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1896 (In the year)
`Abdu'l-Bahá was forced to withdraw from `Akká to Tiberias owing to the accusations levelled against Him by Mírzá Muhammad-`Alí. [SBBH1:77] Mírzá Muhammad Ali; Covenant-breaking; * `Abdu'l-Bahá (chronology); Tiberias, Israel; Akka, Israel
1896 Nov
Mírzá Muhammad-`Alí sent letters with misleading statements and calumnies against `Abdu'l-Bahá, thus making widely known his Covenant-breaking activities. `Abdu'l-Bahá could no longer conceal his unfaithfulness. [CB151, 178 SDH128-129; MBBA77] Mírzá Muhammad Ali; Covenant-breaking; * `Abdu'l-Bahá (chronology); Akka, Israel
1896 c. Oct
`Abdu'l-Bahá rented the former Governorate of `Abdu'lláh Páshá in the northwest corner of the city of `Akká at the inner moat. [BBD13, 108; DH60]
  • He established it as His residence and as the home for His daughters, their husbands and families. [DH60-4, BW16:104]
  • See also BW16:104–6, DH60–4.
  • `Abdu'lláh Páshá; House of `Abdu'lláh Páshá (Akká); * `Abdu'l-Bahá (chronology); `Abdu'l-Bahá, Family of; Akka, Israel
    1896 24 Jul
    Four Bahá'ís were executed in Turbat-i-Haydarí on the order of the mujtahid. [BW18:384; BBR405]
  • BBRXXIX says the four Bahá'ís were martyred in August.
  • These four together with Hájí Muhammad Sádiq are known as the Shuhadáy-i-Khamsih (Five Martyrs). [GPB296]
  • Their martyrdom was the result of the assassination of the Sháh, for which the Bahá'ís were erroneously blamed. [GPB296]
  • For Western accounts of the episode see BBR405–6.
  • Hájí Muhammad Sadiq; * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution, Deaths; - Persecution; Assassinations; Nasirid-Din Sháh; Turbat-i-Haydari, Iran; Iran
    1896 21 Jul
    Hájí Muhammad Sádiq was stabbed to death in Turbat-i-Haydarí. [BW18:384] Hájí Muhammad Sadiq; * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution, Deaths; - Persecution; Turbat-i-Haydari, Iran; Iran
    1896 Jun - Jul
    Several Bahá'ís were beaten and four were imprisoned in Turbat-i-Haydarí when two mujtahids stirred up the townspeople against them. [BW18:384] * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution, Arrests; - Persecution; Turbat-i-Haydari, Iran; Iran
    1896 13 May
    Birth of Dr Ugo Giachery, Hand of the Cause of God, in Palermo, Sicily. [Wikipedia] Ugo Giachery; * Hands of the Cause; Hands of the Cause, Births and deaths; Births and deaths; Palermo, Italy; Sicily, Italy
    1896 1 May
    The martyrdom of Hand of the Cause of God Varqa ('Dove'), Mírzá 'Ali-Muhammad. (b.1856 in Yazd, d. in Tehran) He and his young son, Ruhu'lláh, were killed by, Hajib'ud-Dawleh, one of the Qajar courtiers, in fact, the Chief Steward, in the aftermath of the assassination of Nasir'd-Din Shah. Varqá was slashed to death before the eyes of his twelve-year-old son who, still refusing to recant, was strangled. [GPB296; BBRXXIX; SUR77; BW18p384; Bahá'í Encyclopedia Project]
  • For the story of their lives see MRHK405–22 and World Order: Winter 1974-1975, Vol. 9 No.2 p29-44 as well as LoF42-49.
  • For a Western account of the episode see BBR361–2.
  • 'Abdu'l-Bahá named him posthumously as a Hand of the Cause and Shoghi Effendi designated him as one of the Apostles of Bahá-u-lláh. [EB75-97 LoF42-49, BBR361-362, SoBSNBp225-229]
  • See Varqá and Son: The Heavenly Doves by Darius Shahrokh.
  • See also Bahá'í Chronicles.
  • See SoW Vol 12 No 4 (17 May 1921 (Volume 7 pg93) for a photo of Varqá, Ruhu'lláh and their two companions.
  • Varqa; Varqá, Mírzá `Alí-Muhammad; Varqa, Ruhullah; - In Memoriam; - Apostles of Bahá'u'lláh; * Hands of the Cause; Hands of the Cause, referred to as such by `Abdu'l-Bahá; Hands of the Cause, Appointments; Hands of the Cause, Births and deaths; Births and deaths; Hands of the Cause, Activities; * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution, Deaths; - Persecution; Yazd, Iran; Tehran, Iran; Iran
    1896 1 May
    Muzaffari'd-Dín became the shah of Persia. He was the son of Násiri'd-Dín Sháh. He had been sent as governor to the province of Azerbaijan in 1861 and, as the crown prince, had spent 35 years in the pursuit of pleasure. When he ascended to the throne he was unprepared for the office. In addition, the country had huge debts to both Britain and Russia.
