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1987 Dec
The first Children's Conference of Uganda was held in Kikaaya, Kampala. [BINS173:7] Conferences, Bahá'í; Conferences, Children; - First conferences; Kikaaya, Uganda; Kampala, Uganda; Uganda first Children’s Conference of Uganda
1987 17 Nov
The Universal House of Justice announced the retirement of Mr. David Hofman and Mr. Borrah Kavelin. [Mess86-01p43; VV97] Universal House of Justice, Members of; David Hofman; H. Borrah Kavelin; * Bahá'í World Centre
1987 Nov
Representatives of 17 national spiritual assemblies in Europe and North America, together with senior representatives of the Offices of the Bahá'í International Community, met in Germany to discuss their external affairs. [AWH56; VV105] External affairs; Germany
1987 3 Oct
The Bahá'í International Community joined the Network on Conservation and Religion of the World Wide Fund for Nature, the sixth major religion to do so. [AWH56; BBD38; VV106] Bahá'í International Community; World Wide Fund for Nature; Nature; Environment
1987 Oct 1987
Lynda Godwin made her first journey to the Soviet Union, travelling under the auspices of a programme called Citizen Diplomacy, which encouraged individuals to design projects of cultural exchange between Americans and Soviets. She developed one project, called the Soviet/American Teachers Task Force, which brought American teachers to the Soviet Union to team teach in Soviet class rooms, and another called Birthday Friends for Peace, which made pen pals out of Soviet and American children with common birth dates. The projects were so successful that she was invited back numerous times, making more friends each visit as she worked with Soviet guides and translators and arranged for visitors to stay in Soviet homes. Between October 1987 and April 1992, Lynda Godwin made at least twenty trips into what became the former Soviet Union, each time introducing a new group to the region and finding different avenues for exchange. [BW20p199] Lynda Godwin; Soviet Union
1987 Oct
The first local spiritual assembly on the island of São Tomé was formed at São Tomé. Local Spiritual Assembly; Sao Tome and Principe first Local Spiritual Assembly São Tomé
1987 (Autumn)
The National Spiritual Assembly of Brazil submitted proposals based on Bahá'í principles such as human rights to the National Constitutional Assembly drafting the new constitution. [BINS174:2]
  • Favourable responses were received from 46 Senators and Deputies. [BINS174:2]
  • National Spiritual Assembly; Constitutions (general); Brazil
    1987 (Autumn)
    The Post Office of the United Kingdom issued a commemorative stamp honouring Bernard Leach, Bahá'í and world-renowned potter. [BINS173:8] Bernard Leach; Stamps (philately); - Artists; * Arts and crafts; United Kingdom
    1987 23 Sep
    Three members of the Yaran-e Iran, Mr. Jamaluddin Khanjani, Mr. Hasan Mahboobi and Mr. Changeez Fanaeyan, along with two other Bahá'í citizens, were arrested. After spending 59 days in jail, they were released on November 11th. One of the two Bahá'ís arrested with the members of the Yaran, Mr. Bahman Samandari, was jailed and later executed in March of 1991. Authorities announced that his incarceration and execution was in connection to the 1987 case. Mr. Hasan Mahboobi was killed in a hit-and-run accident as he was heading to a meeting of the Yaran in August 1992. After the release of the Yaran-e Iran until their next arrest in May 2008, the Iranian government was in close contact with them and had complete and detailed knowledge of all Bahá'í activities. On that basisBahá'ís were able to refute the charges of "illegal activities" or "illegal organization" against the security of the nation. [Iran Press Watch 10561] Yaran; * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution, Arrests; - Persecution, Deaths; - Persecution; Iran
    1987 Sep
    The United Nations Secretary-General designated the Bahá'í International Community and the National Spiritual Assemblies of Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Kenya and Lesotho as Peace Messengers, an honour given to only 300 organizations worldwide for their support of the UN Year of Peace 1986. [BINS173:4] United Nations; Bahá'í International Community; International Year of Peace; Peace; New York, USA; United States (USA); Australia; Belgium; Brazil; Kenya; Lesotho, South Africa
