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Tag "Toronto, ON"

tag name: Toronto, ON type: Geographic locations
web link: Toronto,_ON
related tags: Ontario, Canada
referring tags: Hazira and Temple Grounds Committee; Nine Pines Publishing; North York, ON; Scarborough, ON; Thornhill, ON; Unity Arts

"Toronto, ON" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (7 results; expand)

  1. Susanna A. Khodarahmi-Bron. Baha'i Temple for Canada, A (2003). — Proposed design for a future possible temple in Markham, Ontario; characteristics of Baha'i temples;...
  2. Jack McLean. Confessions of a Child of the Half-Light (2022). — Philosophical essays; recollections of 'Abdu'l-Baha by Laura Dreyfus Barney, Curtis Kelsey, and othe...
  3. Marlene Macke. Helen Frances Grand (1865-1944): Traces of a Bahá'í Life (2020). — Glimpse of one small facet of the Baha’i Faith’s beginnings in cities like Toronto in the early ...
  4. Jack McLean. Love That Could Not Wait, A: The Remarkable Story of Knights of Baha'u'llah Catherine Heward Huxtable and Clifford Huxtable (2016). — The story of the Canadian Knights of Baha'u'llah, Catherine Heward Huxtable and husband Cliff Huxtab...
  5. Vedad Haghighi. Nine Valleys - Towards Embodied Experience, The: Understanding the Confluence of Material and Spirit in the Design of a Bahá'í House of Worship (2022). — Detailed proposal, with extensive site photographs and illustrations, for a Mashriqu'l-Adhkar in Tho...
  6. Universal House of Justice. Ridván 2023: Bahá'í Era 180 (2023-04-30). — Annual message to the Baha'is of the world.
  7. Sama Shodjai. Singular Room, A: An Exploration of Bahá'í Houses of Worship (2023-12). — Overview of the design principles followed in building the Baha'i temples, and the intricacies and c...

2.   from the Chronology (15 results; expand)

  1. 1941-06-20 — The passing of Howard Colby Ives (b. 11 Oct 1867, Brooklyn, New York, d. Pulaski County, Arkansas, ...
  2. 1962-05-10 — The passing of F. St. George Spendlove (b. 23 April, 1897 in Montreal) in Toronto. [BW13p895-899] ...
  3. 1967-03-24 — The Arctic Policy Conference was held in Toronto. Present were 16 attendees, Hand of the Cause John ...
  4. 1967-10-29 — The launch of the Centenary of Baha'u'llah's proclamation to the kings and the rulers in Toronto. ...
  5. 1976-00-05 — Elizabeth Martin with Chris Lyons made a film called Retrospective, a memoir of Hand of the Cause Jo...
  6. 1980-00-05 — The film Jubilee, commissioned by the Universal House of Justice and made by Elizabeth Martin, docum...
  7. 1983-00-07 — The film Heritage of the Martyrs, made by Elizabeth Martin, documented the fate of the Baha'is in I...
  8. 1990-02-21 — Jalal Khazeh, (b. 24 February, 1897, Tihran) Hand of the Cause of God, passed away in Toronto. He wa...
  9. 2003-05-01 — The announcement by the Universal House of Justice of the appointment of Siamak Hariri of Toronto, C...
  10. 2007-06-01 — The passing of Knight of Baha'u'llah Jameson (Jamie) Bond (b. 6 November, 1917 Toronto, ON) in Dunca...
  11. 2009-01-10 — Regional Conferences were held in Toronto, Canada and Guadalajara, Mexico. [BWNS687]...
  12. 2018-11-01 — More than 7,500 people attended the Parliament of the World's Religions held at the Metro Toronto Co...
  13. 2020-09-28 — The passing of former Universal House of Justice member James Douglas Martin (b. 24 February 1927 in...
  14. 2022-09-22 — The screening of the documentary film 'Others' in Their Own Land at the Toronto Baha'i Centre. The ...
  15. 2023-04-30 — The release of the Ridvan Message. by the Universal House of J...

