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2005 28 Dec
In its message to all National Spiritual Assemblies the Universal House of Justice said "we have reached the conclusion that the books of the Ruhi Institute should constitute the main sequence of courses for institutes everywhere..." [28 December 2005] Ruhi Institute; - Institute process; Training Institutes; * Bahá'í World Centre
2005 27 – 31 Dec
The gathering, at the Bahá'í World Centre, the members of the Continental Boards of Counsellors [BWNS418] Counsellors; Conferences, Bahá'í; Conferences, Counsellors; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); * Bahá'í World Centre
2005 15 Dec
The death of Mr. Dhabihu'llah Mahrami, 59, who had been held in a government prison in Yazd under harsh physical conditions at the time of his death.
  • First arrested in 1995, Mr. Mahrami served in the civil service but at the time of his arrest was making a living installing venetian blinds, having been summarily fired from his job like thousands of other Bahá'is in the years following the 1979 Iranian revolution. Although Iranian officials have asserted that Mr. Mahrami was guilty of spying for Israel, court records clearly indicate that he was tried and sentenced solely on charge of being an "apostate," a crime which is punishable by death under traditional Islamic law. While Mr. Mahrami had been a lifelong Baha'i, the apostasy charge apparently came about because a civil service colleague, in an effort to prevent Mr. Mahrami from losing his job, submitted an article to a newspaper stating that he had converted to Islam. When it later became clear to Iranian authorities that Mr. Mahrami remained a member of the Bahá'í community, they arrested him and charged him with apostasy for allegedly converting from Islam to the Bahá'í Faith. On 2 January 1996, he was sentenced to death by the Revolutionary Court, a conviction that was later upheld by the Iranian Supreme Court.
  • The death sentence against Mr. Mahrami stirred an international outcry. The European Parliament, for example, passed a resolution on human rights abuses in Iran, making reference to Mr. Mahrami's case. The governments of Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States also registered objections. [BWNS415]
  • * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution, Court cases; - Persecution, Deaths; - Persecution; Human rights; Court cases; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Yazd, Iran; Iran
    2005 1 Dec
    The president of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Kessai Note, and his wife, Mary Note, paid an official visit to the Bahá'í World Centre. [One Country; BWNS410] Visitation; * Bahá'í World Centre; Marshall Islands
    2005 27 Nov
    The passing of prolific author and founding member of the Association for Bahá'í Studies of North America, Dr. William S. Hatcher, in Stratford, Ontario. (b. 20 September, 1935 in Charlotte, NC).
  • He served on the National Spiritual Assemblies of Switzerland (1962-65), Canada (1983-91) and the Russian Federation (1996).
  • He was an associate professor of mathematics at the University of Toledo for three years before coming to Canada in 1968 with his wife Judith. He served as professor of mathematics at the Université Laval until 1995.
  • He was appointed to the first Board of Trustees of the Huqúqu'lláh for Canada in November of 1991. [CBNJan92 p2; 14 November, 1991]
  • He was the author of vast number of articles and books including, Logic and Logos (1990), Love, Power and Justice (1998), and The Bahá'í Faith, The Emerging Global Religion (co-authored with Douglas Martin). [BWNS416, BW05-06p240-241]
  • The Universal House of Justice wrote in tribute: "The Bahá'í world has lost one of its brightest minds, one of its most prolific pens. He will long be remembered for his stalwart faith, forceful exposition, and penetrating insights."
  • The family of Dr. Hatcher built an on-line repository of his collected works. Contributions of recordings of his talks or other works by William Hatcher can be submitted for consideration for the site by using the contact form.
  • William Hatcher; - In Memoriam; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Stratford, ON; Canada
    2005 1 Nov
    The celebration of the opening of the new Bahá'í Centre at 44 Albany Street in Edinburgh, Scotland. [BWNS347, BWNS395]
  • The weekend's events coincided with the 92nd anniversary of the visit in 1913 by 'Abdu'l-Bahá.