    1987 31 Aug
    The Universal House of Justice called for the erection of the remaining three buildings along the Arc at the Bahá'í World Centre—the Centre for the Study of the Sacred Texts, the Seat of the International Teaching Centre and the International Bahá'í Library—as well as an expansion of the International Archives building and the creation of 19 monumental terraces from the foot of Mount Carmel to its crest. [AWH50–4, 90; BBD21; VV96; Message 31 August 1987]

    The Guardian, in a message to the Bahá'ís of the World dated 27 November 1954, written after the expropriation of the plot of land owned by the Covenant-breaker Farahangiz Khanum, (the daughter of Mírzá Asadu’llah Isfahani, sister of Fareed and wife of Sydney Sprague) who had refused to sell for more than thirty years, said that the way was now clear to construct the International Archives Building. He went on to say,:

         The raising of this Edifice will in turn herald the construction, in the course of successive epochs of the Formative Age of the Faith, of several other structures, which will serve as the administrative seats of such divinely appointed institutions as the Guardianship, the Hands of the Cause, and the Universal House of Justice. These Edifices will, in the shape of a far-flung arc, and following a harmonizing style of architecture, surround the resting-places of the Greatest Holy Leaf, ranking as foremost among the members of her sex in the Bahá’í Dispensation, of her Brother, offered up as a ransom by Bahá’u’lláh for the quickening of the world and its unification, and of their Mother, proclaimed by Him to be His chosen “consort in all the worlds of God.” The ultimate completion of this stupendous undertaking will mark the culmination of the development of a world-wide divinely-appointed Administrative Order whose beginnings may be traced as far back as the concluding years of the Heroic Age of the Faith.
         This vast and irresistible process, unexampled in the spiritual history of mankind, and which will synchronize with two no less significant developments—the establishment of the Lesser Peace and the evolution of Bahá’í national and local institutions—the one outside and the other within the Bahá’í world—will attain its final consummation, in the Golden Age of the Faith, through the raising of the standard of the Most Great Peace, and the emergence, in the plenitude of its power and glory, of the focal Center of the agencies constituting the World Order of Bahá’u’lláh. The final establishment of this seat of the future Bahá’í World Commonwealth will signalize at once the proclamation of the sovereignty of the Founder of our Faith and the advent of the Kingdom of the Father repeatedly lauded and promised by Jesus Christ. [Messages to the Bahá'í World p74-75]

    In a message to the Project Manager of the Mount Carmel projects dated 31 May 1987, the Universal House of Justice indicated that "...the institutions mentioned by the beloved Guardian in the passage in which he spoke of the completion of the Arc being contemporaneous with the establishment of the Lesser Peace did not include the Library. And there is no reason in principle why it should not be constructed at a later date." In addition, given the proximity of the International Teaching Centre to the future site of the International Bahá'í Library, if they were to be constructed simultaneously it would further congest an already busy building site and access to the Seat of the Universal House of Justice. [Vineyard of the Lord No 4 July 1994 p8]

    Centre for the Study of the Sacred Texts (Haifa); International Teaching Centre, Seat (Haifa); International Bahá'í Archives; Terraces of the Shrine of the Báb (Haifa); Arc project; - Bahá'í World Centre buildings, monuments and gardens; * Bahá'í World Centre; - Basic timeline, Expanded; Mount Carmel; * Bahá'í World Centre; Arc (World Centre); International Bahá'í Library building (future); International Bahá'í Library
    1987 1 Jul
    The passing of Dr Aziz Navidi (b. 9 September 1913 in Hamadan, Iran) in London. He was buried at the Great Northern Cemetery near the Resting Place of Shoghi Effendi.

