'i administration in Iran was seized. The acquisitio...
  157. 1984-12-00 — Dr. Ruhollah Taelim, a popular physician living in Kermanshah, was hanged in Tehran in 1984 at the a...
  158. 1992-03-18 — The martyrdom of Mr. Bahman Samandari in the Evin prison in Tehran. Mr. Samandari was executed with ...
  159. 1993-06-00 — The bodies of Baha'is buried in the Baha'i section of a Tihran cemetery were exhumed and taken by lo...
  160. 1993-07-00 — A section of the Baha'i cemetery in Tihran was bulldozed to make way for the construction of an Isla...
  161. 2004-06-20 — By order of Ayatollah Kani, director of the Marvi School and the Endowments Office, destruction of...
  162. 2008-05-14 — The six men and a women, Mr. Jamaloddin Khanjani, Mr. Afif Naeimi, Mr. Saeid Rezaie, Mr. Behrouz Tav...
  163. 2008-06-03 — Mrs. Mahvash Sabet and Mrs. Fariba Kamalabadi were permitted to make short phone calls to their fami...
  164. 2008-09-00 — After enduring 3.5 months of solitary confinement, the imprisoned members of the Yaran were transfer...
  165. 2009-02-11 — An Iranian ISNA news agency report quoting Tehran's deputy public prosecutor, Hassan Haddad, reporte...
  166. 2009-02-16 — Iran's Prosecutor General Qorban-Ali Dorri-Najafabadi made the claim that the members of the "banned...
  167. 2009-02-25 — The seven imprisoned Baha'i leaders were given permission to meet with their families. [Iran Press W...
  168. 2009-02-27 — Responding to the public outcry from western nations against Iran for the plight of seven imprisoned...
  169. 2009-03-30 — The first meeting of the imprisoned Yaran with their families took place and was in person. It is c...
  170. 2009-05-11 — After a year in jail without formal charges the Baha'i leaders faced an additional accusation, 'the ...
  171. 2009-07-10 — Iranian officials told the families of the seven Baha'i leaders being held in Evin prison in Tehran ...
  172. 2009-08-17 — The trial of seven Baha'i leaders imprisoned in Iran was further postponed until 18 October. [B...
  173. 2009-10-18 — Attorneys and families of the seven arrived at court in Tehran for the trial to be told that it woul...
  174. 2010-01-12 — The trial of Iran's seven Baha'i leaders, Fariba Kamalabadi, Jamaloddin Khanjani, Afif Naeimi, Saeid...
  175. 2010-02-07 — Seven imprisoned Baha'i leaders appeared in court for a second session of their trial. The sessio...
  176. 2010-04-12 — The seven imprisoned Iranian Baha'i leaders arrived at the court for their third appearance and the
  177. 2010-05-10 — New information was obtained regarding the conditions in which the seven Baha'i prisoners were being...
  178. 2010-06-12 — The seven Baha'i leaders imprisoned for more than two years in Iran made their fourth court appearan...
  179. 2010-07-24 — The imprisonment of seven Baha'i leaders in Iran was extended for a further two months after the law...
  180. 2010-08-08 — The sentence of 20 years in prison was announced for members of the "Yaran-i-Iran" or "Friends of Ir...
  181. 2010-09-04 — A prominent human rights lawyer in Iran, Nasrin Sotoudeh, was detained by the authorities on charges...
  182. 2010-09-15 — In the face of the chorus of condemnation from governments and human rights organizations around the...
  183. 2011-03-10 — The passing of Mrs. Ashraf Khanjani, wife of imprisoned Jamaloddin Khanjani at the age of 81 In Tehr...
  184. 2011-03-30 — Six months after Iran's Appeal Court reduced their sentences from 20 to 10 years, the seven Baha'i l...
  185. 2011-05-20 — Fariba Kamalabadi and Mahvash Sabet were returned to Evin Prison in Tehran. They had spent a brief t...
  186. 2013-05-14 — The Baha'i International Community launched the Five Years Too Many campaign to protest the 20-year ...