3.   from the Chronology of Canada (114 results; expand)

  1. 1908-00-01 — There were 16 Baha'is in Montreal. Percy Woodcock resided briefly in and occasionally visited B
  2. 1912-01-00 — Letter from May Maxwell to Star of the West... A few weeks later another talk given by a Montreal Ba...
  3. 1920-06-00 — The arrival of well-known Baha'i scholar and travel teacher Jinab-i-Fadil accompanied by Ahmad S
  4. 1921-00-00 — Helen F Grand became a member of the Baha'i community in Toronto. [FF123] See How I Became a Baha...
  5. 1923-10-15 — The second visit of Jinab-i-Fadil to Montreal and Toronto accompanied by Dr Zia Bagadi. [OBCC76]
  6. 1926-09-26 — An article by Queen Marie of Romania appeared in the Toronto Daily Star. Its syndication carried
  7. 1926-09-27 — The visit of Queen Marie of Romania to Toronto. She stated her allegiance to the Baha'i Faith p
  8. 1937-00-02 — John and Audrey Robarts became Baha'is in Toronto. [OBCC151]
  9. 1938-04-21 — The third, fourth and fifth local assemblies formed in Moncton, NB, Lambert, QC and Toronto, ON.
  10. 1939-05-00 — With the assistance of Mabel Ives who extended her travel teaching plans in Toronto, a Baha'i booth ...
  11. 1939-06-25 — What has been termed the "first international Baha'i picnic embracing Canada and the United States" ...
  12. 1939-08-27 — Gerrard Sluter-Schlutius— German-born, former U-boat captain, enrolled in November of 1932 and w
  13. 1939-09-00 — Rowland Estall combined his business travel with teaching visits to Calgary and Regina as well as V
  14. 1941-06-20 — The passing of Howard Colby Ives (b. 11 Oct 1867, Brooklyn, New York, d. Pulaski County, Arkansas
  15. 1942-00-00 — Lucille C. Gisome, a civil servant, enrolled in the Faith, probably through her friendship with Winn...
  16. 1943-06-18 — The passing of Mabel Rice-Wray Ives (Rizwanea) (b. in St. Louis, MI in 1878) in Oklahoma, OK. She wa...
  17. 1950-04-29 — The third National Convention was held in Toronto at 22 College Street with 19 delegates and a total...
  18. 1950-10-22 — The National Spiritual Assembly met with interested Baha'is in the Toronto area to report the slow p...
  19. 1951-07-00 — Ontario's first all-Baha'i funerals were held for Mrs E J Gill of Toronto and Arthur Lehman of Hamil...
  20. 1952-08-00 — The National Spiritual Assembly was actively searching for a property in Toronto to be used as a Nat...
  21. 1952-09-25 — The National Spiritual Assembly made a deposit payment of $5,0000 on the purchase of a property at 1...
  22. 1952-12-00 — The National Spiritual Assembly announced that the Haziratu'l-Quds had been purchased at 188 St Ge
  23. 1953-04-29 — The sixth National Convention took place in the Unitarian Church of Forest Hill Village and was atte...
  24. 1953-05-30 — Dr. Stanley Bolton and Mariette Germaine Roy Bolton of Australia visited Canada after the Chicago Co...
  25. 1953-06-28 — The Hazira Committee reported that the cost of modification of the building at 188 St. George Street...
  26. 1953-08-00 — Douglas Martin became a Baha'i. [UC43]...
  27. 1953-09-26 — In Toronto over 70 Baha'is from 15 localities registered for the conference. A wall-size map of th...
  28. 1953-10-00 — The National Spiritual Assembly announced that the property that had been purchased the previous yea...
  29. 1953-10-01 — John Robarts (1901 – 1991) and Audrey Robarts, who had become Baha'is in 1937 in Toronto, pion
  30. 1954-01-00 — The Hazira and Temple Grounds Committee called for suggestions and preliminary designs for the Canad...
  31. 1954-01-07 — It was announced that Angus Cowan had been chosen in a by-election to replace John Robarts on the Na...
  32. 1954-02-00 — A by-election was held to replace National Spiritual Assembly members John Robarts, Rosemary Sala an...
  33. 1954-02-06 — A detailed report on Hazira and Temple properties was presented at the National Spiritual Assembly m...
  34. 1954-04-10 — The National Spiritual Assembly made a careful study of the Hazira and Temple Grounds Committee and ...
  35. 1954-07-24 — At the meeting of the National Spiritual Assembly some proposed Temple sites were viewed but no fin...
  36. 1954-09-11 — A detailed report on the findings of the Hazira and Temple Grounds Committee was sent to the Guard...
  37. 1954-12-11 — The National Assembly received a message from the Guardian specifying that the Hazira and Temple pr...
  38. 1955-01-01 — At Skyloft Lodge north of Toronto 29 Baha'is and 30 non-Baha'is attended a winter school conferenc...