    He studied law and started his legal practice in Iran at the age of 24. The National Spiritual Assembly asked him to defend the oppressed Bahá'ís of Sháhrúd, where, on 8 August 1944, three friends had been martyred and 17 Bahá'í homes had been plundered and set on fire. 'Aziz defended them with great eloquence and undaunted courage, braving the vicious opposition of the clergy. Later he was asked to defend the Bahá'ís of Shiraz and still later those in Yazd. His unceasing endeavours won him the praise of the beloved Guardian who later designated him the "Shield of the Cause of God" and predicted that future historians would study his achievements.

    In 1953 he and his wife Shamsi pioneered to Monte Carlo in Monaco to replace Mrs French who had passed away. While at this post he studied international law at the University of Paris-Sorbonne. In 1955 the Guardian appointed him to the Commission that appealed to the United Nations in Geneva and New York about the Iranian attempt to exterminate the Bahá'í community. In 1962 he became involved with the imprisoned Bahá'ís in Algeria and Morocco.

    In 1968 Dr. Navidi became a representative of the Iranian Oil Company for its operations in the Indian Ocean and the family made their new home in Mauritius from where he worked to secure legal recognition of several of the new National Assemblies in the Indian Ocean region as he did with various African states. He fearlessly visited countries hostile to the Bahá'ís with no protection except his faith and his credentials as official lawyer to the Universal House of Justice with special status at the United Nations. His missions took him to Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Chad, the Congo, Gabon, the Gambia, Kenya, Madagascar, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Zaire, and many, many other countries throughout the world. He was successful time and again in persuading democratic governments and dictators alike to alter their laws and constitutions and to officially recognize the Bahá'í Faith. [BW20p866; Navidi, Dr. Aziz (1913-1987): Intrepid Pioneer, Knight of Bahá'u'lláh by Graham Walker; KoB341-344]

    - In Memoriam; Aziz Navidi; Names and titles; London, England; United Kingdom; - Knights of Bahá'u'lláh
    1987 28 Jun
    The Universal House of Justice sent a message regarding the requirements for membership in the Bahá'í Community. [Mess86-01p32] Membership; * Bahá'í World Centre
    1987 30 Apr
    The Universal House of Justice indicated that the way was open to erect the remaining buildings on the arc at the Bahá'í World Centre. [AWH51; Message 30 April 1987] Arc project; Mount Carmel; * Bahá'í World Centre
    1987 22 Apr
    A ceremony was held to sign a 'status agreement' between the Bahá'í International Community and the Government of Israel defining the relationship of the Bahá'í World Centre with the State of Israel. [Message of the Universal House of Justice 30 April 1987]
  • Shimon Peres, Vice-President and Foreign Minister, represented the Government of Israel while Donald Barrett signed the agreement in his capacity as Secretary-General of the Bahá'í International Community. [Message from the Universal House of Justice, 30 April 1887]
  • Status agreement; Bahá'í International Community; Shimon Peres; Donald Barrett; Israel; Haifa, Israel; * Bahá'í World Centre This agreement was the first "International Agreement" signed by the BWC with a sovereign government.
    1987 Ridván
    The National Spiritual Assembly of Zaire was re-formed. [AWH48; BW20p249] National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Congo, Democratic Republic of
    1987 Ridván
    A reorganization of the areas of jurisdiction of local spiritual assemblies in India resulted in the loss of 5,000 assemblies, substantially reducing the overall number of local assemblies in the world. Local Spiritual Assembly; Statistics; India
    1987 Ridván
    The National Convention of Turkey was held for the first time with the official permission of the Turkish government. Conventions, National; First conventions; Recognition (legal); Turkey first National Convention held with official permission of Turkish government
    1987 27 Mar
    A National Spiritual Assembly with its seat in Johannesburg had been in existence continually since 1956. The first Assembly for this region was the National Spiritual Assembly of South and West Africa which included several other countries and territories. The name of the Assembly was changed on this date to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of South Africa. [BW20p548]
  • The states of Bophuthatswana, Ciskei, South Africa, and Transkei were merged to form South Africa.