  • Haziratul-Quds (Bahá'í centres); Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Edinburgh, Scotland; Scotland; United Kingdom
    2005 Nov
    Dr. John Grayzei was appointed to the Bahá'í Chair for Peace at the University of Maryland in the United States. He succeeded Suheil Bushrui who held the position since its inauguration in 1992. [BWNS404] John Grayzei; Suheil Bushrui; Bahá'í Chair for World Peace; University of Maryland; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Maryland, USA; United States (USA)
    2005 29 Oct
    Letter from the Iranian military headquarters to various Revolutionary Guard and police forces and security agencies instructing them to identify and monitor Bahá'ís around the country. [BWNS473]
  • A copy of the letter can be obtained from the BIC website.
  • This document was authored by Major General Seyyed Hassan Firuzabadi in his capacity as Chief of the Headquarters of the Armed Forces of Iran. His letter was addressed to a range of military and security agencies, including the Commander of the Revolutionary Guard, the Commander of Basij militia, the Commander of Law Enforcement and the Commander of the Armed Forces inter alia. The letter instructed these agencies to 'acquire a comprehensive and complete report of all the activities of these sects (including political, economic, social and cultural) for the purpose of identifying all the individuals of these misguided sects. Therefore, we request that you convey to relevant authorities to, in a highly confidential manner, collect any and all information about the above mentioned activities of these individuals and report it to this Headquarters.' This extended to children and students, and individual children and young people are identified by their religious beliefs and targeted for ideological harassment, exclusion from education, abuse and even physical assault on some occasions. [See: Faith and a Future]
  • * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution, Human rights; - Persecution, Education; - Persecution, Education; - Persecution; Human rights; Faith and a Future (CSW); Iran
    2005 15 Oct
    The Constitution of Iraq was approved by referendum to replace the Law of Administration for the State of Iraq for the Transitional Period (TAL), previously adopted by a Governing Council appointed by the Coalition Provisional Authority after the Iraq War. The Constitution guaranteed the Islamic identity of the majority of the Iraqi people and guaranteed the full religious rights of all individuals to freedom of religious belief and practice such as Christians, Yazedis, and Mandi Sabeans. It made no mention of the Bahá'ís as an acknowledged religious minority.
    The Law No.105 of 1970 which prohibited all Bahá'í activities was not rescinded therefore it entered into force despite its being unconstitutional under the new constitution. Also problematic for the Bahá'í community was Regulation 358 of 1975 by the Department of Civil Status that prohibited the issuance of new identity cards to followers of the Bahá'í faith and altered their civil status so that they were registered as Muslims. [Al-Monitor 11 December, 2018; Washington Post 12 October, 2005] .
    Persecution, Iraq; Iraq
    2005 01 Oct
    The Search for Values in the Age of Transition was written on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the UN and contained recommendations for UN reform in the areas of development, human rights and the rule of law, democracy, and collective security.
  • Freedom to Believe: Upholding the Standard of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, written about the same time, called on the United Nations to affirm unequivocally the right of an individual's to change his or her religion under international law.
  • United Nations; Bahá'í International Community; - BIC statements; New York, USA; United States (USA)
    2005 14 -16 Sep
    The 2005 World Summit was a follow-up summit meeting to the United Nations' 2000 Millennium Summit, which led to the Millennium Declaration of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Representatives (including many leaders) of the then 191 (later 193) member states met in New York City for what the United Nations described as "a once-in-a-generation opportunity to take bold decisions in the areas of development, security, human rights and reform of the United Nations." [THE 2005 WORLD SUMMIT: AN OVERVIEW]
  • 2005 World Summit Outcome
  • Millennium Development Goals
    1. To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
    2. To achieve universal primary education
    3. To promote gender equality and empower women
    4. To reduce child mortality
    5. To improve maternal health
    6. To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases
    7. To ensure environmental sustainability
    8. To develop a global partnership for development
  • United Nations Millennium Forum and Summit; United Nations; United Nations Summits; United Nations conferences; - Conferences; Millennium; Bahá'í International Community; Peace; World peace; Security; Disarmament; Wealth and poverty; Social and economic development; Human rights; Sustainable development; Environment; Globalization; Justice; Diversity; Prosperity; Equality; Solidarity; Tolerance; Nature; Collaboration and cooperation; Interfaith dialogue; New York, USA; United States (USA)
    2005 6 Sep
    The passing of former Universal House of Justice member David S. Ruhe (b. 3 January, 1913) near Newburg, New York. He served on the Universal House of Justice from 1968 to 1993. [BWNS388]
  • Dr Ruhe will be remembered for his contributions to medicine as well his Bahá'í service. [BW05-06p237-238]
  • Among his Bahá'í publications were:
    • Door of Hope (1983)
    • Robe of LIght (1994)
  • David Ruhe; Universal House of Justice, Members of; - In Memoriam; Births and deaths; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Newburg, NY; New York, USA; United States (USA)
    2005 23 Jul
    The purchase of a new Bahá'í Centre in Scotland at 44 Albany Street, Edinburgh EH1 3QR. [UK Bahá'í website] Haziratul-Quds (Bahá'í centres); Edinburgh, Scotland; Scotland; United Kingdom
    2005 Jul
    The publication of Impact of Growth on Administration Processes by the International Teaching Centre on behalf of the Universal House of Justice.