  39. 1955-01-08 — At its meeting in Toronto National Spiritual Assembly members examined several proposed Hazira and ...
  40. 1955-04-29 — The National Convention was held in Toronto with the meetings and the Public Congress held in the
  41. 1955-04-30 — During the lunch break at the National Convention on Saturday several members of the Assembly visit...
  42. 1955-05-14 — At its meeting of May 15-15 the National Spiritual Assembly viewed Several possible Hazira propertie...
  43. 1955-06-17 — At its meeting of the 17th of June the National Spiritual Assembly made final arrangements to permi...
  44. 1955-07-00 — The National Spiritual Assembly received a reply from R. Rabanni on behalf of Shoghi Effendi regardi...
  45. 1955-08-26 — At its meeting of the 26th of August the National Spiritual Assembly arranged to apply to the Provin...
  46. 1955-09-00 — It was reported in the Canadian Baha'i News that the National Spiritual Assembly was encouraged to '...
  47. 1955-10-01 — At the meeting of the National Spiritual Assembly they spent a half day viewing possible Temple sit...
  48. 1955-11-25 — Plans for structural changes in the Hazira were approved in principle, and tax exemption, insurance ...
  49. 1956-01-07 — A full report on progress on incorporations and Hazira and Temple Grounds was sent the Guardian at h...
  50. 1956-01-07 — The National Spiritual Assembly made arrangements for the erection of a memorial stone on the grave ...
  51. 1956-02-25 — Because of the cost of adapting the Mount Pleasant property for Hazira use, the replacement of this ...
  52. 1956-04-27 — The 9th National Convention was held in the King Edward Hotel and was attended by over 100 delegat
  53. 1956-05-10 — The property at 274 Huron Street was acquired for a Haziratu'l-Quds at a cost of $48,000. When t
  54. 1956-09-30 — The dedication of the new Haziratu'l-Quds of the Baha'is of Canada at 274 Huron Street in Toront
  55. 1957-00-00 — The first Temple site was purchased in 1957 in North York, and replaced by the site in Markham Towns...
  56. 1957-02-22 — At its February meeting the National Spiritual Assembly formed a Hazira Location Committee consistin...
  57. 1957-04-26 — The National Convention was held at the new Haziratu'l-Quds at 274 Huron Street. It was attended by...
  58. 1957-05-00 — The site of the National Hazirratu'l-Quds at 274 Huron Street was expropriated by the University of ...
  59. 1957-07-00 — Hand of the Cause Dhikru'llah Khadem met with the National Spiritual Assembly. He had come from Cen...
  60. 1957-07-00 — Hand of the Cause Dhikru'llah Khadem met with the National Spiritual Assembly. He had come from Cen...
  61. 1957-07-00 — The Hazira committee continued to have difficulties in finding a suitable property. Zoning regulati...
  62. 1957-08-00 — In response to a recommendation made at the National Convention, the functions and the staffing of t...
  63. 1957-10-00 — Acting on a recommendation from the National Convention, the National Spiritual Assembly published ...
  64. 1957-10-01 — A site at 15 Lola Road in Toronto was acquired and occupied on the 1st of October. It served as the...
  65. 1957-11-02 — Hand of the Cause Paul Haney visited the Toronto-Hamilton area and spoke at conferences in both citi...
  66. 1958-02-06 — Hand of the Cause John Robarts arrived in Canada to begin his extensive tour of Canada. He had been ...
  67. 1958-04-00 — The Canadian Baha'i News reported that as of this date 10 Local Assemblies had been incorporated in ...
  68. 1958-04-29 — The National Convention was held at the Westbury Hotel, 475 Yonge Street in Toronto. Those elected t...
  69. 1959-04-24 — The National Convention was held at the Westbury Hotel in Toronto. Those elected were: Lloyd Gardne...
  70. 1960-04-29 — The 13th National Convention was held at the Westbury Hotel in Toronto. It was attended by Hand of t...
  71. 1961-04-28 — The fourteenth National Convention was held at the Westbury Hotel in Toronto. Those elected were: A...
  72. 1962-05-10 — The passing of F. St. George Spendlove (b. 23 April 1897 in Montreal) [BW13p895-899; Baha'is of Can...
  73. 1965-02-25 — Because of the cost of adapting the Mount Pleasant property for Hazira use, the replacement of this ...
  74. 1967-03-24 — The Arctic Policy Conference was held in Toronto. Present were 16 attendees, Hand of the Cause John ...
  75. 1967-10-29 — The launch of the Centenary of Baha'u'llah's proclamation to the kings and the rulers in Toronto
  76. 1969-02-00 — The National Spiritual Assembly announced that a favourable offer was received for its Cummer-Bayvie...