  187. 2013-12-00 — The imprisoned members of the Yaran sent a letter addressed to Iranian President, Dr. Hassan Rouhani...
  188. 2014-11-00 — Fariba Kamalabadi, after having her fourth request to join her daughter Taraneh for her wedding deni...
  189. 2015-05-14 — A global campaign called "Seven Days in Remembrance of Seven Years in Prison for the Seven Baha'i Le...
  190. 2016-04-29 — In observance of the eighth anniversary of the arrest and incarceration of seven Iranian Baha'i lead...
  191. 2016-05-12 — In commemoration of the incarceration of the Yaran in Iran in 2008 the International Baha'i Communit...
  192. 2016-05-13 — Fariba Kamalabadi, while on a five-day furlough from Evin Prison, met with former Tehran MP Faezeh H...
  193. 2016-11-24 — From her cell in Evin prison, In a open letter to her six-month old granddaughter, Bajar, Fariba Kam...
  194. 2017-10-18 — The Iranian Baha'i community was targeted during the bicentenary period. Between 18 and 21 October, ...
  195. 2017-10-31 — Fariba Kamalabadi, a member of the former leadership group of the Baha'is called the "Yaran", conclu...
  196. 2017-11-04 — Three young Iranians who complained to state officials after being denied university entrance for be...
  197. 2017-12-05 — The release of Behrooz Tavakkoli, 66, from prison after serving a 10-year term. He was the third me...
  198. 2018-02-16 — The release of Saeid Rezaie, one of the seven members of the Yaran, the former leadership group of t...
  199. 2018-02-20 — Mr. Jamaloddin Khanjani, a former member of the Yaran, was transferred from Evin Prison to a hospita...
  200. 2018-03-16 — Mr. Jamaloddin Khanjani, at 85 the oldest member of the Yaran to be imprisoned, was released after s...
  201. 2018-03-19 — The release of Mr. Vahid Tizfahm from the Rajaee Shahr Prison in Karaj after having completed his 10...
  202. 2018-06-13 — Nasrin Sotoudeh was arrested on charges of collusion and propaganda against Iran's rulers. [...
  203. 2018-09-06 — The passing of Lily Ayman (b. 17 May 1929 in Tehran) in Chicago. She was buried in the Oakwood cemet...
  204. 2018-12-20 — The last imprisoned member of the former leadership body of the Baha'i community in Iran was release...
  205. 2019-02-28 — Faruq Izadinia, Baha'i scholar and translator, wrote an Open Letter after his court hearing in Tehra...
  206. 2020-11-18 — The United Nations General Assembly had passed a resolution condemning human rights violations in Ir...
  207. 2020-11-22 — Over a hundred government agents raided the shops and homes of tens of Baha'is across Iran, on 22 No...
  208. 2021-06-08 — Tehran's Revolutionary Court sentenced Baha'i Iranian motocross champion Shahrzad Nazifi, a Baha'i c...
  209. 2022-07-31 — The arrest of Mahvash Sabet (Shahriari) and Fariba Kamalabadi alongside five other Baha'i individual...
  210. 2022-09-13 — Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian-Kurdish woman, was arrested in Tehran while visiting the Iranian ...
  211. 2022-09-16 — The death fo 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, an Iranian Kurdish woman, while being held by Iran's religious...
  212. 2022-11-21 — The sentencing of Mahvash Sabet and Fariba Kamalabadi in Revolutionary Court's Branch 26 in Tehran w...
  213. 2023-03-30 — A deceased Baha'i was buried on 30 March at Khavaran cemetery near Tehran by an agent of the Minist
  214. 2023-04-11 — After the trial, Fariba Kamalabadi, tried with Mahvash Sabet, was transferred to the women's ward fo...
  215. 2023-08-11 — The Tehran Court of Appeal maintained the original rulings against Baha'i citizens, Mahvash Sabet (S...
  216. 2023-08-13 — The arrest of Mr. Jamaloddin Khanjani, a 90-year-old Baha'i in failing health who had already served...
  217. 2023-11-00 — Mahvash Sabet, from her prison cell, sent an open letter to the people of Iran. [Letter]...
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