  • National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Johannesburg, South Africa; South Africa
    1987 24 Mar
    Radio Bahá'í of Liberia (ELRB), the first Bahá'í-owned radio station in Africa, was inaugurated in Paynesville. [BINS164:6; BW19:121; VV77]
  • The initial broadcast was aired in December reached most of Liberia as well as parts of Guinea, Ivory Coast and Sierra Leone with its short wave signal, ELRB soon attracted a diverse and enthusiastic audience with its blend of cultural, service and Bahá'í programming. [BNno685p5]
  • This radio station was destroyed during the civil conflict and has not been re-established.
  • Bahá'í Radio; Bahá'í-owned radio; Firsts, other; Paynesville, Liberia; Liberia first Bahá’í radio station in Africa
    1987 20 Mar
    Dr Peter Khan was elected to the Universal House of Justice. [Mess86-01p18]
  • Dr. Peter Khan, born in Australia, held professorial posts in electrical engineering at universities in the United States and Australia. He served as an Auxiliary Board member, a member of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Australia, and a Continental Counsellor before being appointed to the International Teaching Centre.
  • Universal House of Justice, Election of; Peter Khan; Auxiliary board members; * Bahá'í World Centre
    1987 Mar
    The first Bahá'í Winter School held on San Salvador Island, Bahamas, took place. [BINS164:11] First summer and winter schools; San Salvador Island; Bahamas first Bahá’í Winter School on San Salvador Island
    1987 24 Feb
    The Bahá'í Cultural Centre was opened in the Guaymi area of Panama. Bahá'í Cultural Centres; Panama
    1987 15 Feb
    The passing of Eleanor Hollibaugh (b. 17 February 1897 in Hastings, Nebraska) in Montraux, Switzerland. She was a pioneer to La Paz, Bolivia but when she had to return for reasons of health, she settled in Reno, Nevada. At the end of World War II the European Teaching Committee asked her to join fellow American Dagmar Dole in Copenhagen, Denmark. In 1949 they asked her to move to the Netherlands and in 1958, again at their request, she moved to France where she remained until 1960 when the Committee requested that she go to Switzerland. [BW20p868-871] Find a Grave. - In Memoriam; Eleanor Hollibaugh; Hastings, NE; Nebraska, USA; Montreux, Switzerland; Switzerland; La Paz, Bolivia; Bolivia; Reno, NV; Nevada, USA; Amsterdam, Netherlands; Netherlands; Copenhagen, Denmark; Denmark; France
    1987 6 – 8 Feb
    Maori women held the first National Women's Hui in the tribal area of Ngati Tuwharetoa, New Zealand. [BINS163:8] Maoris; Firsts, other; - Indigenous people; Ngāti Tūwharetoa, New Zealand; New Zealand first National Women’s Hui in Ngati Tuwaretoa, New Zealand
    1987 26 Jan
    Charles Wolcott (b. September 29, 1906 in Flint, MI) member of the Universal House of Justice, passed away in Haifa. [BINS162:1; VV97]
  • Mr Wolcott passed away on the day he dictated the essay in the Forward of the book The Creative Circle: Art, Literature, and Music in Bahá'í Perspective edited by Michael Fitzgerald and published by Kalimat Press in 1989. [The Creative Circle pgx-xx]
  • See a video tribute entitled In Memory of Charles Wolcott, 1906-1987.
  • Wikipedia.
  • Elected in his stead was Dr. Peter Khan. He was born in Australia, held professorial posts in electrical engineering at universities in the United States and Australia. He served as an Auxiliary Board member, a member of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Australia, and a Continental Counsellor before being appointed to the International Teaching Centre. [BWNS208]
  • Charles Wolcott; - In Memoriam; Births and deaths; Peter Khan; Universal House of Justice, Members of; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Auxiliary board members; * Bahá'í World Centre
    1987 16 – 17 Jan
    The first Youth Conference of the Bahamas was held with representation from three islands. [BINS173:9] Conferences, Bahá'í; Conferences, Youth; Youth; - First conferences; Bahamas first Youth Conference of the Bahamas
    1987 Jan
    The first Huqúqu'lláh Conference was held at the World Centre.