  • The PDF for Learning to Respond to Emerging New Realities: Messages from the Universal House of Justice can be found here. The document Impact of Growth on Administration Processes is part of that document.
  • See also TP397.
  • - Institute process; Growth; * Administration; Clusters; Training Institutes; * Publications; Local Spiritual Assemblies; National Spiritual Assemblies; * Bahá'í World Centre
    2005 21 Apr
    The election of Dr. Payman Mohajer and Mr. Paul Lample to the vacancies on the Universal House of Justice. They filled the vacancies created by the departure at Naw-Ruz of Mr. Ian Semple and Mr. Douglas Martin, owing to age and the related needs of the Faith. Re-elected were: Firaydoun Javaheri, Hartmut Grossmann, Kiser Barnes, Farzam Arbab, Hooper Dunbar, Peter Khan, and Glenford Mitchell. [BWNS358] Payman Mohajer; Paul Lample; Ian Semple; Douglas Martin; Universal House of Justice, Members of; Universal House of Justice, Election of; Elections; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); * Bahá'í World Centre
    2005 Ridván
    "... the time is propitious to bring into being an International Board of Trustees of Huqúqu'lláh to guide and supervise the work of Regional and National Boards of Trustees of Huqúqu'lláh throughout the world. It will operate in close collaboration with the Chief Trustee, the Hand of the Cause of God Dr. 'Alí-Muhammad Varqá, and will be able to benefit from his knowledge and counsel in carrying out its duties. The three members now appointed to the International Board of Trustees are Sally Foo, Ramin Khadem, and Grant Kvalheim." [Message from the Universal House of Justice, Ridván 2005] Huququllah, Basic timeline; Huququllah, Trustees of; Varqá, `Alí-Muhammad; Varqa; * Bahá'í World Centre; Haifa, Israel
    2005 20 Apr
    The launch of the new official website, titled The Bahá'ís to replace the previous site, "The Bahá'í World," at the same address. The site is also a portal to the family of official web sites of the Bahá'í International Community.
  • The content of "The Bahá'í World" continued to be available as Bahá'í Topics: An Information Resource (archived, now redirects to [BWNS368]
  •; Websites; Internet; * Publications; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Bahá'í International Community; - BIC statements; * Bahá'í World Centre
    2005 28 Feb - 11 Mar
    As Chair of the NGO Commission on the Status of Women, Ms Bani Dugal facilitated and organized the participation of over 2,700 civil society representatives from nearly 600 NGOs. The Bahá'í International Community sponsored the 49th NGO consultation for the Commission on the Status of Women at Barnard College, New York. [UN Women 49th session] Bahá'í International Community; United Nations; Commission on the Status of Women (CSW); Bani Dugal; New York, USA; United States (USA)
    2005 21 Mar
    The announcement of the retirement of Mr. Ian Semple and Mr. Douglas Martin from the Universal House of Justice. Mr. Semple served since 1963 and Mr. Martin was elected in 1993. [BWNS359]
  • Mr. Ian Semple, born in England, held a Master of Arts degree in the German and French languages and literature from Oxford University. A chartered accountant, he served on the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the British Isles. He was an Auxiliary Board member in Europe and was elected to the International Bahá'í Council in 1961. He was first elected to the Universal House of Justice in 1963.