  • It was now the turn of the "Turks", called such because Turkish was the language of Ádhirbáyján. The new shah's relatives and friends were awarded ministries and other positions while only a few of the incumbents retained their positions. [SUR78]
  • He inherited a country marked by social unrest and discontent, and an ailing economy burdened with foreign loans. Unlike his father, Muzaffar al-Din Shah suffered from ill health, and had a weaker character yet a kinder heart. The circumstances in which Iran found itself under his rule were also different from those of his father's time. Foreign involvement and influence were growing considerably, as were social and political discontent, along with demands for reform. The appointment in August 1897 of the reform-minded Mirza 'Ali Khan Amin al-Daulih as the new prime minister was, partly at least, an attempt to meet some of these demands. [ The Forgotten Schools; The Bahá'ís and Modern Education in Iran, 1899–1934p51]
  • Muzaffarid-Dín Sháh; - Shahs; - Throne changes; History (general); Iran, General history; Iran
    1896 (In the year)
    ʻIshqábád was one of the first places (possibly the first) in which 'Abdu'l-Bahá gave instructions for the setting up of an elected Bahá'í assembly. This was done in 1313 A.H. (1895-6) and was called at first the Spiritual Board of Counsel (Mahfil-i Shawra Rawhani) and later the Spiritual Assembly (Mahfil-i Rawhani). THE BAHA'I COMMUNITY OF ASHKHABAD; ITS SOCIAL BASIS AND IMPORTANCE IN BAHA'I HISTORY by Moojan Momen pg287; Note 11] Local Spiritual Assembly, formation; Ashgabat; Turkmenistan first local assembly
    1896 19 Apr
    Násiri'd-Dín Sháh was assassinated on the eve of the celebration of his jubilee. He had ascended to the throne in 1848 and by the Islamic lunar calendar it marked the 50th year of his reign. [BKG455]
  • BBRXXIX and BBRSM219 say it was 1 May.
  • His assassin, Mírzá Ridá-yi-Kirmáni, a Pan-Islamic terrorist, was a follower of Jamálu'd-Dín-i-Afghání, one of the originators of the Constitutional movement in Iran and an enemy of the Faith however some newspaper accounts held that the assassin was a Bábí. [BBRSM87; GBP296; MCS540]
  • For an account of his assassination see PDC67–8.
  • See BKG430–55 for a history of his reign.
  • He was succeeded by his son Muzaffari'd-Dín. [GPB296]
  • See also CBM54-56.
  • See AY214-216. iiiii
  • Nasirid-Din Sháh; - Shahs; - Throne changes; Qajar dynasty; History (general); Iran, General history; Births and deaths; Jamalud-Din-i-Afghani; Assassinations; Rayy, Iran; Iran
    1896 15 Feb
    Birth of Leroy C. Ioas, Hand of the Cause of God, in Wilmington, Illinois. His parents, Charles and Maria had become Bahá'ís in 1898 taught by Paul Dealy who was teaching Kheiralla's classes in Chicago. [Wikipedia; The Bahá'í Faith: Beginning in North America by Robert Stockman, World Order Vol 18 Issue 4 p24] Leroy Ioas; * Hands of the Cause; Hands of the Cause, Births and deaths; Births and deaths; Wilmington, IL; Illinois, USA
    1896 (In the year)
    Mullá Hasan Khazá'í was arrested in Khúzistán. [BW18:384] * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution, Arrests; - Persecution; Khuzistan, Iran; Iran
    1896 (In the year)
    Áqá Siyyid Mihdíy-i-Yazdí was martyred in Tabríz. [BW18:384] * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution, Deaths; - Persecution; Tabríz, Iran; Iran
    1896 (In the year)
    Bahá'ís in Hisár, Khurásán were persecuted and imprisoned. [BW18:384] * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution, Arrests; - Persecution; Hisar, Iran; Khurásán, Iran; Iran
    1896 (In the year)
    Díyá'íyyih Khánum, the eldest daughter of `Abdu'l-Bahá, married Mírzá Hádí Afnán of Shíráz. [BW4:234 (GENEALOGY); DH59–60]
  • These are the parents of Shoghi Effendi.
  • For a picture of Díyá'íyyih Khánum see MA105.
  • Diyaiyyih Khanum; Mírzá Hadi Afnan; Afnan; `Abdu'l-Bahá, Family of; * `Abdu'l-Bahá (chronology); Shoghi Effendi, Family of; Akka, Israel
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