  • Photo.
  • Huququllah, Basic timeline; Huqúqu'lláh; Varqá, `Alí-Muhammad; * Bahá'í World Centre
    1987 (In the year)
    The first Pygmy local spiritual assembly in the Central African Republic was formed. [BINS173:1] Local Spiritual Assembly; Central African Republic first Pygmy Local Spiritual Assembly Central African Republic
    1987 (In the year)
    The first conference on the production of Bahá'í literature in Spanish was held in Argentina. - Publishing; * Translation; Firsts, other; Spanish language; Argentina first conference on the production of Bahá’í literature in Spanish
    1987 (In the year)
    The film, Heart of the Lotus, made by Elizabeth Martin, documented the dedication of the House of Worship in New Delhi. [HNWE45] - Documentaries; Elizabeth Martin; Lotus temple, New Delhi; Mashriqu'l-Adhkár, Delhi; Haifa, Israel; * Bahá'í World Centre; New Delhi, India; India
    1987 (In the year)
    The first National Children's Camp in Australia was held in Yerrinbool School with 36 children between 9 and 13 years of age in attendance. [BINS173:10] Yerrinbool Bahá'í School; - Bahá'í inspired schools; Children; Yerrinbool, New South Wales; Australia first National Children’s Camp in Australia
    1987 (In the year)
    The Bayan Hospital, the first Bahá'í hospital in Honduras, opened in Palacios. Palacios, Honduras; Honduras; Bayan Hospital, Honduras first Bahá’í hospital in Honduras
    1987 (In the year)
    Faced with unrelenting religious persecution involving a wide range of human rights violations, the Bahá'í Institute for Higher Education (BIHE) was founded in response to the Iranian government's continuing campaign to deny Iranian Bahá'ís access to higher education.
  • See BIHE Website.
  • BIHE developed several unique features which have become its defining strengths. Courses were delivered at the outset by correspondence, soon complemented by in-person classes and tutoring. Later on, leading-edge communication and education technologies were included. In addition, an affiliated global faculty (AGF) was established that comprised of hundreds of accredited professors from universities outside Iran who assisted BIHE as researchers, teachers and consultants.
  • The BIHE was to evolve such that it could offer 38 university-level programs across 5 faculties and continued to develop and deliver academic programs in Sciences, Engineering, Business and Management, Humanities, and Social Sciences. It provided and continues to provide its students with the necessary knowledge and skills to not only persevere and succeed in their academic and professional pursuits, but to be active agents of change for the betterment of the world.
  • The BIHE's commitment to high academic standards, international collaboration and its innovative teaching-learning environment has been increasingly recognized as graduates excelled in post graduate studies internationally. [See list] These unique strengths of BIHE, together with the top-ranking marks of its students, have helped secure its graduates places at over 87 prestigious universities and colleges in North America, Europe, Australia and Asia (India). [Closed Doors, Chapter IV; BIHE]
  • See the statement The Bahá'í Institute Of Higher Education: A Creative And Peaceful Response To Religious Persecution In Iran presented by the Bahá'í International Community to the 55th Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights under Agenda item 10 of the provisional agenda: "The Right to Education" in Geneva, 22 March - 30 April 1999.
  • See Iran Wire 20 January 2023 for the notice of passing of Dr Parviz Javid, one of the three professors who are credited with founding the Bahá'í Institute for Higher Education.
  • See Iran's Systemic Denial of Access to Higher Education by Saman Sabeti.
  • Bahá'í Institute for Higher Education (BIHE); * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; Human rights; Education; - Persecution; - Persecution, Education; - BIC statements; Iran
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