  77. 1970-01-00 — Jalal was founded by three members of the Mozart Group, Larry Brown, Rodney Konopaki, and Garry Brow...
  78. 1970-01-12 — An animated presentation entitled "The Community of Baha'u'llah" made its initial presentation at th...
  79. 1970-04-30 — The National Convention was held in Glendon College at York University in Toronto. Those elected to ...
  80. 1970-10-08 — After a stopover in Toronto Mr. Olinga visited the community of St. James-Assiniboia. [CBN244Nov1970...
  81. 1975-00-00 — The release of the film entitled Invitation produced under the auspices of the National Spiritual As...
  82. 1975-07-00 — Hand of the Cause Dhikru'llah Khadem met with the National Spiritual Assembly. He had come from Cen...
  83. 1975-09-07 — The official opening of the National Centre at 7200 Leslie Street in Thornhill Ontario. [from an
  84. 1976-00-01 — Elizabeth Martin with Chris Lyons made a film called Retrospective, a memoir of Hand of the Caus
  85. 1978-04-21 — The 50 minute film Retrospective was made in tribute to Hand of the Cause John Robarts and the occas...
  86. 1979-09-25 — The passing of Allan Raynor (b. 31 August, 1910 in Toronto) His first acquaintance with Baha'is w...
  87. 1979-12-30 — In June of this year the executive office of the Canadian Association for Studies on the Baha'i
  88. 1980-00-05 — The film Jubilee, commissioned by the Universal House of Justice and made by Elizabeth Martin, docum...
  89. 1983-00-00 — The film Heritage of the Martyrs, made by Elizabeth Martin, documented the fate of the Baha'is in I...
  90. 1990-02-21 — Jalal Khazeh, (b. 24 February, 1897, Tihran) Hand of the Cause of God, passed away in Toronto. H
  91. 1992-11-30 — The passing of Doris McKay (b. Doris
  92. 2000-01-24 — The passing of Margaret (Peggy) MacGregor Ross (b. 9 January 1909 in Dundee, Scotland). She served o...
  93. 2002-04-25 — The 53rd National Convention was held at the Toronto Baha'i Centre. Those elected were: Judy Filson...
  94. 2002-05-00 — After ten years of operation in the Ottawa area, Unity Arts moved to Toronto. The new address was:...
  95. 2004-04-21 — The National Convention was held at the Toronto Baha'i Centre. Those elected were: Husayn Banani, En...
  96. 2007-06-01 — The passing of Knight of Baha'u'llah Jameson (Jamie) Bond (b. 6 November, 1917 Toronto, ON) in D
  97. 2009-01-10 — The Universal House of Justice called for 41 Regional Conferences to be held over a four month per
  98. 2014-04-24 — The members elected to serve on the National Spiritual Assembly were Karen McKye, Mehran Anvari, Del...
  99. 2015-01-27 — The National Spiritual Assembly of Canada announced the names of the Members of the Board of Trust
  100. 2015-02-20 — The National Spiritual Assembly of Canada announced the names of the five members appointed by the
  101. 2015-04-24 — The 67th annual National Convention was held in Toronto. Those elected to the National Spiritual As...
  102. 2017-04-30 — In his address to the Canadian National Convention on behalf of the Board of Trustees of Huqúqu'l
  103. 2018-05-26 — The following individuals were elected by the delegates at the 70th National Convention held at the ...
  104. 2018-08-15 — Mr. Enayat Rawhani asked to be permitted to relinquish his membership on the National Assembly. He h...
  105. 2018-11-01 — More than 7,500 people attended the Parliament of the World's Religions held at the Metro Toronto Co...
  106. 2019-03-06 — The Baha'i Community of Canada's Office of Public Affairs, together with the University of Toronto
  107. 2019-04-28 — The following individuals were elected by the delegates at the 71st National Convention to serve as ...
  108. 2020-04-28 — The National Assembly announced the results of the election of the National Spiritual Assembly of th...
  109. 2020-09-28 — The passing of former Universal House of Justice member James Douglas Martin (b. 24 February 1927 in...
  110. 2020/01/30 — The Office of Public Affairs launched a new website. The mandate of the Office of Public Affairs ...
  111. 2022-04-20 — The National Spiritual Assembly announced that two localities, Toronto and Ottawa, would be the firs...
  112. 2022-04-29 — The annual Baha'i National Convention was held at the Toronto Baha'i Centre. This was the first time...
  113. 2022-05-01 — The National Spiritual Assembly announced the results of the election: The following individuals we...
  114. 2023-05-19 — The following individuals were elected by the delegates at the 73rd National Convention to serve as ...
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