  • Mr. Douglas Martin, born in Canada, held degrees in business administration and in history, and was an author and editor. He was a member of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Canada, serving as its chief executive officer from 1965 to 1985 when he was appointed Director-General of the Office of Public Information at the Bahá'í World Centre. He was elected to the Universal House of Justice in 1993. [BWNS208]
  • Ian Semple; Douglas Martin; Retirements; Universal House of Justice, Members of; Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS); Auxiliary board members; * Bahá'í World Centre
    2005 30 Jan
    The National Spiritual Assembly of the United States wrote regarding its "decision to cease to distribute books and other items handled by Kalimát light of the pattern and motives of Kalimát Press in promoting books...harmful to the interests of the Bahá'í Faith." [Kalimat Press and Distribution by Bahá'í Agencies] - Publishers; Kalimat Press; * Bahá'í World Centre
    2005 Jan
    Doris Katzenstein, originally from Germany, pioneered to Lithuania, first to Kalaipeda and finally settling in Palanga where she taught German and English at the Palanga University of the Third Age. [Website]

    She first encountered the Faith on board a ship from fellow passengers, Martin and Gerda Aiff and their children, who where on their way to Windhoek. She retuned to Germany after three years and accepted the Faith in about April of 1963 and after the opening of the Frankfurt Temple in the summer of 1964 she returned to Windhoek, eventually settling in Elizabeth Bay where she served by teaching children's classes. After four years he returned to Germany and locate in Ulm. While preparing to return to Windhoek she received the news of her appointment as an Auxiliary Board Member.

    In 1971 she pioneered to Manaia, Romania where she worked as a tourist guide for 4 1/2 seasons. She did international travel teaching in Korea, Thailand, Rangoon, where she visited Daidanaw, known as Àbdu'l-Bahá's Village. [information from "Thursday Night@7PM" 7 December 2023]

    Pioneering; Kalaipeda, Lithuania; Palanga, Lithuania; Manaia, Romania; Romania; Daidanaw, Myanmar; Yangon, Myanmar
    2005 (In the year)
    The official campaign to malign the name of the Faith in Iran through the mass media, newspaper articles and web sites, through radio and television programs and through films, as per the provision implemented in 1991, escalated in 2005. [Open Letter dated 4 March, 2009] * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; Iran
    2005 (In the year)
    In Brazil, eleven leaders of thought were invited to study and comment on the initial concept paper developed by the Institute (Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity). These comments were gathered in a book which was published and disseminated around the country and used to stimulate discussions in seminars with small groups of participants. [One Country Issue 3, Vol 17, Story 8]
  • The book, edited by Iradj Roberto Eghrari, can be downloaded at Ciência, Religião e Desenvolvimento: Perspectivas para o Brasil (Science Religion and Development: Perspectives for Brazil)
  • Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity (ISGP); Brazil
    2005 (In the year)
    The publication of One Common Faith by the Universal House of Justice.
  • "The statement 'One Common Faith', prepared under the supervision of the Universal House of Justice, addresses the following fundamental question of the modern world: On one hand the facts of history show clearly that revealed (prophetic) religion has been the primary driving force of the rise of human civilization. On the other hand, the current forms of the respective communities derived from these same religions have now become one of the most divisive and destructive forces of the twenty-first century. How could such a thing have occurred?" [Précis Commentary on 'One Common Faith' by William S. Hatcher]
  • Unlike the pamphlet written by George Townshend to all Christians under the title "The Old Churches and the New World Faith" in 1949 or the letter to the clergy in 2002, this statement is for "the thoughtful study of the friends". [One Common Faith p.iii-iv]
  • One Common Faith (commentary); Interfaith dialogue; * Universal House of Justice, Letters and messages; Unity of religion; * Bahá'í World Centre
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